Maria Shaw's



January 6, 2024

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  • 2024 Moon Calendar
  • New Year's Predictions webinar
  • Your zodiac forecast


Phone Readings

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Treat Yourself to a

New Years Forecast

Astro News with Maria Shaw

I have good news for the new year for all of us. When we do the numerology for 2024, we see that it is a lucky eight year! The number 8 represents abundance, prosperity and money. The energy of the Number 8 gives everyone a chance to create some sort of good fortune in this new year. Don’t be shy about manifesting money this year as the universe is working to bring you what you desire, more than ever.

2024 is 2+0+2+4 = 8

In addition to 8 being the Universal Number for 2024, we all have our own personal year number based on our birthday. Each year we start a new cycle that runs birthday to birthday. These cycles repeat every nine years. Each cycle has a different theme and meaning. When you understand what cycle you are in, you can push your luck in that specific area and likely see big results.

Some folks reading this may find they are in a very positive career year. Career years can also bring money. Other people will be in what we know as a “marriage year” and may either meet their future mate or actually walk down the aisle. Still other people may find it’s their big year to move, work on their health, travel or meet a big goal.

If you’d like to know specifically what cycle/personal year you will be in this year, please order a one question reading here and ask What’s my Numerology for 2024? I will record your reading and send it back to your email to listen to.

But this lucky numerology isn’t all we have to look forward to in 2024. The planets are also going to bring good luck to many this spring. Astrology reveals this new year may bring huge financial blessings to many people.

2024 Big Money or Go Broke!

A huge astrological aspect that will help many people unexpectedly become wealthy or even millionaires, peaks this spring. However because the aspect is related to crazy Uranus, it can also bring unexpected bankruptcy and losses too. 

I talk in great detail in my 2024 Predictions webinar about this aspect with specific dates in the spring and periods to push your luck. You can order the webinar here. This aspect is a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that will not happen again in our lifetimes in this degree or sign. So it's a big deal and a once in a lifetime opportunity for us to become rich! Even though there is a lot of info in my webinar, I wanted to share a quick mention about this special period.

Circle April 18 - 26th as a time to make a lot of money and or save money too. If you need financial help, you can get it then. If you are in line for a promotion, you could get it. Windfalls and BIG bargains are coming.

If you have any planet in your chart; at 21 or 22 degrees Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo you will be extra lucky. That's because Jupiter and Uranus will meet up at that degree at the same time.

But for all of us, the magic degree is somewhere in our astrological charts as a hidden energy. No matter what sign you are, you will be lucky in some way but even more so if you have that exact degree connected to a planet.

Jan 12-13-14, May 12-13, 14 and September 14, 15, 16 are the luckiest birthdays for 2024 because their sun signs fall at 22 degrees.

Since we all have the 22 degree energy somewhere in our charts even if it is not in a planet, everyone should get a reading on this topic. You can order a one question here and ask “Where will I be the luckiest in the Spring?” I’ll record your answer and send it back to you. It’s important to know where it is specifically in your chart and how it’s acting with other planets, to maximize your good luck. I can tell you what area of your life the luck is expected to come from.

Remember you can also order a two question reading here and get the third free so you may want to order the numerology question and the lucky question together and then your free third question can be about anything you want to know.

Again to be clear:

Jupiter is about good luck

Uranus is about unexpected gain.

Being in the sign of Taurus, which rules money and wages, it brings in good luck that we won’t see again in our lifetimes.

This aspect will make some people unexpected millionaires and bring good fortune out of the blue for many.

Aspects for the weekend

Saturday January 6. 

This is a wonderful day for healing energy. I love the energy around 2:10p.m. eastern time especially today. Please take some down time to indulge in simple pleasures then. Around 8:30p.m. something that’s bothering you on a very deep or subconscious level will bubble to the surface. Acknowledge it. Try to make peace with it and release it. 

Sunday January 7

You will be creative and very psychic today. There’s a Scorpio moon in play early on. Read your tarot cards! You may have visitations from deceased family members if you sleep in. Later, the moon moves into Sagittarius and your mood will change. There’s a strong urge to do something fun and perhaps travel. You could find a great bargain on line for a vacation to help break the winter blahs.Watch for a message which helps you to solve a problem at 11:11p.m. eastern.

January 8

Mercury Squares Neptune 

This is not a good day to do much except relax and chill out. You won’t want to focus on anything or do any work either. Hang out on the couch and indulge in comfort food.

Get My Two Hour 2024 Predictions Replay

Here Order Today!

Now through June 29, 2024,

a primal energy is out of control!

Black Moon Lilith, is in the sign of Virgo until then, unleashing her force to push YOU to work

through control issues and unfair situations.

You're in a huge period of growth and healing that is life changing but not always pretty. Are you feeling it?

This Black Moon Lilith cycle, if used wisely and carefully, will help you create changes in your life forever that would normally take years of therapy to understand and work thru.

I am presenting a world wide New Moon

webinar on January 11 all about Lilith.

Register here for the Lilith webinar

The first 6 months of 2024, Lilith could bring everyone to their knees. Lilith is the female villan in the world of astrology and she will affect all of us in this new year for better or worse.

In this webinar we will cover:

1.) Who and what Lilith is about. You need to learn about her as she is the shadow side of you.

2.)What she’s got planned for the world and us individually now through June.

3.) How you personally can use your Lilith energy to better your life and stand up for yourself.

After all, everyone has Lilith holding court somewhere in their astrology chart.

Added Bonus:

I will also talk about

Iris; Goddess of the Rainbow and how she can help you create light and love in your life. She can aid us while working through our Lilith stuff this year.

As the Goddess of the Rainbow, Iris has the divine authority and absolute control over rainbows.

Rainbow Generation: She is able to generate rainbows.

Shs uses light from her rainbows to create multicolored flames to ward off enemies.

Wherever she falls in your own astrology chart, her energy gives you the ability to create LIGHT and ward off negativity or evil.

There are many other goddesses and asteroids to talk about too that show up in your astrology charts. Time permitting, I will share knowledge on a few as well.


Gift Package

1) Lilith Webinar Live and Replay $49.99 value

2) Lilith Pendant - stainless steel pendant $35 value

3) Iris and Goddess Asteroid report $39.99 value

All for $59.99 here with free shipping

Already have the webinar?

Order just the report and the Lilith pendant

for only $39.99 here

Why Do

People Feel Disconnected?

So many of my clients are calling with deeper questions than "When will I financial situation improve or when will I meet someone?" Although those are worthy and important inquiries, there seems to be a running theme amongst many clients, feeling the same way these days that needs addressing.

Many have posed the question;

"What is wrong with me?"

People are feeling disconnected with life.

They say "Been there, done that".

These folks are not suicidal by any means but feel if God wanted to take them home now and they could transition to the other side, they wouldn’t necessarily fight, going. Some believe in reincarnation and expressed that they would like to have an opportunity for a brand new life; one that is exciting and offers something more. People need something more to look forward to, than what they have now. Many of my clients feel no passion...about anything. They love their family and friends. They usually have a good job or are retired comfortably, but just feel “blah" and that there is nothing that excites them or to look forward to. They feel no sense of purpose and things that used to bring them joy, are no longer appealing. They go through the motions, day by day. And most of these clients have many more years to live but do not want to feel like this a day longer.

How many of you are going through this? I do not have all of the answers because every individual is uniquely different as are their experiences, ages and astrology charts. Their charts can reveal why some clients have these thoughts and feelings. I do feel I have an overall answer as to why so many are experiencing this disconnection so here goes...

The soul and spirit have been neglected. 

We have four bodies; the mind, body, soul and spirit. Most of us take care of our bodies as we have to in order to keep moving. Most of us will take care of our mind to be as positive as we can and avoid depressions, etc. But the majority of us neglect to take care of our souls.

And when we do, the soul captures our attention in the only way it can. It attracts to us a crisis, sadness, boredom and such. Over time, if we fail to nurture it, the soul which connects us to everything, will try to try to get our attention to pay attention, by creating the dark night of the soul. 

When this happens, our life can easily lose meaning. And after a while, we grow to realize that in order for life to have meaning, we need to reconnect with passion and be excited to be here. In order to do this, we must reconnect with our inner self in order to feel alive again. Turning inward is necessary so we can find purpose.

So if you feel lost as to the meaning of life, it's because you lost a part of you on the inside. If you feel disconnected with the outside world, you have been disconnected on the inside for a while and this is the result.

I’ve thought long and hard about this and tried to find something I could do to help people get jumpstarted and re-energized. This new year, my teachings are going “deeper”. For many years I have taught classes about interesting topics that people were curious about. 2024 is my year to go deeper with the teachings. I want to teach things that ignite passion in people and within their souls.

Thus, I have designed a smaller group Master Class Convention that will be held in March. This will be similar to our Cosmic Connections Conventions but more intensive and host longer classes.

Instead of 10 speakers who lecture for 45 minutes, I have organized five speakers who will speak for hours in depth on specific topics that will help you connect on a deeper level to yourself and others.

These Master Classes will be shared by experts in their field with years of experience. Class sizes will be about 50 - 75% smaller than our regular classes, encouraging interactive conversations within the classrooms.

People are encouraged to fly in and make this a spring retreat since it will be held near the the Spring Equinox March 22-24, 2024 in Lansing MI.

The cost will not be any more than our regular conventions. If you have a premiere pass, most of the events are covered. I urge you to sign up quickly. Here’s the line up. We have limited seating.

Individual private one on one readings and sessions with each of the experts can booked over that weekend for deeper intensive growth. I will still offer some of our most popular events there, like the Crossing Over Gallery, Joe Lawson’s extreme seance now called Voices From Beyond and a special Sunday appearance by Medium Thomas John for an extra ticket charge.

Celebrate Winter Magic in Minneapolis

at our Psychic Convention

Drop in for an hour, all day or the entire weekend.

Special Notes:

Debby Harden has been promoted to Social Media Events manager and because of this time consuming role, she will no longer be able to be at the Minneapolis Psychic Fairs. We have someone many of you know, filling her big shoes! 

Things are changing

With a brand new format of classes and topics,

new readers and speakers! 

I will be speaking most the day on Saturday and doing my Crossing Over Gallery on Sunday with a small ticket charge of only $49 per day or $59 for both days. 

***Admission to the Psychic Fair

is $10 unless you have a premiere pass.

Free gifts to first 25 attendees each day

We also have 2024 Premiere Passes that get you into all classes and on line webinars throughout the year except for Joe Lawson, meals and Thomas John events. Order here.

There will be a Tucson Gemstone and Jewelry finds, just in from the big Gem and Mineral shows earlier in February.

A class pass is $49 per day or $59 for both days and includes

Saturday Schedule

10a.m. to noon - Your Millionaire Year with Maria Shaw

It is possible for some people attending this class today to become a millionaire this year. The most fortunate astrological aspect of 2024 is revealed in detail.

1p.m. - 1:45p.m. Meet The Experts; Exploring Psychic and Healings Gifts. Several of our practitioners will share their wisdom and insight into different spiritual modalities. Q&A session too.

2:30p.m. - 3:30p.m. Maria Shaw and the Cosmic Energy in Your Fingers - Each of your fingers relate to something special in the universe. Each holds a unique power and energy. Learn how to maximize these strengths. You won't look at your hands the same again!

Sunday Schedule

10a.m. - 11: 15a.m. Crossing Over Gallery with Maria Shaw

12noon Rev. Cindy Buning

PAST LIFE Lovers and Friends and how they are affecting your current incarnation. You do not want to miss this class! Cindy is an excellent teacher and so wise. She has been working with me for 31 years and is one of the best experts on past lives. You will not regret attending! Please make a point to!

1p.m. Loving Yourself presented by Darcie

Darcie will share many ways to show love and compassion to your self. She will also offer a group meditation to open, balance and heal the heart chakra.

2p.m. TBA

3:30p.m. True Love Confessions with Dr. Mary

Join Dr. Mary in discovering what your Angels and Guides really think of you!

Limited slots available

Friday, Saturday and Sunday February 23, 24, and 25

email: [email protected]