Mississauga Cycles

Hub & Spoke - Monthly Newsletter

January/February, 2024 | Issue #20

It's frostbike time, Mississauga!

It finally feels and looks like winter, in winter! Are you still riding your bike? Exploring the trails? Or even considering a new accessory or ride for this time of year? We're excited to share group r ides, workshops and challenges this winter to encourage safe winter riding, smart purchases and the development of new skills to keep your ride looking fresh and yourself feeling comfortable, no matter the frosty conditions! Explore our latest newsletter below for what's happening in #BikeMississauga and be sure to have your say in the public consultations underway!

Mississauga Cycles is a project of Peel Multicultural Council with funding provided by the Region of Peel.

❄️City Winter Guide!❄️

The City of Mississauga has recently released a guide to help you enjoy winter to the fullest. From City recreation programs indoors to outdoor fun like sledding, snowshoeing, skating and even biking on the trails, there is much to see and enjoy in parks and City facilities all winter!

Check out the guide and also the City events calendar and be sure to send feedback on your experience, including if it was bike-friendly!

Bike Partner Links

Walk and Roll Peel

Mississauga Bikes

Mississauga Cycling Now!

CWA Mississauga

Bike Brampton

Sheridan Bike Hub

Cycling news, actions and resources

Learn bike repair or share your skills at our "Do-It-Yourself" Bike Hub

Our DIY Bike Hub continues on Tuesdays from

3:30-6:30pm for newcomer youth ages 13-24. We are always looking for mentors to support our efforts - these are adults age 18+ with excellent repair experience who can help us quickly repair and refurbish bikes to give to newcomers in need. Volunteers are provided with all tools and space to repair bikes with youth able to watch and learn alongside when appropriate. Considering sharing this opportunity and applying via our simple application below. Volunteers are recognized for their efforts with great bike swag, too!

We hope you will join our DIY Bike Hub!

Get winter ready with us on IG Live

Join us on our Instagram account LIVE for a short workshop series where we get you ready for winter - by bike! Join us on our Instagram account 12:30-1:00pm each day or watch the recordings anytime after the live session is complete and posted.

Jan 24th: Getting ready for winter riding

Jan 25th: Clean and maintain your bike this winter

Jan 26th: Different bikes for different people

We'll see you on Instagram Live!

Enjoy winter cycling, as a group!

We're hosting winter group rides - for real! Our focus is to host rides at a comfortable pace on clear trails, primarily for newcomers who want to find a larger community to ride, start riding in the winter or discover new trails as part of their winter cycling journey. Everyone is welcome but space will be limited based on the number of Marshals who can support. Rides will take place every second Saturday from 2-4pm on February 3rd in Meadowvale, February 17th in City Centre and March 2nd in Clarkson.

Winter rides also continue with FrostBike Mississauga! Find all cycling events and the registration details in our Cycling Events Calendar.

Winter workshops are coming...

Building on our initial workshops on Instagram Live, join us for detailed sessions at select Libraries! At these sessions we will provide information on not just cycling safety and repair but also safe walking and transit use in winter. These sessions are intended for newcomers in Mississauga who may have questions on safe mobility by any mode.

Sessions will take place Saturdays from 12-1pm on February 3rd (Meadowvale CC), 10th (Erin Meadows CC) and 17th (Central Library).

Register for a session using our form today!

Get active in Mississauga this winter

Enjoy these upcoming events to celebrate active travel outdoors in Mississauga this winter!

Reminder - attend the Winter Cycling Congress in Edmonton

Join the City of Edmonton for the 2024 edition of the Winter Cycling Congress! This is a once-a-year event to celebrate, network, showcase and discover all things winter cycling. The event will take place in Edmonton from February 21-24 2024. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to connect with fellow winter cycling enthusiasts and learn from experts in the field! Learn more and register today.

Get involved with City consultations!

Check out these opportunities to build a healthier, more active and bike-friendly Mississauga! There are many more consultations underway than the list below, so please browse the main website and consider subscribing for updates by email!

Share what you see!

Are the roads clear but the trails are snowy? Maybe the paths are plowed, but there's too much salt at the bus stops and intersections! How about the bike parking, is it available, is it good, is it clear?

Let the City know what you see!

Report your concerns, compliments and ideas by using 311 and other feedback forms on the City website. It is good to contact your local Councillor for larger concerns, too! Share pictures and videos when you can and tag us if posting on Instagram with #BikeMississauga or #FrostBike and we might just highlight you!

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