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As new standards transform the energy market and sustainability metrics become more and more important, saving energy will remain fundamental to cost control. The good news is there’s an effective way to protect efficiency and reduce a building’s carbon footprint. Maintaining HVAC equipment to optimize energy use is fundamentally good business, and Campbell, Inc. can help you put an effective plan in place.
How to Identify Where Your Building Can Save Energy, and Money
Did you know you can realize energy savings of 5%–30% through optimized mechanical systems and improved building operations? An energy audit holds the answers to savings opportunities. We’ll work with you to identify areas your building can reduce energy use, lower operating costs, and earn Energy Star certification too. Let’s get started!
Decarbonization is Not as Difficult as it Sounds
As municipalities and institutional and commercial facilities work to become net-zero operations, to the untrained ear, decarbonization can seem like a made-up word. What if we replaced the word ‘decarbonization’ with ‘upgrades'? Learn why decarbonization may not be as difficult as it sounds...
Did you know ASHRAE released a new standard to measure zero net carbon and energy goals in buildings?

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 228-2023, Standard Method of Evaluating Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon Building Performance, sets requirements for evaluating whether a building or group of buildings meets a definition of “zero net energy” or a definition of “zero net carbon” during building operation. The standard draws from ASHRAE Standard 105, among others, to address energy and carbon flows across a site boundary, their measurement, and their balance.

Predictive maintenance can play an important role in the longevity of your facilities’ HVAC System. Predictive maintenance utilizes sensors to gather information about equipment performance. An intelligent building management platform (IBMP) makes it possible to go beyond preventive measures and implement predictive maintenance for HVAC.

An IBMP uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze sensor data, detect anomalies, and predict the likelihood of failure of various HVAC components. This data-driven approach of predictive maintenance for HVAC systems results in greater cost savings and offers many important benefits over conventional preventive maintenance.
Toledo, OH
2875 Crane Way
Northwood, OH 43619
(419) 476-4444

Findlay, OH
90 Stanford Parkway
Findlay, OH 45840
(419) 429-0052
Ann Arbor, MI
1077 James L. Hart Parkway
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 769-1190

Cleveland, OH
4555 Willow Parkway
Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125
(330) 425-8000