How to Talk to Your Children about Coronavirus
With adults and the media hyper-focused on the coronavirus outbreak, we can be reassuring voices for our children.
Children are naturally scared of the unknown—especially a mysterious illness like the coronavirus. This is normal. But now, we have many adults startled about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), which is alarming because we need to help our children continue to be smart and feel safe in the world. We want to be aware, not anxious. Of course, it’s reasonable to be concerned, but for the vast majority of people – children included – there isn’t yet a reason to be panicked, especially if they continue good hygiene habits and practice social distancing, stay a safe distance away (6 feet) from anyone with symptoms (WHO, 2020). But to help adults (parents, teachers) have the “coronavirus talk” with their children, I recommend focusing on these four aspects of the current outbreak: