The male House Wrens tend to be more vocal while the females more behind the scenes. Both the male and female House Wrens look similar to our human eyes but their actions may be revealing. According to Both males and females sing but males often sing 9-11 times per minute in the spring. Songs are a long, jumbled bubbling introduced by abrupt churrs and scolds and made up of 12-16 recognizable syllables. Females sing mainly in answer shortly after choosing a mate. Females' songs can include high-pitched squeals unlike any sounds males make.

Also during breeding season, Male House Wrens start building several nests at once in hopes of persuading a female to mate with him. He looks for any crevice, old woodpecker holes, and man-made nest boxes. You will see him bring in sticks up to 5 inches to build a twig platform. Then the female is the one to find all the soft stuff, (feathers, grasses and other plant material, animal hair, spider egg sacs, string, snakeskin) to build the nest cup.