Pure Health & Wellness Center
Chiropractic~Massage Therapy~Nutrition
I think we can all agree establishing a routine for a child is important, especially for getting them to bed! But what about adults? Most days we probably feel a bit out of control and chaotic. It's 10 PM and there still seems to be so much weighting on our minds. Let's look at some ways to create a practical routine and how sticking with one can benefit our health.
The Right Routine
for YOU
You may be surprised to learn that having a routine is less about time management and more about goal setting and how you go about achieving those goals.
Let these tips get you started.
  • Decide what needs to be in the routine first. Do you want to exercise more, have a cleaner house, create more me time? Prioritize what is important to you.
  • Set small goals. If you want to get into the routine of working out, start small, like walking a few days a week. Want to change your diet, make one small adjustment every week, not all at once. Studies show that setting too large a goal, then failing to act on it, can derail you pretty quickly.
  • Make a plan and WRITE it out. There is something about the act of writing things down and checking things off when accomplished. Treat yourself to a pretty planner or calendar and list your goals daily.
  • Be Prepared. If your routine involves cleaning the house every Friday before the weekend hits, make sure you have the cleaning supplies you need and the time set aside for the task.
  • Track your progress. Give yourself a "gold star" for small or big routines and goals met!

Routines = A Healthy Body & Mind
An established routine benefits more than your home, kids or diet. It can promote and strengthen your mental and physical health.
  • Routines can anchor you. When we are managing our routines, we feel a sense of comfort and stability. It also helps us "go with the flow" when sudden changes may occur.
  • Routines help us get a good night's rest. When your day is managed properly, you may feel less stressed, thus helping you fall asleep and stay asleep longer. In turn, solid sleep helps your body restore itself so you can tackle the next day.
  • Having a routine gives our brain a roadmap. When your day is mapped out, your brain gets a bit of reprieve and does not have to overthink things. When we don't have to think so hard about little details, that can decrease stress.
  • When we create and prioritize our day, it promotes positive habits and a healthy awareness of self care. When we organize our time around things that we deem important, and then accomplish those things, there is a feeling of fulfillment, which in turn makes us happy!

Reward Yourself!
You give your kids stickers or small trinkets when they reach a goal,
grown-ups should get a treat too!
-Did you get in that daily walk for a few weeks? How about a massage to sooth those hard working muscles!
-If containing the clutter was your goal, invite some friends over to laugh and enjoy the calm space.
-Did you make coffee at home instead of buying it out? A cute new mug to pour that coffee into may be in order.
You know yourself, choose something that brings you joy.