November 4, 2019
Announcement: How to Start a School

To: 5 Registered canvassers, 51 reporters and commentators; 28 trustee candidates and trustees; 38 of the many voters who are very concerned about our "one-size-fits-all" school boards; and 79 generally interested folks including members of the Social Mavrik Federation.

From: Bob Bray, Charter School Petition Proponent

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CAMPBELL RIVER: Bob Bray, proponent of the province-wide petition titled "Initiative to Allow the Voluntary Formation of Twenty Charter Schools", is pleased to describe how a school can be started in British Columbia.
How to Start a School
A parent or a teacher who wants to start a K-12 school would need to start a private school as it is the only available option under current legislation.

By the way, starting a parent participation preschool for 3-year-olds or 4-year-olds is relatively straightforward as it is supported by several cooperative organizations.

Starting a K-12 private scho ol requires a minimum of 10 students and the completion of a registration process through one of these associations:

Provincial funding of 50% of the yearly per-student grant for the local school district is available.

When the School Act is amended to include charter schools, provinicial funding of 100% of the yearly per-student grant (about $8,000 in 2019) would be available to public charter schools registered with the Minister of Education.

In forming a charter school there would be no minimum requirement for the number of students. This is an option for a community to consider when faced with the closure of their neighborhood school due to declining enrollment. It would be realistically possible for a group of parents or a team of teachers or an inspirational principal or all three to form a financially and pedagogically viable charter school serving all or some K-12 grades.
Public list of canvassers
The most vital personnel in conducting a legislative petition are the canvassers.

Elections BC recognizes this by maintaining a list of the names of all canvassers registered for each approved petition. The list is part of the Elections BC website and is available while the petition is active.
Parental Choice Recognized in the School Act
The School Act contains a very clear statement on school choice.

In Part 2 Students and Parents, Division 2 Parents, Article 13, (1):
(1) A parent of a child who is required under section 12 to provide the child with an educational program must register the child on or before September 30 in each year with
(a) a school of the parent's choice that is operating in British Columbia,

The problem is the lack of choices for no-tuition schools. The solution is allowing the formation of independent public charter schools in British Columbia.
Canvassers Wanted
If you think our school system can be gradually reformed through competition from local, non-striking, spontaneous and professionally innovative pedagogy, you can register your support for independent public charter schools as a canvasser.

The current list of five registered canvassers on the Elections BC website can be seen here.

The deadline to put your application in the mail is Tuesday, Novermber 12.
Bob Bray, Initiative Petition Proponent
Phone: 250-900-2422
Mail: 422-1434 Ironwood Street, Campbell River, British Columbia V9W 5T5
The Social Mavrik Federation is a registered society in British Columbia dedicated to cultural politics through endorsing MP / MLA / Trustee candidates and supporting initiative petitions, as directed by its members.
I have posted the image below on my Facebook page. I invite you to visit it at and, if you do, you are welcome to give it a like, and/or a share and/or a comment.
Click here to see a larger version of the above image.
The October 28th Announcement that unveiled the measure of unhappy parents from the 2018 trustee election as an "Unhappy Rate" of 22% can be seen here.
The October 21st Announcement that identified a gap in independent school choice can be seen here.
The October 14th Announcement that compared neighborhood and charter schools on the basis of leadership, answered the question "is a charter schools the same as a private school?", plus described the Go Public Strategy, can be seen here.
The October 7th Announcement that provided an education comparison of neighborhood and charter schools, plus described the School Act and the Independent School Act, can be seen here.
The September 30th Announcement that introduced the Canvasser Action Binder, described 25-year history of Charter Schools in Alberta and listed the 13 Alberta Charter Schools can be seen here.
The September 23rd Announcement that introduced the Couple Signing at Home Method, postponed the Opposed Signing Alternative, described how legislative petitions are unique to BC, and explained Charter Schools can be seen here.