Hubbard Hall Wins $86,000 in
Capital Funds from the
New York State Council on the Arts.
Hubbard Hall Center for the Arts and Education is thrilled to announce $86,000 in additional funding awarded from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) towards new HVAC, sound, and audience seating systems. NYSCA's Capital Funds will allow Hubbard Hall to update its heating and cooling systems throughout its buildings, purchase and install a new sound system in its main stage space, and purchase and install new audience seating.
David Snider, Hubbard Hall's Executive & Artistic Director, says "We are thrilled to receive this new funding towards the purchase of new HVAC, seating and sound systems. These new systems will greatly enhance our ability to serve our audiences with world class music, theater, dance and spoken word special events. This new equipment will allow our older and hearing-impaired audience members to hear every word spoken on our stages and to clearly hear a musician’s notes and a singer’s voice. It will increase the comfort in our spaces, by providing cleaner and warmer or cooler air, and more comfortable seating. It will also provide the kind of professional support necessary for high quality artists. Hubbard Hall is a point of pride for residents and visitors alike here in Washington County. Having high quality sound, HVAC, and seating systems will allow our patrons to feel better served and honored by us, while attracting new talents to our stage. We are very grateful to NYSCA for their ongoing support for our programs, operations, and facilities."
NYSCA's Capital Funds must be matched dollar for dollar. Hubbard Hall will therefore launch a matching campaign this summer in order to raise the funds to complete the HVAC and sound system projects later this fall. In 2023 the Hall will launch a second matching campaign in order to raise the final funding needed to purchase and install new audience seating in 2024.
Margaret Surowka, the Chair of the Hubbard Hall Board of Directors, says: "We're thrilled with NYSCA's additional support of our facilities. Our community has always been generous to Hubbard Hall, and we're hoping our neighbors will help us complete these important projects this year!"
In recent years Hubbard Hall has successfully completed matching campaigns towards new restrooms, a new floor, and a new riser system. "We feel confident we can complete these campaigns. It's especially exciting to ramp back up to more live events post-pandemic while still improving our facilities and capacity," says Snider.
More information on the upcoming matching campaigns will be announced later this spring.
For more information contact:
David Andrew Snider
Executive & Artistic Director
518-677-2495, ext. 313