How are you doing?
This has been a time of so much loss, fear, and change. We have all felt the ground shift beneath us and that has left us overwhelmed, exhausted, and anxious.
And--we know that through God's love and grace we have it in us to heal and serve this world; we have it in us to find healing and wholeness for our souls.
One of the best ways to find grounding is to develop deeper ties in community and to grow in faith. Small groups do exactly that. We hope you'll read about the groups below and consider joining. Everyone is welcome.
Some small groups are ongoing, but several are starting this fall. Most groups will meet weekly for 4-6 sessions, either in person or online.
Anne Marie
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Understanding Bias with Caroline Williamson & Caroline Johnson
What are common biases and how do they influence the way we see each other and the world around us? We will explore 13 common biases using the podcast “Learning How to See” as the basis for our discussion. The podcast was created by Brian McLaren, a former pastor who is now part of the core faculty at Richard’s Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation. We will use each episode of the six-part podcast as a basis for the week’s discussion, so participants should plan to listen to the week’s episode in advance of our meeting. Introductory Session on Wednesday, October 5th at 5pm. The group begins October 17th and continues on Mondays at 5pm on Zoom - sign up here
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Sacred Ground with Lucas Thorpe
Sacred Ground is a film-and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. This Small Group (limited to 12 participants) will walk together through chapters of America’s history of race and racism while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The 11-part series centers around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings focusing on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, ministries, and society. Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day – all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love. More information about Sacred Ground can be found here. Begins October 17 and continues bi-weekly on Mondays from 6-8pm on Zoom - sign up here
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Seniors in New York in the Wake of Covid with Gail Zimmermann
This group is a resource for Seniors. Covid has the changed our lives just as it has touched all age groups. When we meet each week on Tuesday afternoons we will discuss how we are dealing with this change in the way we live. We will share how to get the most out of life and stay safe. Each week we will have a starting topic and let the conversation go where it needs to go. In past sessions we have discovered the joy of community. Join us for that joy. Begins October 4th and continues Tuesdays at 4pm on Zoom - sign up here
Biography of the Bible with Mary Laurie Cece
We will be using a guide written by Anne Johnson Cody that offers information helpful for reading the Bible intelligently and devotionally. Anne Cody was a college English professor who taught the Bible as literature and the history of the Bible. Her study guide presents factual information, guided searching and open questions. This will be the approach we take in our small group. Begins October 5th and continues on Wednesdays at 7pm on Zoom - sign up here.
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God & The Good Life with the Rev. Anne Marie Witchger
This summer, we launched a pilot program modeled on the work of Dr. Meghan Sullivan and Dr. Paul Blaschko from the popular undergrad course at Notre Dame, God and the Good Life and their recent book, The Good Life Method. We're offering a new version of the program this fall where we'll engage some of life's biggest questions--What do we believe? What is our responsibility to others? How can we live lives of purpose? What happens when we die? We'll use our own stories and experiences as well as the tools of philosophy and Christian tradition to explore these questions and others. By the end of our time together we hope to have a clearer picture of what we believe, what we want from life--and why it all matters. Beginning October 11th and continuing on Tuesdays at 5pm on Zoom - sign up here.
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*In Person* Mom’s Group with Jane Daines
Join Heavenly Rest moms for in person connection, fellowship, and fun—after bedtime. We’ll gather once a month for different ways to connect. Come when you can and feel free to bring friends! Thanks to Jane Daines for hosting. Email the Rev. Anne Marie Witchger for more information.
- Tuesday, October 11 - Movie Night
- Monday, November 7th - Prayer and Share Night
Monday, December 12th - Holiday Cookie Swap
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“With Sighs Too Deep for Words”: Faith, Stories, & Mental Illness with Elizabeth Boe
Christians are people of story. Each of our individual stories are part of God’s wider story of unconditional love. And yet, those who live with mental illness often struggle to see the value and worth of their lived experience and can feel completely disconnected from the unconditional love of the One in whose image they are created. In this group, we will explore stories of faith and mental illness, reflecting on published accounts of Episcopalians who live with mental illness. Through our conversations, we will focus on affirming the worth of our stories and sharing how God can show up in the midst of heartache, pain, and isolation to help us see the grace and love inherent in our stories.
*This group is designed for those who experience mental health conditions. Begins October 6th and continues on Thursdays at 7:30pm on zoom -sign up here.
Discerning Sobriety: Exploring Your Relationship with Alcohol with Caitlin Thomas
Drawing upon wisdom from Erin Jean Warde’s “Discerning Sobriety” course, this group will enable participants to explore questions such as, “How do I want to be in a relationship with alcohol?” in a supportive and friendly environment. This group is open to anyone interested in intentionally discerning their relationship to alcohol. Whether you identify as sober, in recovery, alcohol free, “sober curious”, interested in moderation, or generally curious about the role of alcohol in your life - there is space for you in our community. We will get to know one another through listening, sharing (as you feel comfortable), and exploring supportive texts together. While Christian imagery and themes will be present, you do not need to identify as a Christian to join the group; people of all faiths and beliefs are welcome! Begins October 6th and continues on Thursdays at 8:30pm on Zoom - sign up here.
*In person* Wrapped in Prayer Knitting Group with Rebecca Barreras and Diane Pollard
During the pandemic, a small group has been meeting virtually on Mondays to knit/crochet together while encouraging one another. We are excited to announce the in person expansion of this ministry. Please join us downstairs in the undercroft after the 11am service. Whether you are a seasoned handcrafter or a complete beginner, please come to be supported as you create. Interested? Reach out to the Rev. Anne Marie Witchger for more information about the in person or the online gatherings. We look forward to seeing you! Sundays at 12:30pm in person and/or Mondays at 6pm online.
*In person* Reflecting on Home with Bo Niles
In this journaling + reflection workshop, we'll explore the theme of HOME -- as place, as body (heart + soul), as connection, and as community, especially within Heavenly Rest. Sundays at 12:30pm for 4 sessions (October 16, 23, and November 6, 13). Please email the Rev. Anne Marie Witchger if you’re interested.
Life-Changing Encounters with Jesus, with the Rev. Meredith Hawkins
We will explore the dramatic encounters with Jesus that had monumental effects on the life journey of four remarkable people. The narratives will be supported by artistic renditions, and should stimulate sharing of similar stories in our own lives, as well as discussion of how we might allow ourselves to be open to unexpected leadings. Begins October 9th and continues Sundays at 4pm on Zoom - sign up here
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