
The human link system...

presented a way for us to understand
levers in our body.

When we couple this with our present
understanding of what I call the
movement system. 

This includes the myofascial sling, anatomy trains,
and kinetic chain of movement concepts from
Vleming, Myers and Sharkey.

Our somatic nervous system

includes all the neurons with the muscles,
skin and sense organs.  This system lets
us voluntarily control our muscular
contractions outside of reflexes and allows
us to sense our muscles - which we
primarily feel positively, negatively or
not at all.

Somatics exercises work with the brain
and nervous system to regulate our
feel and control.  Hence we won't be left
subject to reflex actions since we understand
how they can both help and hurt us.

Since we work the entire movement
system, the connections whether
through a feel for the levers, myofascia
or through muscles we sense and
use allows us to build our building blocks
and foundation to move well.

Somatics exercises help us set ourself
up for successful movement which then
allows us to confidently move about
and exercise our body.

When people have pain that is neither
seen with an mri or xrays, bodyworkers
like myself often feel the strains, adhesions,
and sticky or stiffness of the muscles
and fascia.

Smaller nerves passing through the fascia
can be trapped at the neuronal level.

So the inflammation or thickening of scar
tissue can be set in place.

Over time, if there is neural or fascia tightness
then the discomforts we experience can be
evident to ourself in spite of tests which
show nothing.

Can we change this ourself?

You betcha.

This week I'll be teaching some neural
freeing movements that will benefit:
  • legs
  • knees
  • and back
We'll play with movements which also
free both the lower and upper back.

Since we're also dealing with chemicals
we can self-create, these will help with:
  • decreasing tension
  • lessening stress in the targeted areas 
  • producing states of relaxation
  • rewiring our nervous system
  • and growing more brain cells through

the differentiation of freeing movements.  


Here's what someone J. from Colorado


said about last week's class.


"That was a great lesson! Never done that


sequence like that before, really beneficial ." 


S. from Canada said this about another class -


"I purchased the Friday class and I use it


whenever I feel a hitch in my gait. One thing
that I have noticed is that each time I play
the recording I pick up some new titbit that
I have missed in earlier sessions. This is a
great recording and it has been very useful for me.
Thank you."

Please join me for the live class or get the replay.

Move Well,

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