We are so excited to share what has been happening on our campuses lately! With each huddle in our community comes the transformation of coaches and athletes, and the deepening of understanding in our Savior. There is something so special about circling up, sharing life, and growing together in Christ. Each week, coaches and athletes have that exact opportunity to do so, while also learning the core values of FCA.
Campus Huddle Leaders follow the Discovery Bible Study Method to facilitate their FCA Huddles. This starts with a warm-up that engages student athletes with questions such as, "What are you thankful for?" and, "What are you struggling with?" This builds relational equity and they now have things to celebrate and pray for one another. Next comes the workout portion of the huddle. No, not a physical workout, but a spiritual workout! The huddle begins with reviewing the previous week's action items, then engaging with scripture verse by verse. Each week, the coaches and student athletes are encouraged to think about what the passage of scripture says about God, as well as what it says about people. Finally, the wrap-up challenges them all to take action regarding what they just learned about. The Huddle considers how they will apply it in the week ahead, and how they will share that piece of scripture with those around them!