Celebrating 11 years as a Medicare Specialist, October 2019
Medicare Made Simple, LLC
Theresa Cangemi CSA, CLTC
Office: 315-676-4933 
Fax: 866-476-1211

In this newsletter, we talk about if COBRA works with medicare. In the health section, I cover some tips for recycling!

*The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is October 15th to December 7th*

IF you are making changes to your current Medicare plan for next year (2020) during the Annual Enrollment Period, please call me to schedule a time to meet to consider your other options and complete the necessary paperwork.

Keep reading!

Theresa Cangemi CSA, CLTC
"The Medicare Lady™" 
Retiree and COBRA benefits are always secondary to Medicare. If you or your spouse no longer work for the employer that provide the benefits then Medicare is primary to retiree or COBRA benefits. 

The size of the employer (how many employees the employer has) doesn’t matter. In this case, retiree benefits and COBRA aren’t considered benefits from the current employer. 

You could risk being assessed with a lifetime late enrollment penalty and loss of coverage if you delay enrolling in Part B, when covered by either retirement benefits or COBRA; when eligible for Medicare (at age 65 or later).
We all wonder what is actually recyclable and what is not. I think we all want to do our best and do our part to Save the Planet but how are we actually doing in this area? 

Here is an update on some tips to answer those nagging questions about what is actually recyclable and how we should recycle items. Hope this clarifies some confusion.

Aluminum cans - Leave the tabs on and don’t crush them, since intact cans are easier to sort.

Plastic bottle and jugs – As a general rule, remove the caps. If you live somewhere that requires sorting of metals, plastics and glass, metal lids go with your cans.

Plastic bags and plastic wrap - Most of these – including grocery bags, plastic mailers and shrink wrap – can be dropped off in collection bins at supermarkets. Do not include them in your curbside bin.

Newspaper, books, magazines, catalogs, envelopes – First, check if your local library or Goodwill will take your books. If not, be sure to remove the covers and spines of hardcover books with a utility knife before putting them out.

Cardboard – Boxes with food stains (like pizza splotches) or water damage will not be accepted, so cut away the stained sections, but feel free to leave tape.

Paper – Rather than shredding, which makes paper less recyclable, use back marker to cover sensitive info. Do your best to remove tape and staples.

Glass bottles – Remove metal caps and corks, and do your best not to break any glass.

(NOTE: taken from article Family Circle / November 2019 issue)
* This article is for information purposes only. I don’t recommend, support, or diagnose any featured writer or article. I am not a doctor.  
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