Is someone smoking – or vaping?
Insurers, employers, researchers, and clinicians face this question all the time.

Smoke Signature sorts out vapers from smokers.

Current testing methods can't distinguish between traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Conventional tests pinpoint vapers – or those using nicotine-replacement gum, lozenges, or patches – as heavy smokers!

Here's why they miss the mark:
A conventional blood or urine test measures nicotine by analyzing cotinine. Nicotine is present in e-cigarettes, but the tar and other toxins found in tobacco are not.

Smoke Signature measures toxins (specifically polyaromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs) through epigenetic tests that quantify DNA methylation.
Smoking delivers nicotine through burning tobacco and smoke inhalation
Nicotine consumption depends on how much you smoke
Cigarettes contain tar and thousands of chemicals
Vaping is smoke-free; it delivers nicotine by heating a liquid/vapor
Nicotine consumption depends on the liquid's strength - and how you vape
Vaping contains only four ingredients - and no tar
Behavioral Diagnostics, LLC develops epigenetic tools for diagnosis and management of substance use and substance-use-related disorders. Want to learn more? Contact us today!