Special Deals from Fintastic Aquariums
Reef Safe
Dont miss out on this price on this amazing hardy fish this price will not last long.
Hammer Frags
Starting at $50
With Caution
The Coral beauty is great for a 30 gallon or larger. The body and head are a deep royal blue, highlighted with an iridescent orange to yellow. The Coral Beauty Angelfish is one of the easiest angels to care for. They may nip at coral but are okay with inverts.
With Caution
The Flame Angelfish is a flashy addition to many aquariums. One of the most popular of the dwarf angelfish, the Flame Angelfish is a bold red/orange color with vertical black stripes highlighting the body and horizontal black stripes along the caudal portions of the blue-tipped dorsal and anal fins. They may nip at coral but are okay with shrimp and snails.
Reef Safe
The Flameback Angelfish requires a minimum of a 30 gallon tank with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing. On occasion, this fish may nip at SPS and some species of polyp corals in the reef aquarium.
The diet of the Flameback Angelfish should include Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, and other meaty foods.
With Caution
It may reside in a 125 gallon or larger aquarium. It is a very peaceful species except when housed with other rabbitfish. The Magnificent Foxface may be housed with more aggressive fish. Its predators will tend to leave it alone because of its venomous dorsal spines. Rabbitfish are generally reef-safe if they are well fed. If not, it is possible for them to nip at and consume some species of LPS and soft corals.
Fish Only
Quite an amazing fish. Very intelligent and sure to be sociable with you. They will eat most prepared food given time. Algae is recommended to be included in their diet.
Reef Safe
These guys look great this week and are a great price for the size. They are reef safe and generally peaceful. A 30 gallon or larger is need to keep them in. They will eat most prepared food.
Reef Safe
This blenny will appreciate a minimum tank of 30 gallons or larger with numerous rocks. They love algae and have tons of personality. .
Reef Safe
This blenny will appreciate a minimum tank of 30 gallons or larger amazing color and are easy to care for. The will eat almost any food making for easy care.
With Caution
The Multicolor Angelfish needs a minimum of a 30 gallon tank with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing on microalgae. It does best in subdued lighting, since in the wild, it is a deep-water swimmer. The Multicolor Angelfish may nip at fleshy stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles.
$10 ea or 3 for $25
Reef Safe
Chromis will actively swim at all levels of the aquarium water column. In fact, small schools of the Blue/Green Chromis add a dazzling and dramatic shimmer of beauty to almost any larger, well-established reef system.
Reef Safe
A 180 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room, places to hide, and a tight-fitting lid to prevent jumping to escape. It can be
aggressive towards other tangs, but peaceful with other fish in the tank.
Reef Safe
Firefish Goby requires a 20-gallon or larger system with moderate lighting conditions and a moderate current passing over the live rock "reef." Keep in mind that a stressed Firefish Goby will try to jump out of your aquarium. As such, house the Firefish Goby in aquarium systems with a lid
Reef Safe
It should be housed in a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with live sand as the substrate, and an attached populated refugium. The Diamond Watchman Goby uses shallow burrows in the substrate as refuge, keeping the substrate well oxygenated. It rarely becomes aggressive towards other fish, but is territorial, and will fight with its own kind unless they are a mated pair.
Reef Safe
The Pintail Fairy Wrasse is a very peaceful, active fish that will bring both color and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 60 gallons or larger. They will not bother any corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish for the reef aquarium. A single male can be kept with a group of females that is introduced prior to or at the same time as the male. These wrasses like to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is recommended.
Reef Safe
This species is best kept in mated pairs or harems of one male and multiple females in an aquarium that is 30 gallons or larger. Males are territorial and will not tolerate the presence of one another. If adding more than one bluestripe pipefish to the aquarium, it is recommended to add them at the same time.
Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse
Reef Safe
The Banded Possum Wrasse is a very peaceful, active fish that will bring both color and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 10 gallons or larger. They will not bother any corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish for the reef aquarium. A single male can be kept with a group of females that is introduced prior to or at the same time as the male. These wrasses like to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is recommended.
Fish Only
The Koran Angelfish is an extremely popular and hardy angelfish. As an adult, the body color is a yellow-green that bleeds from light to dark moving front to back along the body. Lighter areas are speckled-blue while darker areas have a more yellow-speckled appearance.
Queen Angel
Sm $120 Lg $225
Fish Only
The Queen Angelfish is one of the most striking of all angelfish. Vibrant yellow and electric sapphire-blue highlights give the Queen Angelfish an almost iridescent appearance. It has a dark spot on the forehead surrounded by bright blue. The dorsal and pelvic fins are elongated.
Fish Only
The French Angelfish is one of the more popular angelfish varieties. The face is a pale, dusky-blue with eyes rimmed in yellow and white. The body is a dark, dusky-blue with yellow scale margins giving the French Angelfish a dappled appearance. A yellow smudge highlights the pectoral fin while the gill cover has a yellow rim.
Orange Back Fairy Wrasse $100
Reef Safe
The Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse is a very peaceful, active fish that will bring both color and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 90 gallons or larger. They will not bother any corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish for the reef aquarium. These wrasses like to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is recommended.
Reef Safe
It requires a 20 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of loose coral rubble as part of the aquascape, and a tight-fitting lid to prevent it from jumping out of the tank. It will rarely become aggressive towards other fish, but is territorial, and will fight with its own kind unless they are a mated pair.
Reef Safe
Best kept in groups of 3 or more. The dominant female will turn male if no other male is present. They do eat a lot of food so they need a larger tank like 75 and up.
Reef Safe
Best kept with a trio of females. They should be kept in a 75 gallon or larger tank. They do need a lot of food so they do best with at least two feedings daily.
Reef Safe
A great tang for 75 gallons and up. They excel at cleaning up algae better than other tangs. They can be aggressive toward other tangs but typically are peaceful toward most other fish.
Reef Safe
The Bartlett's Anthias does best when kept with its own kind in a species tank of at least 70 gallons but also makes a beautiful addition to the peaceful fish-only marine aquarium as well as the mixed reef aquarium. The Bartlett's Anthias will predominantly occupy the middle of the aquarium water column but will venture freely into all regions of the aquarium injecting vibrant color where ever it swims.
Reef Safe
The Ignitus Anthias from the Maldives is also appropriately called the Flame Anthias. Gorgeous gradations of fiery reds, bold oranges, and vibrant yellows of the Ignitus Anthias add color and vitality to the FOWLR or reef aquarium.
Reef Safe
This blenny will appreciate a minimum tank of 30 gallons or larger with numerous rocks on which to perch. Sometimes, the Midas Blenny will vex small planktivores and has been known to nip at firefish and gobies. Larger tanks are advantageous as many of the Midas Blenny's aggressive behavior traits seem to relate to a confining tank situation.
Reef Safe
A 30 gallon aquarium or larger with plenty of rockwork and décor is ideal. Because it can tolerate less than ideal water parameters, it is a popular fish among beginning hobbyists. A small group of juvenile Black Cap Damsels will add color and drama to most marine aquariums. Maintain this species with other semi-aggressive fish, as they can become territorial as they mature. In larger reef aquariums, this is normally not a problem if plenty of hiding places are provided.
Sergeant Major Damsel $10
Reef Safe
Its name comes from the striping across its back that resembles the black bars of a Sergeant Major's military insignia. Males and females are nearly identical making breeding in captivity difficult. It will eat an omnivorous diet consisting of small inverts, quality flake foods, and frozen meaty foods. They can be a bully in a community reef tank so be sure not to pair with fish that can be bullied. It is generally reef safe if kept with the right tank mates.
Reef Safe
The Springer Damsel is hardy and is a good fish for beginners. They also make an ideal companion fish for a saltwater aquarium of over 30 gallons, and are safe with corals and invertebrates. As the fish matures it may become aggressive, causing problems with the selection of other species of fish added to the aquarium. If keeping with other damselfish, provide plenty of live rock with multiple hiding places to break up territories and decrease aggression
Reef Safe
It should be kept in a 10 gallon or larger aquarium that is well-established and has live rock and sand on which the fish can graze. It is best to keep only one of this species in an aquarium, unless the tank is large with an abundance of hiding places. It is rarely aggressive towards other species.
Reef Safe
It should be housed in a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of loose coral rubble, and a tight-fitting lid to prevent it from jumping out of the tank. It requires ample swimming room and a sand bottom for burrowing. It will rarely become aggressive towards other fish, but is territorial, and will fight with its own kind unless they are a mated pair.
Aiptasia Eating Filefish $30
With Caution
The Aiptasia eating Filefish is known to eat Aiptasia anemone in the home aquarium, but normally nips at soft and stony corals as well. The diet should include shaved shrimp, squid, scallop, mysis shrimp, freeze-dried krill soaked in a vitamin supplement, and frozen marine algae. The Matted Filefish should be fed small quantities of food several times per day.
Rwith Caution
This is a very hardy eel, but an escape artist. A 50 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of live rock and a tightly fit canopy is ideal. Most of the eels that are lost in an aquarium are due to poorly sealed tanks. The Snowflake Eel is safe to house with any fish it cannot easily swallow. It can be housed with some invertebrates, like anemones and corals, but not crustaceans
Reef Safe
We Found them again!!! We can't keep them in stock so if you've been wanting one please come asap!
Reef Safe
The Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse is a peaceful, active fish that will bring both color and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 50 gallons or larger. When maintained with other Cirrhilabrus or Paracheilinus wrasse, they can become territorial, and dominate similar species. Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse will not harm any corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish for the reef aquarium. These wrasses like to jump, so a tight-fitting canopy is recommended
Reef Safe
For the best care, the Pajama Cardinalfish should be kept in small schools in suitably sized aquariums of at least 30 gallons. Because the Pajama Cardinalfish is a slow and methodical swimmer, it should be housed with peaceful tankmates and offered a plethora of hiding places amongst rockwork or plants.
Reef Safe
We have had this guy for months now. He is eating well and doing great. He does need a larger tank but you don't want to miss this price for this size.
With Caution
It may reside in a 125 gallon or larger aquarium. It is a very peaceful species except when housed with other rabbitfish. The Foxface Lo may be housed with more aggressive fish. Its predators will tend to leave it alone because of its venomous dorsal spines. Rabbitfish are generally reef-safe if they are well fed. If not, it is possible for them to nip at and consume some species of LPS and soft corals.
Reef Safe
Great at controlling britsleworms and vermitid snails.
Red Leg Hermit
$1.50 Ea or $10 for 10
Mexican Turbo Snail
$4 ea
Nassarius Snail
$3 ea or 5 for $12
Sm $2 ea or 5 for $8
Fintastic Aquariums