Vol. 7 Issue 4, July 23, 2020
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Women greatly impacted by COVID-19; Women LMI in Ontario; Should employers be responsible for up-skilling employees?' June LFS information; Who's Hiring in Hamilton during COVID-19?; Hamilton LMI JUNE 2020
Women's Participation in the Labour Force Reaches Lowest Level in 3 Decades due to COVID-19

The Royal Bank of Canada has released a report that shows 1.5 million Canadian women lost their jobs in the first two months of the pandemic and says women accounted for about 45 per cent of the decline in hours worked over the downturn, but will only make up 35 per cent of the recovery. Click here to read more.

Have Women Been Impacted the Same Way In Ontario?

The subsequent recession from the pandemic and economic shutdowns continues to have a great impact on women. Since the pandemic started 59% of the job losses have come from females, and 67% of part-time job losses have been from females.  

June was the first month of job gains in Ontario since the lockdowns and most of the job gains went to males. Males saw an increase of 217, 000 jobs (6.3%), and females saw an increase of 160, 900 jobs (5.4%). Males saw a much larger increase in full-time jobs while females saw a slightly larger increase in part-time jobs. 

The top three industries that women are employed in: Healthcare and social assistance; Wholesale and retail trade; and Educational services; are three sectors that have seen the largest declines. For men some of the top sectors that they are employed in have remained relatively stable during the lockdowns: Manufacturing, Construction and Professional, scientific and technical services.
This week we have also delved into age demographics and how age cohorts have been impacted. Find more demographic information in the report below.

Do Learning Opportunities Help With Retention?

Six in 10 Canadians would leave their current position if another employer offered better learning opportunities and 78 per cent believe it is the employer’s responsibility to pay for them to upgrade their skills. If employers want to successfully retain workers, they should offer them lifelong learning. A recent survey from Athabasca University heard from 1,510 respondents about their thoughts on learning opportunities. Click here to read more.
Who's Hiring in Hamilton During COVID-19?

New job board provides opportunities for businesses and job seekers
With support from the city’s Economic Development Office we are sharing a new platform for Hamilton businesses and their local employment needs. During these unprecedented times there is a desire for real-time information on job opportunities across many sectors in our city.

Hamilton Labour Force Information:
June 2020

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of Hamilton, Hamilton Economic Development, and the Flamborough and Stoney Creek Chambers of Commerce, are closely monitoring and assessing new developments pertaining to COVID-19, as well as its impacts on Hamilton business.

Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca