

Yachad has never been an easy name to pronounce if one is not comfortable with making the gutteral sound of "ch," and not "ch" as in cha cha. The word means together in Hebrew. Over the years there have been thoughts of rebranding the name to something easier to say and understand. And yet, the word works. We do our best work in partnership.

Please enjoy reading about our work alongside great DC nonprofit organizations. Our combined impact is making a difference and slowly creating more equitable communities for all of DC residents.


Audrey Lyon

Executive Director

P.S Here's how to say Yachad

To our partners:  We couldn't do it without you.

Building Bridges Across the River

11th Street Bridge Project


Yachad is working with 11th Street Bridge Park staff to identify homeowners in need of healthy housing remediation services in Ward 8. Yachad worked with 8 homeowners recently and with new resources and with continuing community engagement support the good work continues.

The Campaign to Reduce Lead Exposure and Asthma

Oversight and Budget Hearings in DC

Yachad has been a longtime supporter of The Campaign to Reduce Lead Exposure and Asthma, a coalition of organizations working to improve housing conditions that result in lead poisoning and asthma in DC residents, especially young children. February and March are the time of year when hearings are conducted by the DC City Council committees that have a role in overseeing District of Columbia agencies work on housing. The Committees on Housing, Transportation and Environment and the Committee of the Whole oversee the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Department of Buildings and the Department of Energy and Environment. Campaign supporters have submitted testimony to the Council about ways to improve the capacity and operations of these agencies.


CAAB (Capital Area Asset Builders)

DC Opportunity Accounts Program

CAAB provides matched savings accounts for Yachad homeowners through the DC Opportunity Accounts Program to help lower- income households create savings accounts that generate funds for critically needed home remediation repairs for clients.


Children’s National Hospital

Hospital to Home Program

Yachad is a partner in an NIH-funded research project for which Children’s National has just started to enroll families. Yachad will assist with the transition that children who have been hospitalized for asthma will make from hospital to a safe home environment. Yachad works with asthma educators at Children’s National to provide virtual home visits and supplies to help these families bring their children home to environments that are free of asthma triggers so they do not cycle back to the hospital as often.



Lydia’s House

Healthy Housing Remediation for existing HPAP (Housing Purchase Assistance Program) Homeowners


Yachad offers home repair services to HPAP and other single family homeowners that come to Lydia’s House seeking services. Lydia’s House is a navigator for DC DHCD’s HPAP and Single Family Home Repair Programs, helping families’ apply for these critical city programs. Yachad and Lydia's House helps families receive a range of remediation services that blends public and private resources to get the most work accomplished.

YouthBuild Public Charter School


YouthBuild PCS continues to be a important partner. In 2023 YouthBuild deconstructed two dangerous back porch systems, and built a security fence for a homeowner with a backyard abutting an alley making it dangerous for her grandchildren to play outside. Yachad pays for materials and the labor is donated by YouthBuild.

WIN (Washington Interfaith Network)

 Black Equity Through Home Ownership (BETH Campaign)


Yachad’s work with WIN as part of the BETH Campaign continues. WIN has been a great partner to recruit homeowners needing Yachad services. WIN will also be working with Yachad homeowners to help them share their stories and become stronger advocates for greater economic equity.

Stay in touch-- 202-296-8563 | www.yachad-dc.org

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