North Hart Elementary Huddle
Campus Huddle Leaders - Tina Lorentson, David Mclane, Kellie Worley


We are so excited to share what has been happening on our campuses lately! With each huddle in our community comes the transformation of coaches and athletes, and the deepening of understanding in our Savior. There is something so special about circling up, sharing life, and growing together in Christ. Each week, coaches and athletes have that exact opportunity to do so, while also learning the core values of FCA.

Campus Huddle Leaders follow the Discovery Bible Study Method to facilitate their FCA Huddles. This starts with a warm-up that engages student athletes with questions such as, "What are you thankful for?" and, "What are you struggling with?" This builds relational equity and they now have things to celebrate and pray for one another. Next comes the workout portion of the huddle. No, not a physical workout, but a spiritual workout! The huddle begins with reviewing the previous week's action items, then engaging with scripture verse by verse. Each week, the coaches and student athletes are encouraged to think about what the passage of scripture says about God, as well as what it says about people. Finally, the wrap-up challenges them all to take action regarding what they just learned about. The Huddle considers how they will apply it in the week ahead, and how they will share that piece of scripture with those around them!
Ministry In Action
Middle School Volleyball Team Huddle
Character Coach - Kristi Zemaitis
High School Volleyball Team Huddle
Character Coaches - Mandy Floyd & Kristen Atkins

High School Competition Cheer Team Huddle
Character Coach - Sheryl Adams
High School Football Cheer Team Huddle
Character Coach - Sheryl Adams

High School Football Team Huddle
Character Coach - Chris Pritchett
High School Cross Country Team Huddle
Character Coaches - Clay & Rheanna Bauknight
Middle School Girl's Huddle
Campus Huddle Leaders - Robin Pittman, Angela Wolfe
Middle School Boy's Huddle
Campus Huddle Leaders - Leland Jones, Mason Buchanan, Christian Gray, Michael Guertler

Hartwell Elementary Huddle
Campus Huddle Leaders - Brett Carey, Hannah Jones, Jalen Burton, Stephen Gomez

South Hart Elementary Huddle
Campus Huddle Leaders - Kate Beardsley, Daniel Isbell

Character Coach Spotlight
Kristi serves as the Character Coach for Hart County Middle School's Volleyball team, and always has such an awesome time with the girls! She attended FCA huddles as a college student, her sons were involved in FCA, and she already knew some of the coaches and students on the volleyball team-- so it seemed like a natural fit to become a FCA Character Coach.

Kristi is confident that God loves her, and wants to instill that same confidence in others. Spending time with the volleyball team and sharing the love of Christ with them is the highlight of her week!
Upcoming Events
Fields of Faith 2022 | Oct. 26
This is student led event where students invite, pray for, share with, and challenge their peers to read the Bible and follow Jesus Christ. An athletic field provides a neutral, rally point where a community can come together. Visit the link below for more information!

WinShape Marriage Retreat | Nov. 18-20
Whether you’re beginning the lifelong journey of marriage or you're a seasoned couple looking to strengthen your relationship, this is for you! Visit the link below for more information!

Winter Recharge | Dec. 21-23
This is a 2-night getaway for student athletes, coaches, and their families! You will be recharged spiritually and refreshed physically as you connect with God and establish deeper relationships. Visit the link below for more information!

Volunteer Opportunities
If you have a passion to help lead coaches and athletes as they grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His church, the local ministry of Lake Hartwell FCA wants to help you do that. Let's team up to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Contact Chad Posey at for more information.
We are truly grateful for your ministry partnership because it allows us to pursue our mission of leading every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His heart at a time!
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