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Preparing Students for Successful Futures

November 2023

Pictured above: JAG-K students and staff gathered at Kansas State University on Oct. 11 for the annual Leadership Development Conference.

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Hundreds of JAG-K Officers Gather for Leadership Development

Fall is the season of Initiation and Installation Ceremonies across the state. New students are officially added to local Career Associations in ceremonies planned by locally elected officers. It's one of the highlights of the fall semester.

Another highlight of every fall is our Leadership Development Conference, held at a different college campus each year, at which elected officers from each program gather for training on how to lead their respective Career Associations. The business meeting is chaired by elected student officers. Pictured here are the regional and state officers elected for this year.

This year, students were treated to a rousing keynote address by Kansas State University band director Frank Trasz. (Click to watch Trasz' message)

Representing ADM, the sponsor of the conference, was JAG-K board member and former ADM vice president Kevin Like, who shared about his personal development and career. (Click to watch Like's message)

Below is a news release that details the events of the Leadership Development Conference.

Chuck Knapp

JAG-K President/CEO

JAG-K Students Attend Leadership Development Conference at Kansas State University

Elected officers from the state's 113 JAG-K programs were invited to participate in the organization's annual Leadership Development Conference (LDC) in the Student Union at Kansas State on Oct. 11, an event sponsored by ADM.

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Win Tickets to See the Kansas City Chiefs by Donating to JAG-K on Giving Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 30, is #GivingTuesday, a global movement to connect those who want to give to organizations impacting their communities.


This year, donors to JAG-K’s Giving Tuesday campaign will be entered into a raffle for the chance to win tickets to the Kansas City Chiefs game on Dec. 25 at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, courtesy of former Governor Jeff Colyer, M.D.


Watch for more details about this exciting opportunity to see the Chiefs and to help students prepare for successful futures.

Hiawatha High School Career Specialist Honored by Skilled Trades Organization

Kelly Griswold, Career Specialist from Hiawatha High School, recently was honored by the National Institute for Construction Excellence (NICE) as the organization's New Partner of the Year in Construction Education.

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Textron Aviation Hosts JAG-K Students for "Girls in Aviation Day"

Approximately 200 participants in JAG-K programs in central Kansas took part in Textron Aviation's recent "Girls in Aviation Day" career exploration event.

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First Quarter Ideal Team Player

Congratulations to DaMarshae Franklin, Career Specialist from Wichita West High School for being selected Ideal Team Player for the first quarter of FY 2024.

Ideal Team Players are selected by the JAG-K Leadership Team for embodying the characteristics "humble, hungry and smart."

Veteran Journalist, Communications Expert Featured on Espresso Yourself with Chuck

JAG-K Thanks Featured Sponsor for November

In the month of November, JAG-K shines a light on careers in business, including marketing, finance, management and entrepreneurship.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Walmart and the Taco Bell Foundation for their support of JAG-K. Not only do these organizations partner with us to provide employer engagement learning opportunities, but they donate funds to help JAG-K prepare students for successful futures.

Shop with Dillons and support JAG-K!

Preparing Students
for Successful Futures
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