Can you guess how long it took us to get this staff picture?

If you guessed about 4 hours, you'd be right. Every time we tried to pull everyone together, something came up. A truck pulled in with our milk delivery. An unexpected vegetable donation came in. A donor needed food drive boxes. The phone rang. The front doorbell rang. And rang.

We usually use this space to tell you about our incredible volunteers, our brave and resilient clients, or our amazing donors. Today, half-way through Hunger Action Month, we want to tell you about our phenomenal staff.

This team stood shoulder to shoulder to serve those in need when we knew so little about COVID-19 and how it spread--when we had no idea what the risk level was.

They worked extended hours through the early days of the COVID-19 crisis, when demand for services quadrupled just as our volunteer program was suspended. They faced unknown risks and kept at it, knowing that families depend on us for their most basic need--food.

These are the folks who answer the phones, pick up rescued food from grocery stores, purchase the food that doesn't get donated, manage the warehouse, take care of families in need in our parking lot, and try their best to make sure every single person we interact with is treated with grace, respect and dignity.

This team stands up for families in need of food. And they believe that no one should go hungry - not in their community.