Aloe Vera & Oral Health: A Home Remedy for Tooth Infection

If you’ve ever spent a summer in Arizona, you’re probably familiar with the painful sting of a sunburn. And nothing is as soothing to sunburned skin as aloe vera. But aloe vera can also benefit your oral health and be a good home remedy for tooth infection. 

Mouth-Healthy Recipe:
Banana-Berry Ice Cream

Cool off with this refreshing banana-berry ice cream—a light alternative to traditional ice cream and one that is better for your smile! It’s naturally sweet and packs a mouthful of flavor with just four simple ingredients: frozen bananas, berries, milk and vanilla extract.

Why Do Gums Bleed When Flossing?

If your gums bleed when you floss, don't panic. It's not uncommon to notice a little blood when brushing or flossing. However, it could be a warning sign for a potential dental problem. Here are 7 reasons your gums bleed when you floss and preventive measures to help.

Essential Oils: Healing or Hazardous?

Essential oils, used for centuries as a natural medicine, have regained popularity in recent years. These fragrant, highly concentrated oils are extracted from plants. There are at least 3,000 types of essential oils. Discover the oral health benefits and potential side effects of these natural oils.

Take The Test: How White Can Your Teeth Get?

Ever considered teeth whitening? Some people are good candidates for teeth whitening, while others might not be. There are a variety of factors that can affect how bright your pearly whites can get and how long they maintain their sparkle.

Dentist Spotlight: Dr. Brock Boudreaux

Dr. Brock Boudreaux is a general dentist at Rincon Family Dentistry in Tucson. Dr. Boudreaux is originally from Utah, so he's still settling in to the Arizona heat. Find out why he decided to become a dentist and what he enjoys most about being part of the Delta Dental network.
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