How to Help Your Team with Burnout
When You’re Burned Out Yourself

Wisdom from Rebecca Knight as Published in the Harvard Business Review
Focused on You. Dedicated to Your Success.
April 22, 2019

Now that tax season is over, it’s a good time to reflect on the experience. No matter how cool, calm, and collected we appear, there is obviously a high level of stress, and rightfully so. Most of our team has been working long hours six days a week to get everything done.

Although, I must admit, we try to have a much fun as possible during tax season. We have team dinners, recreational outings, lunchtime yoga, ice cream time, holiday celebrations, and other events to help reduce the stress. Even so, I wish I read this article published in the March 20, 2019, issue of the Harvard Business Review by Rebecca Knight, entitled How to Help Your Team with Burnout When You’re Burned Out Yourself . Here are some of the tips provided to help leaders be as stress free as possible:

  • Make your own health a priority
  • Tackle the problem as a group
  • Exhibit compassion
  • Set a good example
  • Focus on the why
  • Advocate for your team
  • Be a source of optimism

In addition, Knight suggest that you: 

  • Encourage your team to take regular breaks and seize opportunities to rejuvenate.
  • Support your team with inspiring language. Your message should be, “We are in this together.”
  • Go to bat for your team. If the workload is too heavy, see if deadlines can be moved or tasks reassigned.
  • Take good care of yourself and share your favorite stress-reducing strategies with your team.
  • Recognize, both inwardly and publicly, that people are doing the best they can with the resources they have.
  • Be a source of optimism and try to cultivate positivity in the ranks.

While most people think that tax season ends on April 15, it is really a chapter in the beginning of the book. There are various other tax deadlines throughout the year that are equally as demanding. It is, therefore, important for me, as well as any other leader, to manage my stress level so I can be there for my team.

Feel free to contact us 610-828-1900 (PA) or 732-341-3893 (NJ). You can also contact me at . We are always happy to help. 

Martin C. McCarthy, CPA, CCIFP
Managing Partner 
McCarthy & Company, PC 

Disclaimer: This alert is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Information contained in this communication is not intended or written to be used as tax advice, and cannot be used by the recipient to avoid penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. We strongly advise you to seek professional assistance with respect to your specific issue(s).