The Howard County Local Health Improvement Coalition (HCLHIC) is pleased to share the Food Pantries and Hot Meals brochures. These brochures are available in five languages digitally on our website at:
The Food Map Poster is also available for you to display in your agency such as lobby areas.
Coalition members may use this form to request print copies of the brochures and food map poster. At this time, you may request a limited quantity but may print additional copies from the HCLHIC Healthy Eating page.
This creation of the Food Brochures and Poster is part of the HCLHIC Food Security Committee's goal to increase access to and awareness of culturally appropriate, accessible, affordable, and nutritious food to decrease food and nutrition insecurity among Howard County residents. If you have any questions, please email us at
The Howard County Local Health Improvement Coalition (HCLHIC) was pleased to partner with the Community Action Council of Howard County (CAC-HC) and the Maryland SNAP-Ed Program, University of Maryland Extension - Howard County to host a Pop-Up Market for residents of Owen Brown Place in Columbia on April 22, 2023.
This month's Food Pantry Spotlight Series highlights the important work of the CAC-HC, partners, and volunteers in helping to reduce food insecurity in Howard County.
Coalition members are asked to view and share the short video. To access additional food and nutrition resources, visit the HCLHIC's Healthy Eating webpage.
The Howard County Health Department (HCHD) Cancer Prevention Program is pleased to launch the Empower Yourself Cancer Campaign aimed at reducing cancer deaths in Howard County and also reducing health disparity in cancer outcomes.
The campaign includes social media images for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and cervical cancer and may be accessed using the Dropbox link.
The American Lung Association is pleased to offer the Asthma Educator Institute. This is a preparatory course targeting frontline healthcare professionals.
The upcoming virtual live stream Asthma Educator Institute is being held on June 6, 7 and 9 with a registration fee of $300, that includes topic presentations, instruction, continuing education credits and all course materials and resources. Scholarships are available for healthcare professionals who service Howard County to register for FREE! Coalition members are asked to share with your networks. For more information on scholarship options, please email JaKaiya Frisbyat