December 2016 -  In this Issu e: 
Dr. Howell and her impact in the Palliative Care community
We are expanding our Lecture Series! 
We participated in our first expo! 
Get to know the group of scientific minds that will influence women's health one day 

How the 4-step Happy Map makes us, well... Happy! 

Howell Foundation's Luncheon Series
Topics that ranged from to how to age intelligently to genetics 

Topics on the list for 2017:  Our Advisory Council on the relevant topics for our events in 2017 

Howell's Community Engagement Initiative:  From how to avoid the Freshman 15 in our first year of college to meditation as a means to relive insomnia in homeless women

Our donors' commitment to women's health inspires us to do our work!

  Donate online by visiting
Phone: 858-454-7797
Fax: 858-454-7797

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Message from the Chair

2016 at a glance 

As the first year of the Foundation's third decade comes to a close, there are many "firsts" to celebrate:
  • The first large donation generated by a past Howell Foundation scholar (Alpha Phi Fraternity's donation sparked by Deepika Suresh) 
  • The first time any scholar has flown to San Diego to thank donors in person (at the February luncheon) 
  • The first presentation by the Foundation to mothers and teenage daughters, a pilot that we intend to implement throughout San Diego County
  • We are in the midst of planning our first luncheon for our "Friends" and followers in North County
Among other happenings of note is the addition of a new Board member, Dr. Andrea LaCroix, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at UCSD School of Medicine, and Director of the Center of Excellence in Women's Health. Clearly, she is a wonderful fit with the Foundation.

In November, we awarded our fourth Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) grant to Dr. Mary Barger at USD, who will conduct a researc h project to aid in sleeplessness and stress in homeless women. We are beginning to see results from our first three CEI recipients which is very rewarding. Follow all of these exciting developments on our website ( ) and our blog, "Keeping the Women We Love Healthy."

Looking forward to next year, there is much we anticipate. In January, come hear how you can make 2017 less stressful from the beginning. At our "Stress and Happiness" Symposium on January 21st, we will learn about sources of stress including the psychology behind clutter and hoarding. Then learn many successful mechanisms for coping with stress to practice in the New Year.

On February 3rd, during "Go Red for Women" month and just in time for Valentine's Day, come hear about chocolate and heart disease from Dr. Pam Taub, a UCSD cardiologist. On March 2nd, we will launch our North County luncheon at Morgan Run Club and Resort. Watch for the speaker announcement cominng soon. 

All of these "firsts" and events and scholarships and awards are only possible because of the hard work of our Board of Directors and because our "Friends" and other donors have supported us with loyalty and generosity over more than two decades!  Thank you all.

Stay tuned...


Carole L. Banka, Ph. D.
Chair, Board of Directors, Howell Foundation.  
       Award to recognize community leaders that advance palliative care in our community. 

Pictured Above CSUSM President Karen Haynes, Suzi K. Johnson, Darlene Marcos Shiley, Dr. Daniel Hoefer, Helen McNeal, and Dr. Doris A. Howell.

SAN DIEGO, CA - Sept. 2016. CSU announced the Doris A. Howell MD Award for Advancing Palliative Care during the Institute for Palliative Care inaugural ribbon cutting ceremony earlier in September in the San Marcos Campus. Information on the ceremony can be seen here.

Long-time recognized for her work in palliative care, and affectionately named 'the mother of hospice', the award seeks to recognize the efforts of those who improve or manage the quality of life of patients and their families during a life-threatening illness through identification, assessment and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual issues.

The first recipients of the prestigious award are Dr. Daniel Hoefer, Chief Medical Officer for Sharp HealthCare's Outpatient Palliative Care Program --Transitions -- and associate medical director for Sharp HospiceCare; and Suzi K. Johnson, MPH, RN, vice president of Sharp Hospice and Palliative Care, a program of Sharp HealthCare located in San Diego.
Howell Foundation gets busy promoting Women's Health in 2016! 

Vicki Barclay,  Dr. Carole Banka, and Maryanne Sorge 
For the second year, Dr. Banka spoke to the members of Las Damas de Rancho Santa Fe.  The topic?  Is it hot in here, or is it just me?  Perimenopause and Menopause have been a specialty study throughout Dr. Banka's Career.

Bottom line is the majority of women have a terrible time when going through perimenopause and/or menopause.   In this informal discussion, Carole addressed the hormonal changes associated ith perimenopause and menopause; the symptoms, and the current treatments available as well as the medical communities attitude towards treatment.   She summarized the latest research from the Women's Health Initiative as well as other studies published since the culmination of such major study.

The most important take-away from the presentation is be informed.  There are currently additional alternatives to make symptoms more bearable, such as a change in current lifestyles -nutrition and exercise.  

Howell Participates in Successfull Aging Expo! 

Addressing the need for women's health research created new avenues of information for over 5,000 attendees of the Successful Aging Expo.  Help us spread the word, will you? 

The Doris Howell Foundation via Dr. Banka presented Hormones and Happiness to SPRITES, a philanthropic organization of mothers and daughters dedicated to volunteering at San Diego County charities. Seventh grade girls and their mothers learned about women's health issues, particularly with hormones and why they make us feel the way we do.
Foundation Fast Facts: 
Howell Scholars Program 
¨   Founded in 1995

  ¨   As of December 2016, awarded 206 research scholarships for a total of $542,225 to date
¨   Applications solicited at UCSD, SDSU, USD Hahn School of Nursing, and all CSUs through joint effort with CSUPERB.

¨   All research projects have a women's health aspect
¨ All   projects are overseen by a Faculty Mentor

A very special thank you to our 2016 Scholarship Donors  for funding full research scholarships of $3,500 or more:
  • Cher Conner 
  • The Reuben H. Fleet Foundation Fund of The San Diego Foundation
  • The Eva May Fleet Foundation Fund of The San Diego Foundation
  • The Mirandon Foundation for Hope, Inc.
  • Beatrice K. Rose, MD, MPH
  • Ruth Lane Charitable Foundation
  • Soroptimist International of La Jolla
  • The Thursday Club
  • Judith White
Giving Back: Thank you, Alpha Phi! 

Pictured above from left to right Taylor Bergstrom, Dr. Carole Banka and Deepika Suresh. 

On May 22, 2016, the Kappa Beta Chapter at UCSD was installed as the newest chapter of the Alpha Phi International Fraternity.  What, you may ask, might this have to do with the Howell Foundation? 

Those who attended our May luncheon will remember that Deepika Suresh (a past Howell Foundation scholar) and Taylor Bergstrom, president of the new Alpha Phi chapter, made a brief presentation to inform our audience that the chapter had chosen the Howell Foundation to receive their installation donation. In donating to the Howell Foundation they help make possible a scholarship for another undergraduate to pursue research. The Alpha Phi Foundation, the charitable arm of the sorority, makes a donation each time a new chapter is installed. Supporting efforts to improve heart disease in women is their mission and, in making this donation, they have recognized our support of research and outreach in this area.  Read about the Sorority's  work in women's health here.

2016 Howell Scholars

Emily Judd, 2016 Howell-UCSD Scholar pictured with Mentor, Dr. Perry. 
The Howell Foundation's most important goal is to fund undergraduate women's health research scholarships. To date, the Foundation has provided 218 scholarships and contributed over $589,225 towards boosting undergraduate student research efforts.

We are proud of our relationships with local universities UCSD, SDSU and USD's Hahn School of Nursing. In addition, the Howell-CSUPERB partnership allows the Howell Foundation to support amazing young researchers throughout the state. 

If your health and that of your family is important to you, we urge you to consider helping the Howell Foundation grow in order to provide critical funding of vital programs that advance research in women's health. Your support will indeed help these young researchers find cures for diseases dramatically impacting the lives of women and help us advance the education of women as they consider their own health issues.

It is the generosity of all our donors that enables us to make awards to these and other outstanding young scientists.  A special thank you to each of them.   And t hank you to all of our Howell Scholars making and impact on women's health!

Below is a listing the 18 Howell Scholars for 2015 Congratulations to our 2016 Howell Scholars!

CSUPERB (California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology) awards a new research grant for each full scholarship the Howell Foundation awards to a CSU undergraduate. Together the Howell Foundation and CSUPERB recognize that research experience is critical to recruiting, training and retaining students interested in careers in women's health. For more information on the Howell Foundation's partnership with CSUPERB   CLICK HERE .

2016 Howell-CSUPERB Scholars 

Pictured above: Sima Chokr (Biology, California State University, Long Beach), 
Karl Liboro (Biology, California State University, Los Angeles),  
Brandon Strong (Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo) & Alan Tran (Biological Sciences San José State University).   Photo courtesy of John Zimmermann.

Alyssa Bowlsby (CSU, Chico)
Project: "Formation of Dimeric Antagonists as a Novel Treatment for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia"
Mentor: Carolynn Arpin, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Natural Sciences

Sima Chokr (CSU, Long Beach)
Project: "The OFQ-ORL-1 system mediates Tamoxifen and ICI-182, 780 facilitation of lordosis via GPER"
Mentor: Kevin Sinchak, Biological Sciences; Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Karina Hernandez (CSU, Fresno)
Project: "The effect of bisphosphonate drugs on metastatic breast cancer in a 3D culture model"
Mentor: Jason Bush, Biology/Science & Mathematics

Sa La Kim (CSU, Northridge)
Project: "The Role of ITGA1 in Pancreatic Cancer"
Mentor: Jonathan Kelber, Biology/Science and Mathematics

Kelly Leavitt (CSU, San Luis Obispo)
Project: "Effects of hormonal contraceptive use on the human gut microbiome and specifically Escherichia coli: A pilot study"
Mentor: Alejandra Yep, Biological Sciences

Karl Liboro,  California State University, Fresno, interviewed by Cal State's Office of Communications and Public Affairs

  Karl Liboro (CSU, Los Angeles)
Project: "Effect of Bacteriocin-like peptide, pentocin TV35b, from Lactobacillus pentosus on Candida albicans biofilm formation"
Mentor: Hyunsook Park, Biological Sciences/Natural and Social Sciences
Lorena Sosa (SDSU) 
Project: "Testing Resistance to Protease Inhibitors from Patients HIV-1 Isolates Utilizing a Cell-Based Platform"
Mentor: Roland Wolkowicz, Biology/Sciences
Project: "Point-of-Care Diagnostic Device for the Quantitative Analysis of Human Estradiol"
Mentor: Nathaniel Martinez, Biological Sciences

  Alan Tran (CSU, San José)
Project: "An Investigation into the Effects of Sensory Activity on Neural Circuits"
Mentor: Miri VanHoven, Biological Sciences
Cory Vierra (CSU, Sacramento)
Project: "Synthesis and Optimization of Hexavalent Glycodendrimers as Anti-HIV Agents"
Mentor: Katherine McReynolds, Chemistry/Natural Science and Mathematics
Kevin White (SDSU) 
Project: "An in vitro Investigation on Proliferation, Survival, and Differential Potential of CardioClusters"
Mentor: Mark Sussman, Biology
Brandy White (CSU, Fresno)
Project: "Small Molecule Binding Sites Explored in Variable Heavy Chain Antibodies"
Mentor: Cory Brooks, Chemistry 


University of California, San Diego

Founded in 1995, the Howell Foundation's mission and vision are firmly rooted in our affiliation with UCSD's School  of Medicine, through the renowned pediatric   hematologist/oncologist Doris A. Howell, M.D., in whose honor the organization was founded.


Pictured above with Dr. Howell:  UCSD-Howell Scholars: 

Jaidev Bapat (UCSD)
"Exploring the Effects of Heterozygous Deletions of the BECN1 and MAP1LC3B Genes in Ovarian Cancer Cells"
Mentor:  Dwayne Stupack, PhD - Pathology/Reproductive Medicine

Emily Judd (UCSD)
"Chronobiological Interventions for the Treatment of Major Depression in Pregnant and Postpartum Women "
Mentor: Barbara Parry, MD - Psyhchiatry

Jonathan Pham (UCSD)
"Role of Sirt1 during Mouse Trophoblast Injury"
Mentor: Mana Parast, MD, PhD - Pathology

Tiffany Lee (UCSD)
"Dissecting the Molecular Basis of Breast Cancer Metastasis Dormancy"
Mentor: Jing Yang, PhD - Pharmacology/Pediatrics


University of San Diego, Hahn School of Nursing & Health Science

In 2010, the Howell Foundation established the Cheryl A. Wilson Nursing Scholarship, in honor of long-time Howell Board member Cheryl A. Wilson, R.N., M.A. to fund USD Ph.D. can didate nursing students whose research emp hasis is on women's  health.  

Pictured Dr. Patricia Roth with awardees: 

Trista R. Campbell, MSN, RN, CPHQ
"Assessing Engagement Readiness of Informal Caregivers Caring for Patients with a Dual Diagnosis of a Stroke and Dementia"
Mentor: Jane Georges, PhD

Noelle Lipkin Leveque, PhD(c), DNP, FNP-C
"The Nursing Response to Human Trafficking"
Mentor: Cynthia Connelly, PhD, RN, FAAN


Howell Foundation Health & Happiness Series

In 2012, the Howell Foundation started the Health and Happiness Series to provide researched based education for women on the theme of healthy living.  Our topics focus on how to care for our mental and physical health in ways that contribute to overall well-being.   The series is designed to draw women from all over the city especially working women who cannot easily attend the Howell Luncheons.

The topic for 2016 was the Happy Map.  And for those who got there in a bad mood, authors Ward and Stokes certainly managed to put them in a happy place!  Surrounded by great company and wonderful food, this instalment of the Howell's Evening series did not disappoint.

Fact is research shows happy people are more creative, and therefore, more focused and more productive.  The more productive, the more fulfilled and the more motivated.  The more motivated the happier they are.   And so the cycle continues.  The challenge is how to get to THAT specific point.   

It's about creating the habit of happiness.  According to Hillary and Kim, it starts with re-wiring your brain by understanding the role emotions play in our well being and how they affect our neural pathways.   Since the emotional part of the brain reacts faster than the thinking part of the brain, identifying and understanding negative emotions --like stress-- will help us turn a stressful thought into a positive one.  It eventually creates a habit; and hence the 'habit' of being happy.  You can read about the steps to YOUR happiness  here . 

For more information on the  Howell Foundation Evening Series , visit

2016 Howell Foundation's Lecture Series 

Photo courtesy of LJL
The Doris Howell Foundation held its first Luncheon Series with the lecture " Understanding the genome 10,000 experiments at a time: applying genomic approaches to understand autoimmune disease in women"  with Sonia Sharma, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Division of Cell Biology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology and Director of the Institute's RNAi Facility.

Although the title sounds intimidating,  the fact is autoimmune diseases affect women to a much greater extent than men. Currently in the US 12 million women and 4 million men are struggling with autoimmune disease; not to mention that research on autoimmune diseases in women has been scattered and unfocused, partly because of the fact that symptoms are often confused with other conditions.  You can read about her presentation here 


Imagine your family free of the possibility of illness... finally having your health in your hands and making informed decisions to treat an illness that does not appear to have a cure.  Our guest speaker certainly provided hope in the realm of personalized medicine. Karen Possemato, Chief of Staff at iIlumina, presented concrete evidence on how DNA testing can help treat a specific disease; leaving no doubt on how the field of genomics is becoming more utilized and creating more impact in the way illness is treated today. 

Changes in technology, as in pretty much everything in our lives, are only a couple of decades old; in comparison with all the technological and scientific advancements throughout our history.  To put the speed of technology and science adoption --specifically genomics-- in context, Mrs. Possemato discussed how the activation of T cells treated President Carter's melanoma.  She also discussed the potential of GMO's to fight hunger in impoverished countries.  Most importantly, how having control of your genomic information can be useful to your health.

The science and technology of genomics represent an extremely personalized future as far as business and medicine  are concerned. Imagine having your genome mapped and then having an app that can tell you how to lose weight --or which movie star best resembles you-- based on your genomic information.  Genomics is also an applied science in the field of forensics.   Read more about her presentation here.

Dr. Dorothy Sears, Associate Professor of Medicine from UCSD came to speak at the Howell Foundation's luncheon last May with pretty interesting research on 2 key concerns and how they, for sure, improve or undermine our health: intermittent fasting and sedentary behavior.

Turns out our parents were right: Eat your fruits and vegetables and exercise!  With the just released information from the CDC regarding the obesity epidemic in the US --now at 40% for women-- it is more than clear that type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease are also on the rise.  The benefits of a lifestyle makeover are clear: not only does it help to improve our health and reduce the risks of a life-changing disease, but also minimizes the adverse effects of medication while promoting healthy aging. 

One of the largest studies conducted throughout a 20-year span followed over 3000 participants with pre-diabetic conditions.  Individuals were divided into 2 groups; one would be characterized through drug intervention to study its effect on diabetes, while the other would implement lifestyle changes and how it affected the participants' overall health, including intermittent fasting.  The results speak for themselves: after six months, the part of the study with the drug arm reduced type 2 diabetes factors by 38%.  The lifestyle changes intervention, 58%!   Read more about the lifestyle changes that help you stay healthy here

The old age question remains:  why do some people live longer than others?  Do some of us REALLY want to live that long?

The 'old old' may hold all the answers to longevity.  In order to understand the spike in longevity, investigators from the University of Southern California -- including Dr. Kawas -- embarked in a research project back in 1981.  It started with a 14 page questionnaire which she sent to 18,000 people.  14,000 were returned.   The average age was 73, and two out of three people alive were women.  
The factors associated with longevity show that it really isn't a question of who lives longer, but who lives well; including maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Read about research finding here.

By 2050, it is expected that around 6 million individuals will be part of the  'oldest old'  segment of the population.  That means that the need for care giving will also exponentially grow.   Additionally, our own Cheryl Wilson presented a series of suggestions to start implementing today to be as prepared as one can be.  After all, working with senior citizens gives her the opportunity to share the most important actions to make sure your loved one is taken care of well into their old age.  You can read about her recommendations here

The  Howell Foundation will be launching is trademark Luncheon Lecture Series in North County!  Make sure you save the date.

        "Ending the arms race with infectious diseases"
        Janelle Ayres, Ph.D.
March 2nd, 2017
11:30 - Registration and Networking 
12:00 - Lunch and Presentation
Morgan Run
5690 Cancha de Golf
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091

In a novel approach to therapeutics, Dr. Ayres studies how the body controls and repairs the collateral damage g enerated during interactions with bad microbes. In so doing, she uses the beneficial bacteria that inhabit our digestive sy stem for "damage-control" therapeutics. In pivotal work, Janelle showed that those damage-control mechanisms are just as important as an animal's immune system in surviving infection. Her fascinating presentation will outline her ultimate goal to develop treatments for infectious and non-infectious diseases without the need for antibiotics.

About Dr. Ayers: 
Janelle Ayres completed her PhD at Stanford University and her post doctoral studies at UC Berkeley before joining the Salk Institute where she is an Assistant Professor and the Helen McLoraine Development Chair. Dr. Ayres' research program is designed to make an "end run" around fighting infections with the conventional therapeutics: vaccines and antibiotics.  
Howell Foundation's 
Community Engagement Initiative

Howell Foundation Awards Fourth Grant to study the effects of medition on homeless women. 

Meet Dr. Mary Barger, this year's Howell CEI recipient. She will be working with underserved women and meditation techniques to reduce stress with her research project title "Reducing Insomnia in Homeless Women with the Mantram Repetition Program"

The fastest-growing segment of the homeless population are women, and families headed by women. The Mantram Repetition Program (MantramRP), a portable meditation-based program, teaches the frequent, silent, intermittent repetition of a self-selected word. The portability of the MantramRP allows women to use the intervention anywhere and anytime. Improving insomnia and physiological and psychological stress symptoms could improve overall health, potentially lowering use of costly care. The ease of teaching the intervention allow for its incorporation into existing homeless program nationally.

Dr. Barger has an extensive career in women's health.  From USD's website, Mary Barger is an Associate Professor of Nursing in the Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science. She completed her doctoral education in epidemiology from Boston University's School of Public Health. Her focus is perinatal epidemiology and she completed her dissertation on cesarean births and their complications on mothers and their infants. She received her Master of Public Health from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in maternal and child health and nurse-midwifery and her Bachelor of Science in nursing from Stanford University.

Dr. Hala Madanat presented the results of Howell's CEI research grant focused on preventing gain weight in women starting college -- also known as 'freshman 15' -- at our last luncheon in November.

Dr. Hala Madanat with Doctoral Student Jessica Hawks

By establishing proper eating habits and teaching young women the value of nutrition, young women can identify destructive patterns, such as eating due to stress, or eating based on social, environmental or emotional cues. The Student Health Services Program at SDSU is asking that this project become an established program that continues to train incoming freshmen women howto stay healthy trough nutrition.

Click here to read more about the research of Dr. Madanat.  For more information about the Howell Foundation's Community Engagement Initiative, go to: 

2016 Board of Directors


Doris Howell, MD
 Chair Emeritus; Founder
Chair, Nominating Committee 

Carole L. Banka, Ph.D.

Kathleen A. Franklin
Co-Vice Chair

Linda G. Osborne, CPA
Chief Financial Officer

Kay Christian Pierce

Brad Benter

Abigail D'Agostino, RN BSN MBA Assistant Board Secretary


Betty Brayshay
Howell Fund Development Chair

Stacy Carota

Skai Krisans, Ph.D.,
Co-Chair, Howell Scholarships Committee

Andrea Z. LaCroix, Ph.D.

Hamilton Loeb, Jr.

Bonnie Mendenhall

Priscilla Moxley
Co-Chair, Luncheon Committee

Carolyn Northrup,
Chair, Communications Committee

Peggy Oechsle

Irving Tragen

Carol Tuggey

Pattie Wellborn
Immediate Past Chair, Board of Directors

Cheryl A. Wilson, RN, MA
Howell Strategic Planning Committee Chair

Jessica Zhang

Beatrice Rose, M.D., M.P.H.
First Board Member Emeritus

Tanya Fortuna 


Friends of Howell

Th e Friends of Howell are the lifeblood of our organization as they help us achieve our mission.  We appreciate their support in promoting women's health research and education. 
Below are Friends of Howell donations received Jan. 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.    A full list can be found at   

Thank you for your continuous support! 

($10,000 or more)
Clay and Anne Perfall
Full Scholarship Donors ($3,500 or more)
Reuben H. Fleet Foundation Fund at The San Diego Foundation
Eva May Fleet Foundation Fund at The San Diego Foundation
Andrea and Fred LaCroix
Ruth Lane Charitable Foundation
Michelle Mirandon, Mirandon Foundation for Hope
Irene Nemeth
Beatrice K. Rose, MD, MPH 
Alpha Phi Foundation
Robert P. Banka Fund at The San Diego Foundation
California Trucking Association
The National Cheers Foundation
Audrey Geisel, Dr. Seuss Foundation
Diana Hill
Doris Howell, MD
Hamilton & Estelle Loeb, Jr.
Peggy Oechsle
Virginia "Jill" Patch
Irving Tragen
Cheryl Wilson
Benefactors ($500-$999)
Janet Allison
Susan Baxter, PhD

Marla Black
Colleen Block-Lynn
Karen Bowden
Alison and James Denman
Wanda Garner
Laury Graves
Susan Hoekenga
Jeanne Jones
Gladys Kohn
Lainie Lesser-Mark
Jean McGrath
Bonnie Mendenhall
Jill Mendlen
Vici Willis
Marty Allenby
Carole Banka, PhD
Brad Benter
Marilynn Boesky
Gaylyn Boone
Betty Brayshay
Mandy Butler, PhD
Stacy Carota
Gigi Cramer
Steve Dahms, PhD
Barbara Dudl
Berit Durler
Kathleen Franklin
Kippy Gambill
Cindy Goodman
Sandra Harris
Janet Hawkins
Jane Hopper
Joanne Hutchinson
Mary Lynn Hyde
Cristina Jordan
Todd Kaprielian
Skai Krisans, PhD
Lynne Martin
Lainie Lesser-Mark
Susan McClellan

Kathleen McGuire
Priscilla Moxley
Linda Osborne
Kay Pierce
Patricia Price
Scarano Family Foundation Fund at The San Diego Foundation
Penelope Smith
Sherman & Lady Smith
Maryanne Sorge
Carol Tuggey
Bob Wallace
Joseph & Mary Watson
Judith White
Dodie Williams
Jessica Zhang
Penny Adler
Barbara Arledge
Barbara Bailey
Maxine Bloor
Pamela Boynton
Barbara Brown
Kathleen Buoymaster
Joyce Butler
Elizabeth Carson
K.C. Chien
Marilyn Colby
Janet Douglas
Joan Evangelou
Paula Fenzel
Beverly Franklin
Robert Fredericks
Robin Gordon
Bryna Haber
James & Ruth Harris
Mary Johnson
Muriel Juster
Adele Kayser
Alice Kirby

Linda LaCom
Ronda Landrum
Yvonne Larsen
Patricia Lester
Karen Ludwig
Ann Mayo
Susan Mazza
Candice McCarty
Janet McKinnon
Pamela Mellon, PhD
Patricia Moises
Lois Morris
Linda Mulcahy
Joyce Nash
Frances Osborn
Janace Pierce
Joyce Rafkin
Jo Ragen
Kelsey Regedanz
Carole Renstrom
Mary Lee Roberts
Patricia Roth
Howard & Judith Rubenstein
Thomas Ryan
Marcia Schuster
Dawn Shulman 
Ann Silliman
Goldie Sinegal
Elizabeth Snowden
Ivar Stakgold
Linda Strause
Alice Thomas
Marlene Turrentine
Kathleen Wahab
Sharon Weremiuk
Audrey Wohl
John Zimmermann
Bev Zukor


Howell Advisory Council

2016 Advisory Council: Steve Dahms, Ph.D., Ralph Feuer, Ph.D., Sherrie Gould, MSN, NP-C, Bill Littlejohn, Stanley Maloy, Ph.D., Jennifer Martin, Camille Nebeker, Ed.D., M.S., Mana Parast, M.D. Ph.D., James Paterniti, Ph.D., Michael J. Sailor, Ph.D., Irene Su, M.D. MSCE, Varykina Thackray, Ph.D.
Advisory Council Co-Chairs: Kathleen Franklin, Kay Pierce
Howell Board Representatives: Carole Banka, Ph.D., Brad Benter, Priscilla Moxley

Health is a gift.  Don't take it for granted!

Become a Friend of Howell. 
Your small donation or full scholarship award  can help us achieve BIG things; among them, helping young scholars achieve their education goals and dreams! 

Attend our events.