Volume 9   Issue 11                                                                                     November, 2016
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  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle · Dissipate Conflict · Improve Relationships · Relieve Stress

A one-to-one process and relationship between an individual and a

coach with  clear aspirations concentrated on expanding potential, enriching relationships and accelerating performance.
Kim Signature  
In This Issue
The 2016 Election: An Opportunity for Change
Reinterpreting Trust Issues
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"We cannot change anything until we accept it.   Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses."

                                            ~ Carl Jung

Misery is Easy. Happiness you have to work at.
Misery is Easy. Happiness you have to work at.

The 2016 Election: An Opportunity for Change    
"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate; it oppresses." -Carl Jung
Some of us have been witness to some disappointing events this fall. The not-so-hapless Chicago Cubs won their first World Series in 108 years (disappointing to non-fans). A reality TV star with billions rushed headlong through the Clinton machine to win an election no one though he could just days before the polls closed (disappointing for many). And now I'm hearing nonacceptance. "The Cubs are not my world champions." "Donald Trump is not my president." But by condemning this year's election process and its results (or the Cubs and their fans), I believe the protestors oppress not only the winners, but themselves as well.  (Read more).....

Reinterpreting Trust Issues
Recently, many of my clients are having "trust" issues with employers, supervisors, direct reports, spouses, and family members. Many of us have also had "trust" issues with our presidential candidates. So what is it about trust that gets us so worked up? In the last years of his life, my mentor, Jut Meininger, was attempting to teach me that the foundation of all frustration is expectation. "If you manage your expectations," he would say, "the level of frustration in your life would evaporate."
What is trust if not an expectation on steroids?  (Read more)..... 

A note from the author:

As I enter my ninth year of publishing the HDClarity E-zine, you may notice a change in the masthead of this monthly blog.  It has dawned on me that when working with management teams of highly productive executives, the most progress made is with the individual.

They may be a part of a team.  They may even lead that team.  They are first and foremost individuals.  People who came to this position with Knower/Judger ramifications that can both serve the mission well and cause it to stumble.  Serve the individual's life well, or cause it to stumble as well.

So it is clearly with the individual I work.  It is even more fun when I work with multiple interacting individuals, and I can watch interpersonal wellness enhance performance and productivity.

Most managers and executives I have had the pleasure of Coaching report benefits not only in their professional world, but in their personal and recreational worlds as well.  The tools are Universal.

If you want to explore expanding potential, enriching relationships, and accelerating performance....anywhere in your world, drop me a line or give me a call.  Curiosity is a wonderful teacher.

...and....it's Time to Learn.
"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."


Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver (and "Pop")


(314) 265-5649 (cell)

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