Hello Jan,

Christmas is here. But you might miss it... because of Christmas. It seems sometimes we have to fight the holiday to experience the holy day. Here are some tips on how to Christmas:

  1. Worship -- This means more than going to church. Create time and space to treasure Jesus and put him first. Read over Luke 2:1-20 and reflect.
  2. Relate -- Be kinder than you feel like being. Pay attention to the people God puts in your path. Let Jesus love through you.
  3. Speak -- Let others know what Jesus means to you.
  4. Share -- Find ways to be generous and thoughtful with your time, talents, and treasures.
  5. Hug -- They are free and people need them.
  6. Chill -- Be the non-anxious one in the room. Even if you are hosting an army for Christmas dinner, just roll with it. It's all going to be fine.
  7. Enjoy -- Christmas is not supposed to be perfect. Our imperfections and sin are why Jesus came. Let's expect him to show up this season in beautiful ways.

Important Reminders:

There will be only one Advent service this weekend and it will be at 9 am Sunday, December 24. I am really looking forward to this unified service. Sunday School runs concurrently. There will be no Saturday night service.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services will be held at 5 pm and 7 pm. Come early to get a seat. Move in toward the middle of the pew to make room for others. Our March to the Manger offering will be held on Christmas Eve and supports our important work in Africa.

Because People Need Jesus,

Pastor Chris Ritter

"The NT in '23"

Scripture Readings for Next Week


Day 25: Revelation 16

Day 26: Revelation 17

Day 27: Revelation 18

Day 28: Revelation 19

Day 29: Revelation 20

Day 30: Revelation 21

Day 31: Revelation 22

PrimeTime New Year's Celebration

PrimeTime New Year’s Eve Celebration - If you are 55 or better, plan to join us for a special Early New Year's Eve Celebration on Sunday, December 31. The event will begin at 11:45a.m. in The Commons and will feature a potluck lunch, early countdown at noon, and games. RSVP at the Information Center. Please bring a dish to pass if able, and invite a friend.

Kingdom Kids: New Sunday School Series

Racers, start your engines! In a race, you might need to navigate obstacles, pit stops, and tight turns in order to stay on the right track. As you’re zooming through the track, there’s so much to think about and it can be hard to stay focused on what’s most important! In this four-week series, we’ll learn some important stories from Joshua about how obstacles are no problem for God and courage comes from knowing God’s words. No matter how long the race, God can use someone like you because with God, there is victory! 

Confirmation Parent/Student Information Meeting

Confirmation is for students in eighth grade and older, as they take a series of classes and journey together toward their first profession of their intent to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. We have scheduled a Parent/Student Informational Meeting for Sunday, January 7 from 5 - 6:00p.m. at His Place in South Campus (State Street side). We ask that you stop by the Information Center to make sure we have (or add) your student on our current list of eighth graders. 

High School Students

High School Students – Join the B.I.B.L.E. experience to be equipped with skills to handle challenges you might face as an adult. Stop by the Information Center to pick up a brochure and to RSVP. Begins Saturday, January 13!

New Studies Beginning in January

New study for women – If you’re in a busy season of life, working outside the home, raising children, or both, consider joining a new study, “It’s All Under Control.” You’ll discover a new way of living that will free you to be you, and finally experience the peace of knowing a God who truly has it all under control. This study will be led by Megan Dwyer and begins on Sunday evening, January 14, from 7:00-8:30p.m. in the Parlor. Details and registration are at the Information Center.

Boundaries study – You are invited to join Kris LaMar for a ten-week study of boundaries. You will learn when to say yes and how to say no in relationships to take control of your life and set healthy, biblical boundaries. The study is open to both men and women, and it begins on Monday, January 15, at 6:30p.m. Sign up at the Information Center.

Winter Alpha Course

Join the Alpha Course this winter to learn about Jesus and connect with others. The 11-week course includes weekly sessions and a Saturday retreat. The weekly sessions include dinner, a video, and discussion on the foundations of the Christian faith. The winter course begins on Thursday, January 11, and runs from 6:00-8:00p.m at South Campus. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity! Sign up today at the Information Center.

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