As Bill Sees It
Resentments is the Number One offender. It destroys more alcoholics that anything else.
Page 39
Fellowship on the River
2020 36th Annual
Tri State Roundup

International Convention
July 2-5,2020 Detroit, Michigan

The 2020 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held July 2-5,2020 in Detroit, Michigan, Registration is open on-line! Currently until April14, 2020 registration is $115 after April 15, 2020 registration will go to $140 USD per attendee.
"Love and Tolerance is our Code." This celebrate A.A.'s 85th year at this event . Click Here

30th Annual-River Roundup

The River Roundup is the main support for Central Office in Bullhead City. Our office helps Bullhead City, Fort Mohave, Lake Havasu City, Parker, Needles, Kingman and Laughlin.

Yes the 30th River Roundup 2020 just ended! If any one is looking for a great experience and a wonderful opportunity to do service work from the newcomer to the old timer. March 15, 2020 will be the first meeting to elect the new Chairs and Co-Chairs. This will be the first of many meetings to start the work for the 2021 River Roundup. If you are interested please join us March 15, 2020 @ 2:30 PM at the Central Office.

Step Two

Thinking about "On The Second Step" from the Book - Real AAs, Real Recovery "Step By Step"

"Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."

No alcoholic, soberly analyzing his destructive behavior, whether the destruction fell on the dining-room furniture or on his own moral fiber, can claim 'soundness of mind' for himself.

What am I to be restored to: sound, reasonable, rational thinking.
AAs writing about the Step Two in the pages of Grapevine have mentioned similar revelations---of how insane they were while drinking and of being restored to sanity through the working of the remaining Steps of the program.

Still other focus on the first part of the Step-about coming to grips with the idea of a'a Power greater than ourselves'.

It is not a requirement of membership that we believe anything, the "Twelve and Twelve" assures us. Steps the words "All you really need is a truly open mind." And members can make AA itself their Higher Power, the book goes on to suggest.

The Second Step is often referred to as the first spiritual Step; but is it or the sub-sequent Steps any more spiritual than Step One?

The Second Step contains the crux of the AA method of getting well: it shows us how to expel that little streak of insanity which caused so many relapses in debauchery long after the normal drinker would have shrunk from another drink. The twisted kind of thinking is eliminated by faith in a Power greater than ourselves.

A.A. Group Inventory
The A.A. Group Pamphlet P-16

Many groups periodically hald a "group inventory meeting" to evaluate how well they are fulfilling their primary purpose: to help alcoholics recover through A.A.'s suggested Twelve Steps of recovery. Some groups take inventory by examining our Twelve Traditions, one at a time, to determine how well they are living up to these principles. When is the last your group did an inventory?

The following questions, compiled from A.A. shared experience, may be useful in arriving at the informed group conscience. Groups will probably wish to add questions of thier own.

  1. What is the basic purpose of our group?
  2. What more can our group do to carry the message?
  3. Is our group attracting alcoholics from different backgrounds? Are we seeing a good cross section of our community, including those with special needs?
  4. Do new members stick with us, or does the turnover seem excessive? If so, why? What can we as a group do to retain members?
  5. Do we emphasize the importance of sponsorship? How effectively? How can we do it better?
  6. Are we careful to preserve the anonymity of our group members and other A.A.s outside the meeting rooms?
  7. Does our group emphasizes to all members, the value of keeping up with the kitchen, set-up, clean-up and other housekeeping chores that are essential for our Twelfth Step effforts?
  8. Are all members given the opportunity to speak at meeting and to participate in other group activities?
  9. Mindful that holding office is a great responsibility not to be viewed as the outcome of popularity contest, are we choosing our officers with care?
  10. Are we doing all we can to provide an attractive and accessible meeting place.
  11. Does our group do its fair share towards participating in the purpose of A.A. - as it relates to our Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service?
  12. What has our group done lately to bring the A.A. message to the attention of professionals in the community-the physicians, clergy, court official, educator's, and others who are often the first to see alcoholics in need of help?
  13. Is our group fulfilling its responsibility to the Seventh Traditions?

The River Cities Central Office

There are lots of fundraisers to promote fellowship and money to run our Central Office. Did you know that the office answers all the phone calls and provides information to meetings and 12 step calls? The office sells books, pamphlets and chips? It takes more than an office manager to run this function successfully. Which brings the next question, does your group have and intergroup rep? This role brings information back to the groups about happening in the area of Alcoholics Anonymous (Bullhead, Fort Mohave, Mohave Valley, Needles, Parker, Lake Havusu, Kingman and Laughlin.) The intergroup reps. also brings to the Intergroup an interchange of ideas between groups.

This is a great place for Sponsors to have sponsees do service work. There is always cleaning, folding meeting schedules and more. There are committees for the following which are open for help:
  1. Hospital-institution
  2. Public information
  3. Fellowship/Speakers (Love of AA, Founders Day, Halloween)

Currently the office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10AM to 3PM. One of the future goals is to have the office open longer. This is where volunteer work comes into play. This would take some work and can be done.

The Central Office is a place where The Intergroup Committee Officers are voted into position. They are Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. These positions are like all AA positions and have term limits. (Spirit of Rotation) Elections will be coming up sometime soon. If you are interested please come to a meeting to learn more. The Intergroup meetings are the second Monday of every month.
Central Office Activity
Re-cap of January :
phone in-office calls 71, 12 step calls 5, information 22, other/voice 7
Virtual Phone system 12step calls 3
In office Visits: information 10, 12step 1, Al-Anon 1, Meeting list 5, purchases 41, Other 67, Volunteers hours 172
Website visits 275
Meetings at Central Office :
Intergroup Meeting Second Monday @ 6:30 PM
Dist. 09-903 Business Meeting 3rd Monday @ 6:00 PM
River Cities Roundup 3rd Sunday @ 2:30 PM


AA Meetings in the area

Lake Havasu Area
