Class Relocated on Wednesday (October 12)

The lecture on October 12 will occur in Scaife Lecture Room 4, which is on the third floor (below our normal lecture room). The easiest way to find the room is to head down one floor via the staircase adjacent to LR3.

Key for Tophat Homework Due on October 10

This answer key provides answers to the Tophat Homework due on October 10. Also note that additional Tophat homework due on October 17 has been posted.

Exam 1 Review Session

The discussion session for Exam 1 can be reviewed online:

Getting Ready for Exam 2

Exam 2 is coming up sooner than you think: on October 28. Note that Dr. Yates will be attending an advisory committee meeting on the NIH Campus in Bethesda from October 25-28. Thus, you should arrange office hours before that time.

The following review sessions will be offered to help you prepare for Exam 2:

  • Dr. Yates will remain after class on October 19 to answer your questions
  • The TAs will provide a review session after class on October 24
  • Dr. Yates will provide an electronic review session on October 26 via Skype for Business. Login using this link. If you are unfamilar with the University's Skype for Business service, learn more using this tutorial.