AWB is supporting frontline healthworkers, essential workers, and first responders during CoVid-19

Acupuncturists Without Borders uses acupuncture and other natural therapies to help people deal with stress and trauma. The people taking care of us - healthworkers, essential workers, and first responders - are not only vulnerable to the virus, but are also at risk of developing long-lasting trauma from what they are experiencing every day.

We can't treat them directly right now, but we CAN help them stay resilient and healthy. Here is a tool that AWB is using to support our caregivers.


This instructional video teaches a person to apply ear seeds to acu-points on their own, or to another person's ears. Ear seeds offer a simple, powerful, safe way for people under stress to regulate their physical and mental states. Ear seed treatments help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and can help improve sleep, concentration, and well-being.

AWB is distributing this video, along with ear-seed kits, to frontline workers in CoVid-19 hotspots across the United States.

  • 300 Ear Seeds
  • Tweezers
  • Alcohol Swabs
  • Herb Samples for Sleep Support and Stress Reduction
  • Written Instructions Including Video Link

Please pass this video on to other health and essential workers that might find it useful:

To order ear seed kits, please contact:

Carla Cassler [email protected]