WGC Member News
Mark Your Calendars for A Whole Day for Whole Grain
It's time to plan how you're going join the whole grain conversation and highlight your products on March 30th's Whole Day for Whole Grain. Check out our graphics, social media ideas, and tips for participating both online and off. We've got lots of ideas for manufacturers who want to leverage this day to spotlight their products—you can offer a discount or coupon, run a giveaway, introduce a new product, or even plan a special event! Let us know if you'd like to brainstorm.
Add Your Products to our Whole Day for Whole Grain Shopping List!
Sign up now to make sure your products are featured on our Whole Day for Whole Grain Shopping List, which we'll be promoting with our consumer audience in March. This easy, grocery and online-retail guide will help consumers find delicious, new-to-them products made by our members and reviewed for Stamp use by our team. This is a great opportunity to drive traffic to your brand. Submit up to three different whole grain products you'd like us to promote. The deadline for submissions is Monday, February 28.
Upcoming Ancient Grains Webinar on February 17 at 2pm ET
Join us for a webinar titled "Shaking Up the Breadbasket: The Dietitian's Guide to Increasing Biodiversity with Ancient Grains." This session will touch on sustainability, consumer trends, and new applications for ancient grains.

Thanks to our friends at the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance for sponsoring this session!
Check Out Meatless Monday's Latest Campaign
Our friends over at Meatless Monday are hosting a new 12-week challenge, offering consumers a flexible, easy way to shift toward more plant-based meals. Packed with fiber, protein, and healthy fats, whole grains are an essential part of healthy plant-based eating, making this challenge a natural fit for whole grain junkies like us. We encourage you to check out their campaign!
Social Media Resource of the Month
It's not too early to start promoting a Whole Day for Whole Grain to your audience!

We invite you to share this gif on social media to help build excitement as March 30th approaches. When you do, tag @wholegrains_council, and we'll engage with your post!
Discover Vermont Like Never Before!
Meet grain growers, cheese producers, and world class brewers during this dream foodie getaway!
Stay in touch!