Back to school is upon us, and fall is right around the corner.
As we wrap up another beautiful summer, there are a few important things to consider before the school year begins. Specifically, now is a great time to contemplate increasing your monthly retirement contributions. There are many benefits to making this change, outlined below.
We also discuss the importance of compound interest, the benefits of starting early, and what procrastination can mean over a lifetime of savings. The graph below* is just one hypothetical example we provide in this newsletter. Assuming an average annual return rate of 11.6% and investing $2,400/year, Jack starts investing at age 21 for nine years, while Blake, age 30, contributes for 37 years. But because Jack started early, his investments have grown to $2,547,150, while Blake's has only grown to $1,483,033! As you can see, starting early can impact your finances greatly down the road.
As always, we are here to assist you with changes to your retirement plan contributions or to answer any other questions about your financial and retirement plans.
EFS Advisors | The Decker Group