Centennial Week Events
Hundreds of people joined us online during the week of the 100th anniversary of Howard Zinn’s birth (Aug. 24, 1922), for three memorable events.
We co-hosted a celebration with noted artists and historians who shared stories about Zinn’s life and legacy; a workshop on teaching about the Red Scare in light of today’s attacks on teaching people’s history; and a forum on “radicalizing the archives” to ensure that people’s history is archived and made accessible.
We share here a few highlights from each session. We encourage you to check out the links to recordings, transcripts, and related resources.
Celebration with Historians and Artists
On Howard Zinn’s actual 100th birthday, we held a celebration with noted speakers: Martín Espada, Kidada E. Williams, Myla Kabat-Zinn, Imani Perry, Alice Walker, Lauren Cooper, Bill Bigelow, and Anthony Arnove. Sports historian Dave Zirin and Teaching for Black Lives co-editor Jesse Hagopian were the MC’s.

The audiograms below give a flavor of the conversations.
The program was interspersed with clips of Howard Zinn speaking, including the example below of his skillful use of comedy to expose the absurdity of unjust practices and policies.
Participants commented on the power of the event. A few examples:
Once I push back my tears, I will continue to be inspired not just by Howard Zinn, but by the infinite web of hope we all continue to share. Thanks to all those whose work makes moments like tonight possible. I can breathe deeply again.

You filled my soul this evening.

OMG! The breadth of his work, the beauty of his words, the phenomenal capacity of his humanity. And a truly amazing roster of speakers and guests.
The theme of the event was based on Zinn’s autobiography, You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train, and was co-sponsored by the Howard Zinn Trust, Tamiment Library at New York University, and Busboys and Poets.
Teaching About the Red Scare
The centennial week included a teacher workshop on the Red Scare, since the same tactics are used today to thwart the teaching of people’s history. Teachers from around the country were introduced to a mixer lesson about McCarthyism and to primary documents from the Tamiment Library.

The session began with a critical examination of a U.S. history textbook as an example of the misinformation students receive from the standard curriculum, the narrative that the anti-CRT bills are designed to enforce.
In the textbook:

  1. The Red Scare is reduced to the buffoon-like character of McCarthy, as if he were an anomaly, and as if there was not a larger, more pervasive political infrastructure of suppression.
  2. The words “African American” or “Black” do not appear anywhere. The words “labor,” “activist,” or “organizer” do not appear. We learn almost nothing about the people who were targeted.
  3. “The darkest days of McCarthyism soon ended.” This typical textbook treats the Red Scare as a discrete event or era rather than an ongoing politics that has been mobilized throughout U.S. history to neutralize progressive challenges to the status quo.

The mixer lesson, facilitated by Ursula Wolfe-Rocca and Cierra Kaler-Jones of the Zinn Education Project, challenged the textbook biases listed above. Primary documents, introduced by Michael Koncewicz of Tamiment, demonstrated how the 1940s Red Scare targeted teachers and the curriculum.
Radicalizing the Archives
The third event was a forum drawing on Howard Zinn’s 1970 speech at the Society of American Archivists conference, when he urged archivists “to take the trouble to compile a whole new world of documentary material, about the lives, desires, needs, of ordinary people.”

The panelists highlighted efforts to humanize the archives and participants discussed today’s opportunities and challenges.

Each presenter shared examples of community-based, radical archives and/or described some of the challenges to archiving the history traditionally marginalized and discounted by large institutions.

These participants’ comments highlight some of the points made in the forum:
I loved the concepts of thinking about what IS NOT in the archive, starting slowly, exploring adjacent or even unrelated archives, and utilizing materials other than primary source documents — like songs, objects, fiction, etc.

I learned that archives are not apolitical and that archives are intentionally curated. More specifically, archives and archivists have the power to either prove and preserve the existence of certain individuals, groups, communities, ideas, etc., or participate in the silencing and erasure of said individuals, groups, communities, ideas.
“Power of the People” Ice Cream
For the Zinn Centennial, the Baltimore-based, employee-owned Taharka Brothers produced a “Power of the People” ice cream.

The carton has a QR code to introduce people’s history resources from the Zinn Education Project and the lid features the #TeachTruth campaign.
Read Howard Zinns Work
Rethinking Schools has published a “Zinn at 100” essay in each issue this year. The topics are nationalism, empire, socialism, and the U.S. Supreme Court.
In addition to A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn wrote more than 20 books covering topics such as the Civil Rights Movement, labor, the anti-war movement, critiques of prison and policing, and more.
Beacon Press, Haymarket Books, The New Press, and Seven Stories Press are offering a free e-book, A Life of Activism: Howard Zinn in His Own Words – Selected Writings for the Centennial.
We are sharing quotes by Howard Zinn from his books and speeches. Join us and share your favorite Zinn quote with #HowardZinn100.
Howard Zinn on Prisons
Our selection of writing by Howard Zinn on prisons includes an essay called “Solutions” from Justice in Everyday Life: The Way It Really Works, published in 1974.

In the spirit of prison abolitionists today, Zinn wrote that, “Prisons cannot be reformed, any more than slavery can be reformed. They have to be abolished. And yet, they will not be abolished until society is changed, until people think differently about punishment, about law, about crime, about violence, about property, about human beings.”

Art by Lex Non Scripta via Justseeds.org
Share Your Story
For the Howard Zinn Centennial, share YOUR story of when you first read A People’s History of the United States or how you teach people’s history.

The right wing says that reading Zinn “makes students ashamed of their own history.” In fact, studying people’s history makes students more interested in history and inspired to engage in shaping a more just future.

Share your story on social media with #HowardZinn100. If it is a teaching story, we can send you a book in appreciation.
Teach the Black
Freedom Struggle Classes
with Peoples Historians
We invite you to join our monthly classes with people’s historians. In each session, a teacher interviews the historian and breakout rooms allow participants to meet each other, discuss the content, and share teaching ideas.
We Need Your Help
Teachers are under attack for teaching truthfully about U.S. history. Please donate so that we can continue to offer free people’s history lessons and resources, and defend teachers’ right to use them.
PO BOX 73038, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20056 
202-588-7205 | zinnedproject.org