Save the Date: Job Search Zombies: Motivating the unmotivated jobseeker, October 24/17
Members of the Employment Assistance Resource Network (EARN), the Youth Employment Network (YEN), and front line staff in employment services are invited to
attend Job Search Zombies on October 24/17 at the Nicholas Mancini Centre in Hamilton from 8 am to 1 pm.
YEN is celebrating its 20th anniversary and there will be a celebration with light refreshments, cake and networking after the workshop, from noon to 1 pm.
The workshop facilitator, Dan Walmsely, is from KEYS Job Centre in Kingston. Delegates leave his workshops with practical tools they can use immediately.
The three hour workshop covers these questions using
experiential and play based learning activities:
1. What is motivation?
2. Why is motivation essential?
3. Where does motivation
come from?
4. What leads to Job-Search Zombie infection?
5. How do I cure a Job-Search Zombie?
6. How do I prevent future Job-Search Zombie outbreaks?
Participants will leave prepared to motivate themselves and to cure their next Job-Search Zombie!
Registration details coming soon!