How to Use LinkedIn to Make Prospects
Feel Like They’ve Met You
Thursday, February 10 I 8:30am I $0: Members, $39: Non Members

No one is taking your call. Voicemail is a black hole. It’s hard to connect at a networking event when you are standing 6 feet away. COVID has accelerated what was already happening: Companies have built walls to keep you out. In this Short Attention Span Webinar, Bill and Kelly talk about how to harness the power of LinkedIn to get the phone ringing, grease the skids, and connect with top prospects. Like every SAS Webinar, you will leave with a checklist of instantly-actionable items.
Short Attention Span Webinars (SAS) are quick, powerful programs (15-20 minutes) followed by as much Q+A time as you need. You can stay just for the presentations or take a deeper dive and ask some questions. SAS Webinars will be held the second Thursday of every month.
The Presenters
Bill Farquharson is a coach and sales trainer for the graphic arts. He draws on his 40-year sales career to write, speak, and create content. Bill’s Sales Vault features weekly sales workshops, sales challenge discussions, template and script downloads, and archived content for one monthly price (Affiliate members receive a discount). Contact Bill through
Kelly Mallozzi is the president of Success In Print. She is active in Girls Who Print, an expert in LinkedIn for sales reps, and a frequent presenter for the Affiliates. Kelly’s Total Sales Transformation is an intensive program to give your sales efforts a shot of adrenaline. Find Kelly through
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