Welcome to the Jewish Federation of Omaha’s

2024 Annual Campaign!

This year's theme, "Generations of Generosity," celebrates our community's commitment to Jewish philanthropy and instills in future generations the passion and love to help others in need and ensure a Jewish future.

How you give may change...why you give doesn't.


Thank you to our community volunteers for investing their time and talents in contributing to our Jewish future.

2024 Annual Campaign Chairs

Marilyn and Steve Tipp

Sonia and Alan Tipp

Amy Tipp

Major Gifts Chairs

Sharon Kirshenbaum

Paul Shyken

Chazak/Chavarim Chairs

Melissa & Michael Shrago

Pomegranate Chair

Pam Friedlander

Pearl Society Chair

Karen Cohen

Ben Gurion Chairs

Jess & Shane Cohn

Ambassador Circle Chair

Josh Sullivan

Endowment Chairs

Sandy and Paul Epstein

Campaign Solicitors

Stacey Atlas

Ellie Batt

Peter Brodkey

Karen Cohen

Josh R. Cohen

Campaign Solicitors

Simone Cohen

Jess Cohn

Shane Cohn

Howard Epstein

Laurie Epstein

Paul Epstein

Thomas Fellman

Shelly Fox

Bob Freeman

Robyn Freeman

Ted Friedland

Bruce Friedlander

Pam Friedlander

Debbie Friedman

Donald Gerber

David Gilinsky

Ron Giller

Cindy Goldberg

Jan Goldstein

Mary Sue Grossman

Margie Gutnik

Dana E. Kaufman

Maxine Kirshenbaum

Sharon Kirshenbaum

Janie Kulakofsky

Carole Lainof

Bonnie Levinger

Steve Levinger

Scott Littky

Lisa Lucoff

Erika Lucoff

Todd Manvitz

Stacie Metz

Campaign Solicitors

Murray Newman

Patty Nogg

Sandra Nogg

Carol Parsow

Margo Parsow

Jeff Platt

Iris Ricks

Marty Ricks

Mrs. Kimberly Robinson

Stacey Rockman

Lloyd Roitstein

Nancy Schlessinger

Aviva Segall

Eric Shapiro

Melissa Shapiro

Norman Sheldon

Melissa Shrago

Michael Shrago

Paul Shyken

Michael Siegel

Susan Silverman

Josh Sullivan

Louri Sullivan

Alan Tipp

Amy Tipp

Marilyn Tipp

Sonia Tipp

Steve Tipp

Allyson Wilczewski

Jeffrey S Zacharia

Terri Zacharia