How to bundle your paracord, Bait a hook with chicken liver, Make dishwasher soap video, Review: Glen Beck's Agenda 21 and Visit an 1850s sod-roofed log cabin
July 17, 2013  
Bundle your paracord to keep it handy and from having to untangle a mess when you need it (Pantenburg photo)

     Paracord is incredibly useful
for a variety of tasks. But like any type of string or rope, if it isn't put away correctly, you will have problems. A tangled piece of paracord could be dangerous it you had to make  a hasty tarp shelter quickly to stay dry.
      Here is a simple method for bundling your paracord so it is ready to use when needed.   
   Here are some of the posts we published this week: 
  • How to bait a hook with chicken liver 
  • Video recipe: Make dishwasher soap  
  • Review: Glen Beck's "Agenda 21"
  • Video: Visit an 1850s homesteader's sod-roofed cabin  

   *I was out in the desert yesterday morning, looking for a grave from the 1845 Meek's Cutoff wagon train. Normally, I stay out of the desert in the summer because of the heat.  

     But in this case, I wanted to experience the desert in much the same way the pioneers would have. I walk

desert hike
Near the Meek's Cutoff trail in Central Oregon 

ed several miles on the trail, and found it to be hot, dusty and miserable. (There weren't even any oxen or wagons up ahead kicking up dust!) I was glad I had plenty of water along.

     Sometimes, it's a good thing to put yourself in someone else's shoes and situation to figure out how you would react.

    In this case, the immigrants needed to deal with a hot, dusty, waterless trek. For longterm survival, they would be lucky to settle in time to get a log cabin built before winter.

    As you're thinking about getting prepared for emergencies, give some thought to what your ancestors might have done. I think there are a lot of lessons to be learned there. 

       Stay safe! - Leon 


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How to bait a hook with chicken liver
     One of the most effective
baits for catfish is chicken liver.
     But the biggest challenge in this sort of fishing was keeping the liver on the hook.
     I recently learned about this method of using a northwest salmon/steelhead egg hook for liver fishing. I tried it on the John Day River and it really works.


Video: Make dishwasher soap
    I prefer
to make what I can to save money, then invest those savings in items I can't replicate.
    Making your own laundry and dishwashing soap is so simple that anyone can do it. The components cost pennies, and savings are substantial. Here's how to make dishwasher soap.
Book review: Glen Beck's Agenda 21
agenda 21
     People either love or hate Glen Beck. Politically, you can't go much further to the right than where he is.
    The Agenda 21 title of Beck's book refers to a United Nations report that suggests a plan of action for areas where human populations affect the environment. Agenda 21 is well-written, and like all good books, it will make you think.


Video: Visit an 1850s homesteader's sod-roofed log cabin
sod roofed log cabin
Original 1850s era homesteader cabin
     I was elk hunting
in eastern Oregon when I heard about an original sod-roofed log cabin on private property.
     I asked the rancher for permission to photograph and video the old structure, and here is what it looks like today.

I never claimed to know everything!

But there are many experienced outdoors experts out there, and their knowledge should be passed along.  

I am a veteran newspaper reporter, photographer and interviewer, and my goal is to make sure this vital survival information is available - free - to everybody. 

Leon mug wildcat campout c
Leon Pantenburg 
I have decades of experience in backpacking, canoeing and just knocking around wilderness areas throughout the United States.(Check out my bio!)


 I've also learned a lot from making mistakes and hope to pass on that knowledge to you and your family.


 The content of SurvivalCommon is reader-driven. Toward that end, there is a special email address: [email protected] for specific survival-related questions.  

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