How to Spy On an Android Phone Without a Tracking App?
It's important to note that iPhones and Android devices don't share the same database as iPhone spyware and android devices. This is why not all of the free trackers on the market work on either of these devices. Some of them only work with iPhones and Android phones, while others work equally well with both. For example, Spyware doesn't seem to recognize iPhones and installs itself automatically on them.
The other way to track a cell phone location is to purchase a program from a website, which requires you to input the cell phone number you want to track (the only type requiring a credit card). Once you've done this, you can then enter your target device into the program. It will then look up the exact geographical coordinates of your target device and return a list of address points for you to view in your browser.
This method is much more accurate than the free trackers we looked at earlier. It can even track someone who isn't on their smartphone at the time the report is created. For example, if you want to track a specific person to stop contacting your ex, you could enter their address before running the program. When they open their app, it will find that they have moved, and the location tracker should pick up their new address. This makes it easy to track someone down if they're no longer in use of their device.
Unfortunately, there isn't currently any software available that allows you to do this automatically. You'll need to run the program each time you want to track someone down. If you don't know their address or phone number, it can be beneficial to have this option. Just remember that location-based services aren't perfect. Sometimes, you'll still need to run the programs each time you want to view the current location of your target.