THE BARON SERIES NEWSLETTER                                                                    JUNE 2012 

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In This Issue
Solutions to ALL Your Business Challenges
Video: Business Coach on Attracting Financial Partners
A Way to Grow Your Million-Dollar Business Network
Over 250 Ways to Increase Your Income
Click for over $3,631 in FREE bonus gifts!

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International Bestseller?

The Baron Son, Order the book that is changing lives around the world. Share the business and wealth-building secrets of the world's most successful people.

        Gold Star - #1 Wealth Coach #1 Wealth Coach (,,
        Gold Star - #1 Entrepreneurship Training Workshop for Women #1 Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (
        Gold Star - #1 Business Motivational Speaker Web Site #1 Business Motivational Speaker (
        Gold Star - Best Business Advice, Support & Development Site  Top 100 Minority Business Enterprise (Top 100 MBE Awards�)   

        Gold Star - 2011 2011 Top 20 Business Icon (Execeptional People Magazine)   
        Gold Star - Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 Entrepreneur of the Year (AA Lifestyle Magazine)
        Gold Star - Best Business Advice, Support & Development Site  2009 Best Business Advice Site (Black Web Awards)
        Gold Star - Best Wealth-Building Site 2008-2009 Best Wealth-Building Site (Black Web Awards)
        Gold Star - Best Male Author Site 2008-2009 Best Male Author (Black Web Awards)
        Gold Star - Best Lecturer and Speaker Site 2007-2009 Best Speaker and Lecturer (Black Web Awards)
        Gold Star - World Web Award of Excellence 2007-2008 World Web Award of Excellence (Art Space 2000) 


"Five Smart Ways That You Can Leverage OPE to
Immediately Increase Your Income"

Learn More About BARON Business and Wealth Coaching
William R. Patterson
Wealth Coach
Business Coach
Best-selling Author

 Follow William R. Patterson on Twitter 'Like' The Baron Series on Facebook Watch Business Coach William R. Patterson on YouTube Connect with William R. Patterson on LinkedIn


Do you wish that you could get more done in less time? Do feel like you should you be earning a lot more for the significant amount of time, energy and effort that you put into your job or business? Well, the key to making more money in less time is learning to properly leverage other people. Read on to learn five smart ways that you leverage other people to immediately increase your income.

Work Smarter, Not Harder to
Increase Your Income  
Most people are their own greatest obstacle to success. Out of fear, habit, overconfidence or convenience, they choose to do everything themselves even when securing help from others would give them 10-100 times greater results. This is known as the "Superman or Superwoman" syndrome.

When one falsely believes he or she is required or even capable of doing everything him or herself, one often becomes preoccupied with lower income activities and misses larger million-dollar opportunities.

The key to success and reduced stress around your business and money is leveraging Other People's Everything (OPE) - time, money, resources, credibility, networks, etc.

Here are a Five Smart Ways That You Can  Leverage OPE to Immediately Increase Your Income:
  1. Time - One of the easiest and most cost- effective ways to leverage other people's time is to employ the services of a virtual assistant, intern/volunteer, or independent contractor from an outsourcing or micro job site. This strategy allows you to focus your time on the highest ROI activities that can exponentially grow your income or business. Also, by focusing your virtual assistant, intern/volunteer or independent contractor on income-generating activities rather than just time-saving activities, you can make your investment easily pay for itself.  

  2. Money - With the proper business training, plan, team, and product or service, you can leverage other people's money in the form of private investment; business and trade lines of credit that do not require a personal credit check or guarantee; corporate sponsorships; government grants; and low interest loans.  

  3. Knowledge, Skills and Resources - By taking inventory of your skills and other assets that you bring to the table, you can partner or barter with others who have complementary skill sets and resources that will enable you to reach your business and financial goals faster. 

  4. Credibility - By enhancing your media presence and pursuing endorsements from prominent individuals and celebrities, you can leverage other people's credibility to quickly establish rapport with your target audience and increase the conversion rate of your promotional offers. 

  5. Networks - Leveraging other people's networks can give you immediate access to decision makers; large audiences of qualified buyers that you can sell to or use to attract advertisers; and affiliate or private label products that you can sell to increase your income. 

How well do you leverage OPE to accelerate your wealth-building?

Wealth-Building Action:

Carve out at least one day, or 20% of every week, to plan ways to better leverage OPE. As you become more skilled, productive and build a larger team, the 20% will grow to 80%, providing you simultaneously with more income and freedom.

Remember, any situation of lack can be solved through a partnership. You just have to figure out the value and benefit that you bring to that partnership or relationship.

Learn more ways to accelerate your wealth now.

In all you do, continued success!

With every good wish,

P.S. You also have my full permission to forward this newsletter on to people that you think may benefit from the resources and information.
How Can We Help You Grow Your Income Now?

Get 2 weeks FREE of the Wall Street Journal

 "We Have Solutions to ALL Your Business Challenges"


The Baron Solution Group is widely acknowledged as one of the top business coaching firms for marketing, branding and business development.  



Did you need help:
  1. Quickly and inexpensively getting your for-profit or nonprofit business off the ground?
  2. Securing private investment; foundation and government grants; corporate sponsorship; and strategic partnerships to help finance your business?
  3. Attracting tens-of-thousands of social media followers and subscribers to help you get more investors; advertisers; sponsors; customers; and major television, radio and book deals?
  4. Booking major radio and television interviews to increase your sales and celebrity status?
  5. Developing your own national television and radio shows? 
  6. Turning your book into an international best-seller that is translated around the world?
  7. Getting celebrities, millionaires and other opinion molders to endorse and champion your products and services?
  8. Getting your website on the first page of google and other search engines and multiplying your website sales and traffic by 100-22,000%?
  9. Creating an award-winning website that attracts thousands of new visitors and whose traffic flow is optimized to turn those visitors into subscribers and customers?
  10. Developing new products to multiply your income by 200-1,000%?
  11. Developing high-quality promotional material and marketing collateral for web, print and video that actually makes money?


What ever you need to grow your business and income now, we can help. Call us toll-free at (888) 90-BARON or fill out our Business Coaching and Consulting information request form for a your free consultation today.


THE BARON SOLUTION™ Video Minute with
Wealth and Business Coach William R. Patterson

Easy, low cost incorporations. Click Here.

"Business Coach on Attracting Financial Partners"

Business Coach and international best-selling author William R. Patterson reveals keys and insights on attracting financial partners.


Also, watch the rest of this 10-part in depth interview series as William R. Patterson shares wealth building lessons from business barons including Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, J. Paul Getty, Oprah Winfrey, Bob Johnson and others.


Listen to #1 Wealth Coach William R. Patterson

Watch the Video Now!

Related Value Added Service:
BARON Business Coaching and Consulting Programs
Leverage the breakthrough BARON model in order to generate highly effective, low-cost media exposure for your business, help successfully brand and launch new products and services, head off competition, improve operating cash flow, and grow your profits.


Quickly Grow Your Multi-Million Dollar Business Network
Learn New Ways to Increase Your Income at the
2012 PowerNetworking Conference with
William R. Patterson and Other World Leading Experts.


June 28-30, 2012 in Dallas, TX



The PowerNetworking Conference is the #1 Black Business Conference in the world. You'll have a chance to connect with William R. Patterson, Randall Pinket (Winner of The Apprentice with Donald Trump), Lisa Nichols (The Secret), Tom Joyner (National Radio Personality), and many more. The PowerNetworking Conference is a very special event which features the world's thought leaders on business, finance, personal development, sales, advertising, branding and marketing, and more. If you are serious about your business and financial future, this is the highest priority event for you to attend this year. We don't say this lightly!

Learn More and Register Now!


We've Help Thousands of People
Grow Their Businesses and Build Wealth.
Now Let Us Help You!

The Baron Solution Group Offers the Most Comprehensive, Fully Integrated Business Coaching and Implementation Program Available 


Do you need a faster way to generate multiple steams of passive income and to grow your business in a challenging market?

Call Us at (888) 90-BARON or  

Complete Our Online Information Request Form to  

Learn More About the Industry's  

#1 Wealth and Business Coaching Program. 


Through The Baron Solution Group, you have a team of industry experts to help you generate more income and results faster. We can affordably assist clients with all aspects of business development regardless of size or industry.  


You will learn how to quickly get started; obtain funding for your business or nonprofit organization; and how to attract more customers, clients, partners and supporters.   


Below, you will find just a few of the BARON Coaching and Implementation Services available to help you. 


BARON Fundraising and Accessing Capital Assistance

Business Coach - Accessing Capital

The Baron Solution Group offers a range offer fundraising and accessing capital assistance services including:

  • Business and Trade Lines of Credit
  • Small Business Loans
  • Corporate Sponsorship
  • Government and Foundation Grants
  • Private Placements
  • Strategic Partnerships  


Request More Information Now!


BARON Public Relations and Publicity Campaigns
BARON Public Relations and Publicity Campaigns

BARON Client

Merletta Martin
Cape Code Times

Front Page

Business Section


Would you like to be interviewed by major newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations? You can leverage BARON PR and Publicity Services to obtain top media coverage and quickly enhance the prestige and credibility of your business or nonprofit organization. 


Request More Information Now!



BARON Web Solutions - Website Development,  

Traffic Generation, Search Engine Optimization
(Content, Local, Video, Image, Product and News SEO),   

Social Media Marketing



Want more website traffic, subscribers and sales?

BARON Web Development and Marketing Services have the following advantages over other companies which will save you time and money and help you attract more website visitors and clients:

  • Training and Coaching from Web Experts (Live and Video) - Covers how to best update and market your site. This can save you time and money by serving as a training module for virtual assistants or employees.
  • Scalable Solution - Your site will be designed with a WordPress content management system allowing for:

o    Multiple users

o    Inexpensive expansion of functionality

o    Scalable future redesigns

  • Content Management System - Saves time by allowing for easy updates by non-technical users
  • On-page Search Engine Optimization - Optimization of your site's top web pages to help increase your search engine rankings and relevant traffic for your key words
  • Sitemaps - Content, video and image sitemaps for improved search engine rankings and increased traffic
  • Web 2.0 capability  - Allows you to push and pull content to and from other sites to increase your website traffic and awareness for your company
  • Traffic Flow Optimization - Site layout is optimized to help drive visitors to take the actions that you want (i.e. make purchases, join your mailing list, request media interviews, etc.)
  • Branding - Consistent use of colors, messaging and logo to help increase awareness and favorable opinions about your company
  • Social Bookmarking and Sharing - Allows your company and your website's visitors to share content with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, and StumbleUpon exponentially increasing your traffic and potential for sales

Request More Information Now!


BARON Search Optimization and Link Building Campaigns

Multiple Top 10  

Search Engine  Rankings


Join the long list of BARON Clients dominating their niches with multiple Top 10 rankings in Google, Yahoo and Bing. 


If you are running a business and your website is not showing up in the first three pages of the Google search results for your keywords, you are missing out on over 92% of the search engine traffic generated from those keywords and over 70% of your potential online sales.  


Leverage BARON Search Engine Optimization and Link Building Campaigns to dominate the top search results for your keywords and phrases and accelerate your income.


Important Facts About Search Engine Rankings:

  • Search engines generate 85% of all Web site traffic and 70% of all online purchases.
  • Results on the first page of Google get approximately 68% of all Google search engine traffic compared to the search results on subsequent pages.
  • Results on the first three pages of Google get approximately 92% of all Google search engine traffic compared to the search results on subsequent pages.
  • The #1 search result position gets approximately 22 times more traffic than the #10 position.
  • The #3 search result position gets approximately 4 times more traffic than the #10 position.
  • The #5 search result position gets approximately 2 times more traffic than the #10 position.
*Source: DoubleClick/Google


Bottom Line:  

If you are not on the first page of Google, you are missing out on a tremendous amount of business and you are helping your competitors to grow stronger every day. 


Request More Information Now!


BARON Television and Radio Show
Production and Development

 Are you tired of waiting for major networks to feature you or your business? Would you like your own television or radio show reaching up to several million households? BARON Media Services can help you develop your show concept, raise funding, pitch your show to major networks or distribute your show independently.

Watch the latest TV Show Executive Produced by 
The Baron Solution Group at:



Request More Information Now!


BARON Video Creation and Marketing 
 Need a highly effective way to generate more sales and brand awareness for your company, products or services? Leverage the power of video marketing.

Recently, we've helped a number of our clients to achieve record results in their businesses all because of the power of television and video marketing.

Did you know compared to other ad formats,  

video marketing is: 

  • Up to 700% more effective at driving purchase intent* 
  • Up to 100 times more effective at creating brand awareness* 
  • Up to 15 times more effective at creating brand favorability
  • Less competitive and easier to dominate 
  *Source: DoubleClick/Google

Watch the latest client video trailers from

The Baron Solution Group at:



Request More Information Now!


BARON Book Publishing and Best-seller Campaigns

Would you like to learn how to become a best-selling author, increase your celebrity status and sell thousands of books faster? Would you like to have your book in multiple languages and read by people all around the world? The Baron Solution Group can show you the fastest and most effective ways to complete, publish, distribute and profit from your book in multiple formats and markets.

Request More Information Now!


BARON Client Product and Service Line Development

One of the four fastest ways to double your business income is to expand your product and service line. The Baron Solution Group can help you identify and create products and services that can help you boost your business income by 20-100% in a year.

Business Coaching Guarantee NO RISK $1,000 Product and
100% Money-Back Guarantee

We are so confident that the BARON Wealth and Business Coaching Programs will help you increase your income that we offer a NO RISK $1,000 Product and 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If after your first coaching session, you don't believe the BARON Coaching Program will help you generate more income and grow your business, we will give a 100% refund plus allow you to keep over $1,000 in BARON Wealth and Business Training CDs for free.

Multiply your odds for success with the proper coaching, planning, training, tools, and partnerships.


Request BARON Business Coaching Now:
I'm ready to be the next BARON success story! 



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