

How the Way Up is Down

by Dennis Miller, Senior Pastor

Dear Ginghamsburg Church Family,

It is difficult for me to believe that only one week ago today I was on a mission trip in Havana, Cuba. So much ministry has occurred in our church over the past week. Tonight, approximately 40 married couples will gather in our Worship Center for “Date Night.” Furthermore, this coming Sunday, February 11, is “Super Sunday.” We plan to wrap up our current series, “Modern Love: God Honoring Relationships for the 21st Century” by discussing, “Being Single.” 

Can you believe the season of Lent begins next week? February 14 is Ash Wednesday. We are offering worship services at Fort McKinley, Tipp City and online at 6:30pm that day. Historically, Ash Wednesday dates back to the eighth century, but there are scriptural connections that go back to the Old Testament. Among God’s people, ashes frequently signified repentance and mourning. After God’s strong rebuke and challenge to Job, Job said “Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:6).

These ashes placed on the forehead of worshipers during Lent are meant to signify two things. First, the ashes mark our repentance and our recognition that we have turned from God in thought, attitude, and behavior. Second, the ashes mark our mortality and our recognition of the limitations of our strength and will. We are dependent, created beings.

As we begin the season of Lent, we humble ourselves, falling before the Lord in confession of our sin and in recognition of our mortality. It is humbling – this falling down – but strangely enough it is uplifting at the same time. The journey to Easter, a glorious rising again, has begun! The way up is down. Only through repentance do we find redemption and resurrection.

Enjoy the great weather today. Perhaps go outside and take a walk. I am looking forward to seeing you soon!



Dennis Miller

Senior Pastor

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Pray with us through Lent.

Prayer is powerful. It can change the most difficult of circumstances and move mountains. This Lenten season we challenge you to try out a new discipline. Forty days – 40 places of prayer changing lives in the Bible – 40 opportunities for God to move in and through you. How? Text PRAYER to (937) 358-6710 to recieive daily Bible prompts starting February 14 and then tune in live at 9pm on Facebook daily to pray with one of our leadership team. Let's do this! Not a member of the group yet? Click here to join!


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