FOCUS: Disappointment
EDITION: August 2023
Disappointment: A state of dismay or dissatisfaction; feeling let down 

Disappointment comes in many packages, mostly misread by ourselves as well as others. Most of us were not taught the emotion, disappointment. If we were disappointed, we more than likely not allowed to say it.

Christmas. It is early one Christmas morning and all of the presents have been opened. You patiently wait for the one present you asked Santa for…The Peaches and Cream Barbie. You are positive this Barbie you have your heart set on is there. It probably was misplaced or Santa had hidden it in a special location, only for you to find when the other presents had been opened.

You are fighting back the tears until you can’t stand it. Your mom asked you, “What is the matter”? You respond with, “I did not get the Peaches and Cream Barbie I asked Santa for” as tears are flowing down your face.
Mom responds with, “Don’t be ungrateful! There are so many kids out there that got nothing. Look around at the things you did get”. In other words, “You can’t be disappointed so shut up and suck it up!” Footnote: You don’t deserve to have feelings, much less state them.

Adults may choose not to show disappointment for various reasons, which could be influenced by personal, cultural, experiences, or situational factors.

I use art therapy as a powerful and effective way to explore and express feelings of disappointment. Through the creative process, individuals can externalize their emotions, gain insights, and begin a journey to find peace and find healing. Kids and adults can create art to show how they feel without having to put their feelings into words.

In my previous article, How to Deal with Disappointment as an Adult, we talked about disappointment coming in many packages, mostly misread by ourselves as well as others. Most of us were not taught the emotion, disappointment. In my experience, disappointment is many times wrongly identified as anger. Individuals are more than comfortable showing anger, even identifying a feeling as anger when the feeling is actually disappointment.

Art therapy helps explore those unnamed feelings of disappointment. It is a brilliant concept I use daily in my therapy sessions.

Here are some art therapy techniques I have used for dealing with disappointment...


What is disappointment, and how do you deal with it in a healthy way? That’s what I’m talking about this week on… Let’s Talk About Mental Health — the weekly podcast about looking after your mental health, with simple ideas you can put into practice immediately.


By: Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson

Everyone knows the sinking feeling of disappointment, how we feel when something just doesn't go as planned. Yet, we also know that disappointment is an inevitable risk when we put ourselves out there. Let's explore how to manage and handle this common emotion.

The Way Back to Hope: The Truth about Overcoming Disappointment 

Shattered: Finding Hope and Purpose in the Midst of Disappointment 

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Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

I want each person I work with to know they do have a voice, and by becoming accountable, they can change their lives for the better.
Life Coach & Counselor