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Stu Strahan

Fastest Labs of Brighton


What inspires and drives you in your work or business?

I am inspired by the way our business has a positive impact on the working class. I have had a CDL for over 34 years so I have had many drug tests over the years. Most of the time when you go to a clinic for a drug test, you are treated poorly and are kept waiting for hours on end. Our mission is to treat all of our clients with respect and get them taken care of and out of the door in 15 minutes.

What do you love about being a Chamber member?

What I love about being a chamber member is the deep ties in the community. From CEO strategic planning sessions to volunteer work days to family events, the chamber is involved in all of it. Every week there are many opportunities to build lasting relationships throughout the chamber.

What is the biggest career challenge you've had and how did you overcome it?

I have been in and around construction since I was 14. At age 51, my family and I bought two franchises of a business I had never been around, in an industry I barely knew existed, and opened in a place where I didn't know a single person. Challenge accepted. I am overcoming it by learning as fast as I can, grinding it out every day, and always putting people first. Zig Ziglar said, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be? Why?

I would love to collaborate with business owners. These people are just wired differently - fired up and ready to get it done, whatever it is. In my profession, I work with a lot of people at the management level - great people, but some don't have that ownership mentality. Sometimes they are content if a system is already in place - even if a much better opportunity presents itself, they are "all set." Owners will sniff that out and implement a new and better system that saves them time, money, and gives their employees a much better experience.

What career advice do you live by and who provided the advice?  

The advice I live by is "Pray like it all depends on God, then when you are done, go work like it all depends on you," by Martin Luther.

A huge thank you to our incredible panelists for sharing their expertise during our Conflict Management in Social Media panel. Your insights and strategies were invaluable!

Enjoy a snapshot of Genesis House members working on their Transitional Employment placements. In this 2024 edition, we talk to members and their supervisors at three of our TE locations: Fowlerville Schools, First Impressions Print and Marketing, and Community Mental Health.  

We were truly honored to be part of the Veterans Day event in downtown Howell on Monday. It was a meaningful day of remembrance and gratitude for the brave men and women who have served our country.

We want to hear from you!

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The Going PRO Talent Fund (GPTF) creates jobs and new opportunities through competitive training grants for employers like you! Winners receive funds to hire talent and upskill current employees, with customized training solutions to meet the needs of your business.

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