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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (September 7/17)
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July 2017 
Hamilton Employment Stats

Unemployment Rate: 5.4% (Yearly change: 
-0.8 points decrease)

Participation Rate: 67.2 %
(Yearly change: 4.9 points increase)

Employment Rate: 67.2%
(Yearly change: 5.2 points increase)

(Info from Statistics Canada)


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Save the Date: Job Search Zombies: Motivating the unmotivated jobseeker, October 24/17

Dan Walmsely Members of the Employment Assistance Resource Network (EARN), the Youth Employment Network (YEN), and front line staff in employment services are invited to 
attend Job Search Zombies on October 24/17 at the Nicholas Mancini Centre in Hamilton from 8 am to 1 pm.

YEN is celebrating its 20th anniversary and there will be a celebration with light refreshments, cake and networking after the workshop, from noon to 1 pm.

The workshop facilitator, Dan Walmsely, is from KEYS Job Centre in Kingston. Delegates leave his workshops with practical tools they can use immediately.  

The three hour workshop covers these questions using
experiential and play based learning activities:  

1. What is motivation?  
2. Why is motivation essential?  
3. Where does motivation  come from?  
4. What leads to Job-Search Zombie infection?  
5. How do I cure a Job-Search Zombie?  
6. How do I prevent future Job-Search Zombie outbreaks?  

Participants will leave prepared to motivate themselves and to cure their next Job-Search Zombie!

Registration details coming soon!
Despite economic gains, most employed Canadians fall short of their retirement savings goals

Canadian Payroll Association's 2017 Survey, which was released on September 6/17, finds spending and debt levels remain high, with about half of workers still living pay cheque to pay cheque.

According to the Canadian Payroll Association's ninth annual survey, 47% of working Canadians report it would be difficult to meet their financial obligations if their pay cheque was delayed by even a single week. 

The numbers are even higher for millennials in their 30s (55% would have difficulty) and Gen Xs in their 40s (51%).
Canadian organizations have a role to play in helping employees balance work and eldercare obligations

Over one-quarter of employed Canadians provide care and assistance to an elderly family member. Employees struggling to balance work and eldercare can experience elevated
stress levels, absenteeism, and work interruptions, and worrying about the care recipient while at work.

It is estimated that eldercare obligations cost Canadian organizations an estimated $1.28 billion per year in lost productivity. Despite these substantial costs and implications,
formal eldercare programs are not common in Canadian organizations. A new report by The Conference Board of Canada examines how providing eldercare affects both employees and employers and presents a range of accommodation solutions and best practices for implementing an eldercare strategy.
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