Vol. 5, Issue 3, May 16, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: New WPH project, Labour Supply Survey Pilot; New Provincial labour market information site; Why is there so little talk of attracting men to female-dominated jobs?
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Find out more about a new WPH project: The Labour Supply Survey Pilot
WPH's EmployerOne Survey helps us understand employers' perspectives and challenges and our new Labour Supply Survey Pilot project will provide information from the employee and job seeker side.

We will survey job seekers regarding their job search approach, the quality of their job experience and job satisfaction and what they value in a workplace.

The survey will help us to understand why employees are leaving positions, since as EmployerOne 2018 reported, 59% of separations were quits. In the fact of these stats employers will be interested in the project results.

The survey will identify basic demographic and work profiles for respondents.

If you would like more information on the project or would like to be involved please contact Judy Travis, WPH Executive Director at judy.travis@workforceplanninghamilton.ca or by phone: 905-521-5777 ext. 15.
New Ontario’s labour market site provides valuable information

If you are looking for work, or helping others to look you need to visit the new Ontario government's labour market site.

Presented are labour market information and statistics that can help career planning. Featured is information about work trends and the skills, education and training needed for jobs today, 
and in the future.

Five hundred job profiles are featured, as well as a quiz to get a list of ten jobs that may be a good fit.

You’ll find information about:

  • job descriptions and 5-year outlook
  • number of people employed and where they work in Ontario
  • education and training requirements
  • average annual income
  • industries that employ people in these occupations
  • labour market reports and information

Why is there so little talk of attracting men to female-dominated jobs?
There are many initiatives aimed at encouraging women to enter male-dominated fields such as technology, engineering and finance, yet we hear very little about balancing 
professions that skew heavily female.

According to Statistics Canada, female health-care and social-assistance employees outnumbered their male colleagues nearly four and a half to one. 

Labour Force Information, Hamilton, April 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca