Cloned and flowering dogwoods campaign


This year's cloned dogwood (Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring') and native flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) campaign has come to a close. Thank you for your contributions to this important effort!

Your observations added another year to the cloned plant dataset that began in the 1950s. This dataset has been used in a variety of research to determine the extent to which spring is advancing, changes in spring can affect migratory birds and other wildlife, and future weather extremes could threaten public lands.

We hope you will all join us again next year to continue to build on this long-term effort!

Photo Credit: GaylaLin via Wikimedia Commons

What you are reporting so far this year

This year, 456 observers reported on dogwoods at 147 sites. The map below shows the locations reporting on cloned dogwoods (Appalachian Spring, blue dots) and flowering dogwoods (orange dots) this year. The size of the dots indicates the number of records reported at that site.

There were 33 Local Phenology Programs (LPPs) tracking dogwoods this year. The 10 LPPs who contributed the most data are listed below. We also had 79 backyard observers submit observations this year. Thanks to all of our dogwood observers for your efforts!

Let's take a look at your observations of flowering dogwood, the more commonly observed of our two dogwoods as part of this campaign. In past years, the peak in your reports of breaking leaf buds in flowering dogwoods has ranged from mid-March to late April. This year was fairly average with a peak in mid-April.

Over the past six years, the timing of the peak in open flowers has ranged from early April to mid-May. In 2022, the peak occurred on the later side in mid-May.

Did you earn your Flower Follower badge this year? You can earn this badge by submitting observations of dogwoods in six different weeks within the year. See it on your Observation Deck.

We hope that you will join us again next year to keep learning about your dogwoods and adding to this rich dataset. Your reports will help us continue to understand how local environmental conditions influence the timing of flowering and leafing in dogwoods and to develop models to predict these seasonal events in the future.

Thank you for your contributions to this important project!
Erin Posthumus
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