It’s almost February, which means nearly everyone has thrown in the towel regarding their New Year’s resolutions. But it’s not too late! Instead of using willpower, try these five habit-forming tips developed by behavior design experts to meet your goals in 2025.
Our environment drives our behavior. If you have chips on the kitchen table, you’ll eat more chips. If your phone is next to your bed, you’ll scroll first thing in the morning. Here are practical ideas on how to redesign different rooms in your house to set you up for success!
We’re more likely to give presents and volunteer our time during the holidays. But why not be generous all year? Studies show that benefits are experienced not only by the recipient but also by the giver, improving both mental and physical health.
Very few doctors have Super Bowl rings, but by offering sleep strategies to improve performance among professional athletes, Cheri D. Mah has earned nationwide recognition—and a Super Bowl ring for herself! Read about her story here.
A Descriptive Analysis of the Seasonal Patterns of Bone Stress Injury Incidence in Division I Collegiate Distance Runners | Michael Fredericson | read more
Weight Loss and Body Composition After Compounded Semaglutide Treatment in a Real World Setting | Rachele Pojednic | read more
Sleep, Natural Rhythms, and Changing the Clock | Feby Maria Puravath-Manikat | read more
Neighbourhood walkability and greenspace and their associations with health-related fitness in urban dwelling Canadian adults | Levi Frehlich |read more
The State of Social Connection in the Modern World: Insights from the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey | Steven Crane | read more
Beyond Phase Shifting: Targeting Circadian Amplitude for Light Interventions in Humans | Jamie Zeitzer | read more
Distinct Gut Microbiota Profiles in Normal Weight Obesity and Their Association with Cardiometabolic Diseases: Results from Two Independent Cohort Studies | Ann Hsing | read more
Ultrasound as a Predictor of Time-loss Injury for the Patellar Tendon, Achilles Tendon and Plantar Fascia in Division I Collegiate Athletes | Michael Fredericson | read more
Prevalence and Predictors of Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Cancer in Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis | Ann Hsing | read more
Minimally Invasive Needle Tenotomy vs. Platelet Rich Plasma Injection in the Treatment of Chronic Elbow Epicondylitis | Matt Kaufman | read more
Optimizing Orthobiologic Therapies with Exercise, Diet, and Supplements | Matt Kaufman, Michael Fredericson | read more
Premorbid Predictors of Death at Initial Presentation of Coronary Heart Disease in the Women's Health Initiative Study | read more
Association Between Frailty and Preoperative Decision-Making in Rectal Prolapse Repair | Brooke Gurland |read more
International Delphi Consensus on Bone Stress Injuries in Athletes | Michael Fredericson, Emily Kraus | read more
Low Energy Availability Surrogates are Associated with Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport Outcomes in Male Athletes | Emily Kraus | read more
Changing Mindsets About Methotrexate in the Rheumatology Clinic to Reduce Side Effects and Improve Adherence: a Randomized Controlled Trial | Alia Crum | read more
VA Physicians Intent to Leave and Correlations to Drivers of Burnout: A Cross-sectional Study | Robert C. Oh | read more
High Ultra-Processed Food (UPF) Intake and Low Dietary Quality Are Not Synonymous - A Case for Limiting Most but Not All UPFs in Plant-Based Diets | Christopher Gardner | read more
Yes I Can! Exploring the Impact of Self-efficacy in a Digital Weight Loss Intervention | Christpher Gardner | read more
Seeking Research Study Participants
Interested in drinking less alcohol? A Stanford research team is testing a telehealth treatment program and is seeking participants for a study. To learn more, email