Navigating DSCSA compliance can be challenging. InfiniTrak helps you stay DSCSA compliant while letting you focus on the most important of your pharmacy: your patients. The electronic interoperability deadline is November 27 so act fast and get started today!

Register for our webinar on July 26 to learn more about DSCSA and RedSail's partnership with InfiniTrak.

Register Here

EP 97 - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work With Tammy Bullock

Nothing is better than an efficient pharmacy. They make the impossible look easy on a daily basis with the help of technology, efficient workflow, and — most of all — a fantastic team. Tammy Bullock, Staff Pharmacist at Osterhaus Pharmacy, knows a thing or two about creating a positive team culture.

Join hosts Jeff Key and Marsha Bivins as they discuss pharmacy retreats, the benefits of in-person work, and striking a good work-life balance. In this episode, learn how you can leverage your technology, find your “why” in pharmacy work, and how to scale the mighty pharmacy mountain. 

Click Here to Listen

How to Grow Your Pharmacy Business: 10 Proven Strategies

If there’s any goal that every business owner has in common, it’s this: grow the business. The same rings true for a pharmacy business.

Steady growth not only enables you to provide your patients with the highest quality care, but it ensures you can do so for years — and even decades — to come.

If you want to grow, however, you need the right strategy. In this blog, we'll share practical insights, proven techniques, and innovative ideas to help you develop a growth strategy that works for your pharmacy.

Here are 10 ways to grow your pharmacy business.

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Federal - Insulin Cost-Sharing Capped at $35 for Medicare Plans

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Michigan - State Regulators Look to Remove National Pharmacist Certification

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New York - NY Propose New Rule Addressing Central Fill Arrangements

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Visit our resource page to view all laws and regulation updates for every state 
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As always, New Features can be viewed 24/7 from the Help dropdown. 
Here are some recent highlights in case you missed them

Add Ability to Manually Enter Bag ID at POS

Release Date: 07/20/2023

Users can now manually enter the Bag ID at the Point of Sale to initiate the sales transaction without scanning.

At Point of Sale > Item field where prescription, retail, or bag barcodes are typically scanned, the user can now manually enter the Bag ID using the keyboard. The 9-character Bag ID is not case-sensitive and must begin with the letter "B."

Practical Use: This addition allows pharmacies to manually enter the Bag ID to complete the transaction even if there is a hardware failure or damaged receipt that will not scan.

Add Current Transaction Status to Auto-Post to AR Grid

Release Date: 07/19/2023

We have added the Current Transaction Status field to the Auto-Post to AR work area grid. Navigate to Account > AutoPost to AR > enter fill date range > Search.

Practical Use: When reviewing AR charges to post it is helpful to review the transaction status from the grid without opening each transaction for review.

Add Dispensed Item Print Name to Packaging Summary Report

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The DispensedItemPrintName field is now an available option on the Packaging Summary report template. This will not be on any reports by default and will have to be manually added if needed. This value will reflect the Print Name on the Dispensed Item located at Edit Item > Common > Print Name

The Packaging Summary Report can be assigned at Location > My Location > Rx Options > Multidose Options > Print Packing Slip > Select Report. When sending a MAR order to a packaging device, this report will print automatically to provide an overview of all of the medications that were included in the MAR. These reports can be a helpful reference for patient education and pharmacy workflow.

Practical Use: This will allow pharmacies to choose how the item name prints on the packaging report. This can be a helpful tool when dispensing compound items where the Print Name may be a more patient-friendly reference than the actual item name.

AddFilledBy, CheckedBy, and CompletedBy Fields to Rx Transaction Audit Report Template

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The FilledByFullNameLastThenFirst, CheckedByNameFullNameLastThenFirst, and CompletedByFullNameLastThenFirst data fields are now available on the Rx Transaction Audit report template. These data fields will not be on any reports by default and must be manually added via the Report Designer if needed. These fields will reflect who filled the transaction at the fill station, checked the transaction at the check station, and completed the transaction, respectively.

Reports using the Rx Transaction Audit report template can be accessed by navigating to Rx Transaction Advanced Search > Enter Search Criteria > Reports.

Practical Use: Pharmacies who use implement CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) programs will be able to use this report to track and correct errors. CQI is a process of creating an environment in which management and workers strive to create constantly improving quality. 

Add LatestPrescriberFaxNumber to Combo-Opioid-Benzodiazepine-Amphetamine Template

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The LatestPrescriberFaxNumber and LatestPrescriberPhone fields are now available on the Combo - Opioid and Benzodiazepine and the Combo - Opioid - Benzodiazepine - Amphetamine report templates. These fields will not be on any reports by default and will have to be manually added if needed. These values will reflect the fax and phone of the prescriber listed on the LatestPrescriberFirstThenLast field that is available on the reports.

These reports are found under the Reports Menu on the Patient Profile or Patient Rx Profile

Practical Use: Pharmacies will be able to see all pertinent prescriber contact information to continue workflow without additional steps. 

Add LatestTrackingNumber to Sale Detail Report Template

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The LatestTrackingNumber data field is now available on the Sale Detail Report report template. This data field will not be on any reports by default and must be manually added via the report designer if desired.

This latest tracking number can be verified at Edit Rx > Common > Workflow/Claims > Click on Sale > View Signature. The Sale Detail Report can be generated by navigating to Sale > Search Sales > Enter Criteria > Reports.

Practical Use: The pharmacy can generate a single comprehensive sale report that encompasses all necessary sales and tracking information for their facilities. This addition effectively eliminates the need to provide a separate Sale Delivery Report and Sale Detail Report.

Add Prescriber Email and Prescriber Category to Prescriber Activity Report

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The PrescriberEmail and PrescriberPrimaryCategoryText data fields are now available data fields for the Prescriber Usage report template. This report can be found under the Prescriber Advanced Search. These data fields will not appear on any report by default and must be manually added via the Report Designer if required.

Practical Use: The Prescriber Usage Report can provide insight into the prescription volume and financial impact of each prescriber in a given time frame. The addition PrescriberEmail and PrescriberPrimaryCategoryText fields can give insight into other prescriber details and allow the pharmacy team to easily follow up with prescribers using this report. 

Add Prescription Expiration Date to Stock Label Report

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The RxExpirationDate field is now an available on the Rx Transaction Dispensed Item Details report template. This template is used on the Stock Label reports which can be generated by navigating to Inventory > Print Stock Label and Rx > Batch Process > Actions > Print Stock Label. This field will not be on any reports by default and will have to be manually added if needed. The value will reflect the prescription expiration found at Edit Rx > Common tab > Expire (next to Written).

Stock Labels can be printed by navigating to Inventory > Print Stock Label > Enter Rx Number+ Fill Number.

Practical Use: The stock label allows the pharmacy to quickly label and return prescriptions to the shelf with all of the necessary information to dispense for another prescription. This label includes many field options that reference the item and the original prescription information. 

Add Supplier Column to Retail Item Advanced Search Grid

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The Supplier column is now available on the Retail Item Advanced Search basic grid view. The Supplier listed will correspond with the Supplier Item Number shown in the grid column. This column will not appear on any views by default and must be added manually via the Column Chooser. 

Practical Use: By incorporating the Supplier into the search grid, the pharmacy can search and sort all retail items by the supplier without utilizing the Supplier search filter. This streamlined approach eliminates the need to combine results from multiple searches based on supplier criteria.

Add Claim Override for EW - Intermediary Authorization Type ID

Release Date: 07/13/2023

A new option for EW - Intermediary Authorization Type ID is now available as a Claim Override option. 

Claim overrides may be entered at Edit Rx > Overrides tab or at the specific Patient/Item/Third Party/Prescriber Profile > Overrides Tab. This claim override specifically will allow the user to change the default values on a single pay plan (or plan group) without adversely affecting other plans within that BIN. 

Practical Use: This claim override will be useful when applying upcoming copay programs. 

Add Keystone HIE Export Report to Patient Advanced Search Reports

Release Date: 07/12/2023

The Health Information Exchange for Providers in Pennsylvania accepts data from pharmacies in a flat CSV file. We have created the new Keystone HIE Export which utilizes the Patient Master List report template. 

To accommodate the new report requirements, the following fields have been added to the Patient Master List report template: PatientSerialNumber, MiddleName, Suffix, City, StateCode, ZipCode, PatientCreatedOn, and PhoneNumberUnformatted. This report can be accessed at Patient Advanced Search > Enter Search Criteria > Reports > Keystone HIE Export

Practical Use: Pennsylvania stores can now effortlessly share up-to-date patient records with the PA HIE by utilizing this customized report. The report may be configured to automatically update the HIE through the scheduled reports functionality.

Add EscriptNote Field to Rx Search General Report Templates

Release Date: 07/11/2023

The EscriptNote field is now available on the templates listed below. This field will not be on any reports by default and will need to be manually added if desired.

The value will reflect what is seen on the Note field for the Escript reports such as SureScripts Compact Hardcopy that use the Sure Scripts Received Message template.

Templates the data field was added to:

Rx Search By Facility

Rx Search General Template

Rx Search General Template by Date Filled and Rx

Rx Search General Template By Dispensed Prescriber

Rx Search General Template by Marketer

Rx Search General Template by Patient

Rx Search General Template by Patient and TP

Rx Search General Template By Primary Prescriber

Rx Search General Template by Store and Rx

Rx Search Report

Rx Search Report Sort By Patient

Transaction Details By Patient Alt ID

Transaction Details By Patient Primary Category

Practical Use: This can prevent pharmacies from missing important notes that were entered on an Escript when running reports from the Rx Transaction search.

Add Labs for HCV RNA, Qualitative, RAPID3, SDAI, CDAI Values

Release Date: 07/11/2023

The following labs are now available as Patient Labs:

HCV RNA Qualitative

Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Level [CDAI]

Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Level [SDAI]

Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Severity Level [RAPID3]

Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) Total Score

Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI) Total Score

Activate labs by navigating to Location > My Location > Patient Options > Lab tab > Set desired Lab to active.

Note: When activating a lab in the system, use the Frequency setting to schedule lab updates. The system will assign a Care Action to update the patient's lab values based on the frequency setting entered here. To better manage the Care Action queue, only assign frequency when the lab requires scheduled updates.

Labs can be added to the Patient Rx Profile by navigating to Rx Tab > Rx Profile > Quick Search - Enter Patient Name > Labs.

Practical Use: These additions to the available Labs will allow pharmacies to document these lab values for supporting documentation on prior authorizations or for their patient care management process.  

Add Rx Status Active Type Column to Rx Transaction Search Grid

Release Date: 07/11/2023

Rx Status Active Type is now an available column on the Rx Transaction Search Expanded, Expanded With Comments, and Financial grid layouts. This column will not appear on any views by default and must be manually added via the Column Chooser if required.

The value will reflect the active or inactive status of the prescription similar to the Rx Profile grid Type column.

Practical Use: Pharmacies may use the Rx Transaction Search to identify prescriptions that meet specific criteria. The Rx Status Active Type column will allow the pharmacy to separate the Active and Inactive results for additional review or report inclusion/exclusion.

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 PioneerRx Pharmacy Software | 800.850.5111 | [email protected] |
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