MAY 2019
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued a Kansas City employer for violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by retaliating against a black employee who supported a co-worker's claim of race discrimination. According to the EEOC's lawsuit, management first attempted to dissuade the employee from testifying in support of his coworker. What happened when those efforts failed?

This lawsuit serves as a good reminder that the anti-retaliation provisions of federal and state law not only protect the employee who complained about unlawful discrimination, but also those employees who participate in or provide testimony in support of the complaining employee.
We’re happy to introduce the Employment Law LOWDOWN! This is the first in a series of useful takeaways that you can use for meetings, training sessions, handbooks, bulletin boards, and more. We will offer checklists, training guides, mini posters, paycheck stuffers, and other shareables on trending workplace issues that will be useful for both employees and companies.

If you have any questions or would like guidance or training regarding discrimination or retaliation issues, or other general employment law matters, contact our Employment Law Practice Group:
phone // 941.366.8100
fax // 941.366.6384