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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 2, Issue 4 (February 25/16)
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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

You are invited! Igniting the Spark: How to engage and motivate youth, March 10, 2016

businesswoman_laptop.jpg Although free employment services are offered in Hamilton by Employment Ontario research shows that youth are under utilizing the services. Youth unemployment in Hamilton is double that of the rest of the job seeking public so this is a worrying trend.
With these facts in mind, WPH worked in partnership with the Neighbourhood Action Strategy and youth to explore why this disconnect is happening.  Suggestions have been developed to provide tips to employment services on how to be youth friendly.
You are invited to attend Igniting the Spark: How to Engage and Motivate Youth, on March 10, 2016 to hear the results of the research, and much more!
  The event will be held at the Waterfront Centre from 8:30 am. - 11:00 am. and will feature:
Dr. Karyn Gordon, a leading expert in generational differences who will provide tips on how to connect, communicate, understand, and motivate youth.
An overview of WPH's recent research on how to create youth friendly services.
Panel of youth sharing their experiences at local employment services, and providing recommendations.  A full breakfast will be served.
Cost for the event is $20 each.
Insights on Canadian Society: The association between skills and low income

A Statistics Canada report released on February 24, 2016 explores the relationship between skills and low income.
The study examines whether having low skills increases the likelihood of living in a low-income family, and whether the effects persist after controlling for other factors known to increase the risk of low income.

Click here to access the report. 
Workplace Wellness Networking Meeting, March 21/16

Are you new to employee wellness or have you been providing initiatives in your workplace for some time? Are you interested in learning from others who support workplace wellness within their organizations?  
You are invited to attend an informal session to discuss your successes and challenges with others in similar positions.

The meeting will feature guest speaker, Jennifer Gray, MPH, Physical Activity Specialist with the City of Hamilton Public Health Services. Jennifer will discuss a healthy stairwell project called "Transform Stairs".

Did you know that two additional minutes of stair climbing a day, or about 6 floors, can burn enough calories to offset the average adult weight gain (WalkBC, 2008)?

Transform Stairs is effective in helping employees be active while not interfering with work, with no special training or equipment required.

Date: March 21, 2016  
Time: 9:00am-11:00am 
Location: Nicolas Mancini Centre, Room 1D, 44 Hunt Street, Hamilton 
RSVP to workplace@hamilton.ca by March 15, 2016. There is no cost.  
Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777


Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca