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Dear Howell Chamber Members,

We have some exciting opportunities and celebrations lined up this week!

  • Chamber Spotlight Videos: Sign up now to showcase your business! Grab a spot, and we’ll handle the rest—don’t miss this chance to highlight what makes your business special.

We look forward to your participation and to celebrating our local business community together.

Have a great week!

Janelle Smith

President, Howell Area Chamber of Commerce

Thank You To Our 2024 Trustees!

Thank You To Our HUB Sponsors

Nominations End November 15th!

Business Awards Nominations
Citizen of the Year Nomination Form

Countdown to Feb. 21: New paid leave, minimum wage laws

With legislators scheduled to be in Lansing for a maximum of 13 overlapping session days between now and the end of the 2023-24 legislative session, the countdown is on to get changes passed to the so-called Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) and minimum wage laws.

Why it matters: Absent a bipartisan legislative solution, ESTA will force employers of all sizes and types (even those with generous policies today!) to rethink their existing paid leave policies. Many employers will also need to rethink their wage scales – especially if they rely on tipped employees.

  • Go deeper: Review a rundown of our full list of high-level requested legislative fixes to ESTA and on minimum wage.

What you can do:

  • Get informed: Join us Oct. 30 for a live Q&A session on these issues, which will include an overview of what’s happened, and the key components of the new laws and implications for Michigan employers. Attendees will have the chance to have employment law experts and attorneys answer their questions and prepare for Feb. 21.


  • Make your voice heard. While our meetings with lawmakers have been productive and we’re making progress, they have yet to reach a deal to get any changes across the finish line. Legislators need to continue to hear from their constituents – including employers in their districts – on why changes are needed and asking them to fix this mess before the close of 2024. You can participate in quick and easy action alerts (emails to lawmakers) following the prompts below.

In case you missed it, here is a Recap of Michigan Chamber Town Hall: Next Steps on Minimum Wage and Earned Sick Time

You can now view the MI Chamber Town Hall recording, the presentation slides and the compliance toolkit.

Additional resources to get you started:

Send a ready-made email urging action:

Sample talking points

Go deeper: Read the full court briefing for more.

Michigan Supreme Court ruling re: paid leave and minimum wage

Department of Labor Unveils Final Overtime Rule

View Overtime Rule Threshold Chart


Motivated and Moving, LLC

Olde Towne Plumbing

Single Barrel Social 

Buff City Soap

Bible Baptist Church on Pine Summit 

SMP Business & Tax Services, LLC

Community Choice Credit Union 



Edward Jones - Financial Advisor: Kelley Albrant

Eternity Brewing

Fastest Route

First United Methodist Church of Howell

Hartland Insurance Agency

Hartland Lions Club

Heslip Audio

Howell Public Schools

Howell True Value Hardware


Jen Webb with Hess Realty Pros

JL Styles on Michigan Ave

Key Development Center

Kiefer Automotive Group

KW Realty Livingston

Lake Trust Credit Union

Livingston Civitan Club

Louie's Muffler & Automotive

Maj's Services

Michigan Rod Products

Myers Automotive, Inc.

Partners Real Estate Professionals

Pregnancy Help Clinic

Qdoba - Howell

Shaka Cafe

SMP Business & Tax Services, LLC

The Cortland Howell

TruHealth by Mannatech


Viperspace Information Technology

WebWorld Advantage

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