

Issue: February 2022

February Happenings

February Event Spotlight:

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Kristin Miller, M.Ed. will be leading this important workshop about helping kids build emotional understanding. Join us to gain understanding about young children's emotional development and learn about activities that can help kids express themselves in healthy ways.

Register for this workshop here.

We're Hiring!

The Georgetown Project is hiring a part time Finance and Administrative Assistant. Find out more here.

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Free Parenting & Childcare Educator Classes

See our upcoming offerings and register for classes on Eventbrite. Click "Follow" to get notified when more events are added!

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Celebrating Valentine's Day with Kids

Valentine's Day isn't just for romantic love. It's the perfect opportunity to take time out to express to the kids in your life how much you care about them. Search Institute has identified Expressing Care as one of the five keys to healthy developmental relationships. The Developmental Relationships highlight below includes research-based information on how to express care with kids.

One way that adults show kids they care is by spending quality time with them. Valentine's Day is a great time to share some fun with kids. Here's a list of ways to make the day a little more special:

  • Make cards for each other
  • Bake heart shaped pizzas for dinner
  • Decorate a sign for your child's door with all the things you love about them
  • Dress up in fancy clothes for a candlelight dinner at home
  • Have a family game night
  • Read some books about love
  • Make a special dessert to share

Developmental Relationships: Expressing Care


Search Institute has identified five keys to strong and healthy relationships that help young people develop and grow into their best selves. Research has shown that relationships that help kids grow, learn, and thrive have these five traits: express care, challenge growth, provide support, share power, and expand possibilities.

Adults can show kids that they care by:

  • Being dependable: Be someone others can trust and rely on.
  • Listening to each other: Listen closely and practice respectful, open communication.
  • Believing in each other: Let others know that they are known and valued.
  • Being warm to each other: Show each other know that we like being together.
  • Encouraging each other:  Be generous with praise each other’s efforts and achievements.
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Expressing Care Video

Learn more about Expressing Care from Search Institute by clicking the video link.

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Upcoming Series: Parent Ca 

Focus: The Five Keys of Developmental Relationships

The Parent Café five week series starting on January 27th will be focusing on these five developmental relationship keys through fun, relaxed group discussion. Join us on Thursdays at 9am at 309 Coffee. Click here for more information.

Upcoming Kids Events

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Upcoming Parent & Educator Workshops

Bridges to Growth is excited to offer both in-person and virtual

parenting and childcare provider workshops this . Sign up today!

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Emotions and Early Education
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Bridges to Growth Parent Center

is a program of The Georgetown Project


Make The Georgetown Project your charity of choice on Amazon Smile!

Thank You!

IMPORTANT MASK UPDATE:  As of June 1, 2021, all programs and services of The Georgetown Project are mask optional. 

With support from our sponsors

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Our Vision:

A community where no child is hungry, hurt, alone or rejected, and where all children and youth believe they are loved, respected and treated with dignity.

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