Spring 2012







Friday June 29, 2012 L.O.T.I. Pub  

6254 Main Street Tannersville,NY  

HUGE Silent Auction begins at 6:00pm, dinner 7:30pm Live Entertainment from Trio 3

Dear Members,
It is Spring again and therefore time to update you on what is happening at the Hunter Foundation. While the mild winter had a negative effect on our local businesses, the Hunter Foundation was hard at work. We paid attention to our projects, our grant programs and the situation in Prattsville.

When we refer to a Hunter Foundation "Project", we refer to work done on a building owned by the Hunter Foundation. The purchase of a building is typically funded by the Royce Family Fund and the decision to buy is based upon its location on Main Street or its historic importance. Every building owned by the Hunter Foundation remains on the tax rolls. We pay full assessed value for all buildings owned by the Hunter Foundation.

Below is a brief recap of PROJECTS and recent milestones:

  • In September of 2011 we acquired "Smiley's" at 6067 Main Street, Tannersville. We felt that Smiley's held an important place not only on Main Street but also in the history of Tannersville and it was becoming less and less attractive as time went on. Unbeknownst to many, we have been working on the layout and plans for this fabulous project and work is being planned to begin very soon... in fact, we hope to be serving ice cream this summer!   
  • Main Street Tannersville... severely damaged by the flooding in August, the building once known as "Bickelmann's" (6029 Main) was acquired by the Hunter Foundation in December 2011 in an effort to save it from certain destruction. We did have to perform emergency repairs and, in so doing, removed a 15' addition on the front of the building. The hope is to renovate the remaining portion of the building and secure its lasting future on Main Street.
  • And, finally, in January 2012, we purchased 5994 Main Street (next to Maggie's Krooked Cafe). This is a central building with unsightly property appearance that drew attention for the wrong reasons. Although plans have not yet been settled on for this building, you can be sure that when its done, it will contribute to the beauty of our main street. 
Home Buyers:

     Our definition of a "Program" is typically a grant program that has been created to address a need (or needs) of Mountaintop residents. Rip Van Winkle Homeownership Program (RVWHOP) is a grant program funded by NYS Housing and Community Renewal, created to assist low and moderate-income individuals and families with the purchase of an existing home in the Town of Hunter. Up to $25,000 is available for closing costs, down-payment assistance and necessary repairs. Our grant be can leveraged with other funding programs such as Federal Home Loan Banks' First Home Club or Western Catskill's homebuyer program to give recipients the best possible chance to not only purchase a home, but be able to keep it.

      To date, through the RVWHOP, we have had 4 successful closings and 7 more are planned. What that means to us is 4 existing homes - that were previously vacant - are now home to happy and productive working families - 6 adults and 4 children have been afforded the dream of home ownership. This also means that 4 homes will remain on the tax rolls and 4 families will shop in our stores, eat in our restaurants and contribute to the overall well being of the

Town's economy.        

     To aid in the delivery of our home ownership program, we have offered up our Homebuyer Counseling classes to the community FREE OF CHARGE. Sessions are hosted by Hotel Mountain Brook and offer advice covering key components such as budget and credit counseling, budgeting for a home, the mortgage process, and life as a homeowner among other things. "Realizing the American Dream" manuals are also provided as a reference tool to class participants at no charge.

     Additionally, 2 other seminars have also been offered FREE OF CHARGE to the community. The first was held in January 2012 with guest speaker Don Doyle of Ulster Savings Bank. Entitled "Paying Bills During Tough Times", this seminar was a well attended Money Management Seminar taking a "common sense" approach to budgeting, eliminating debt and repairing credit. The second seminar was held in March 2012, also with guest speaker Don Doyle, entitled "The Qualified Homebuyer", covering issues such as obtaining a mortgage, saving for down-payment, credit scores and issues encountered when buying a home. Over 75 people have benefited from these educational offering

Home Rehabilitation:

     Mountaintop Communities Rehabilitation Program (MCRP) is a grant program funded by NYS Homes and Community Renewal and NYS Affordable Housing Corporation to assist low and moderate-income families and individuals make necessary repairs to their homes. Up to $40,000 is available to each qualified applicant and may be used to correct code violations, prolong the useful life of the home, allow for "aging in place" for senior citizens and address energy conservation concerns. The goal is to bring each home to HUD Housing Quality Standards. 

      To date, through this program, we have assisted in the rehabilitation of 15 homes benefiting 32 individuals and have spent over $250,000 to bring the homes up to Housing Quality Standards. Initial inspections have been started on another 3 homes, all of which are occupied by senior citizens. Some of the tasks performed thus far include roof replacement, foundation repairs, septic system installation, conversion to handicapped bathroom, chimney repairs, window replacement, electrical upgrades, plumbing, floors, house siding and much more.

Prattsville Update 

     The Hunter Foundation has worked tirelessly with the rebuild efforts and the people devastated by the August flooding. To date we have received restricted grants and/or donations totaling $76,500, all of which went directly into the lives and homes of Mountaintop residents. We have handed out $50,500 in gift cards from Walmart, Jim's Great American and Williams Lumber. We also had a direct impact on the lives of 3 elderly homeowners when $26,000 in restricted funds was used to complete the rebuild on their Prattsville homes.

     Charlene and Annie both sit on the Unmet Needs Committee. Meetings are held monthly at which time case workers provide reports and information on people directly impacted by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee and the unmet needs they are struggling with as they try to put their lives and those of their families back together. Often the Unmet Needs Committee is able to identify sources to meet the need, but if all are exhausted and the need still exists we have been able to utilize donated funds with which to offer assistance. Donated funds, however, have been exhausted and the needs remain.

     We have submitted applications to 2 separate foundations and are  hopeful that we can secure some funds to allow the Prattsville rebuild efforts to continue. Volunteer labor is being coordinated through the Huntersfield group and homeowners have received some FEMA funds to offset the cost of materials, but there is a large gap in the funding needed to purchase materials and complete the rebuilds. To date, 19 homes have been completely renovated and the families have returned to their homes. However, more help is needed.

The Painted Village

     Elena Patterson is the mastermind behind the Hunter Foundation's Paint Program, the co-chair for the Board of Directors, and a philanthropist with a huge heart and a great eye for color! While we all know her for her bold color choices and beautiful paint schemes, how did Elena find herself on the mountain and in the arts?

     Elena has been visiting the Mountaintop since the 70's. A family member owned a house in the area and would spend winters in Florida. During those winter periods, Elena, her husband and children would come up and use the house. They would also occasionally visit in the summers when her sons were babies, showing them off and taking in the fresh air of the mountains. It was this, the fresh air, trees, dirt roads, and the magnificent walks in the woods that she loves most about the area.
      She has always been artistic, even as a young child. She was drawn, early on, to making things from items others had discarded. She attributes this to having limited supplies but more so to seeing the beauty that is buried inside all objects. She was not able to study art in school, as the curriculum did not allow, but there
was no question that she would study art at university. She enrolled at Stellenbosch University in South Africa and graduated with a BA in Graphic Design.

     Later in life two books on American "Painted Ladies", about Victorian buildings painted in magnificent colors and photographed by Douglas Keister, fascinated Elena. She set to painting her home in a similar fashion, even though it was newly constructed and lacked the gingerbread trim of an old Victorian. She chose different areas and walls to be painted in different colors, using a unifying trim color. For added whimsy, she painted shutters with pictures on them, suggesting what was happening inside those rooms. She decorated the front door with an animal print and painted the rocks lining the driveway in colors to match the house. The effect was quite successful and people came from all over to look at the home. The house was also included in a book in 2007, titled Cottages, and photographed by the same Douglas Keister!

    Elena had given some thought to possibly asking the Tannersville Mayor at the time, Glenn Wyant, whether a paint scheme similar to the one she had employed on her own home, would work in the Village. A rainy afternoon two ladies from a distant house knocked on her door after walking about a mile, just to tell her how much they loved her paint scheme. This was the event that pushed her to pursue the Paint Program.

     She pitched the idea to the mayor who was more than enthusiastic about it. He suggested she team up with the Hunter Foundation who were already administering several rehabilitation grants throughout the Village. This began a hugely successful relationship that continues to this day.

     The Paint Program has painted over fifty buildings on Main Street in the town of Hunter over the past ten years. After creating so many color schemes with such a varied look and feel, you have to wonder where she gets her inspiration. Elena says that her inspiration for her colors schemes are the colors themselves, or more specifically how the colors play off one another and complement each other. Depending on the combination they can be "delicious", "fun", "funky", "sophisticated", "playful" etc.- each one has its very own character. One of the biggest misconceptions about the paint program is that owners have no say in the colors that will go on their building. Often owners will give us the paint colors they like and Elena will create a few color schemes based on those colors. Elena says, "I usually do three color combinations, ranging in degrees of wildness to mildness. The courage of the building owner determines which combination is to be the winner."

When talking about the future of the Paint Program, Elena would like to set up a Maintenance Fund so that all of the buildings that have been painted can continue to be maintained and look their best. This will be at little to no cost for the owners of the buildings. She is also in the process of illustrating a children's book which she has written based on the Paint Program. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Paint Program Maintenance Fund.

There are several new projects for 2012 that will be sure to have a huge impact on the overall look of the Village. The Alfie's building at 5988 Main Street will be painted this summer, color combination to be determined. The Kaaterskill United Methodist Church and parsonage will also be getting a face-lift this summer. The newly renovated 6042 Main Street will also be painted. 5326 Route 23A in Haines Falls is another huge project that has already started! Watch out for great things from the Hunter Foundation's Paint Program this summer!  



News From the Paint Project

    While the Tannersville Paint Project still has several buildings to paint this coming season, we are also revving up our maintenance program.

    Maintaining our colorful buildings has always been a priority for us as well as for many of our contributors. We have retouched a few spots of peeling paint on one or two buildings in the past, but have been really impressed by the quality and durability of the paint application on all the buildings in Town. BRAVO to our special group of contractors and to Benjamin Moore Paints!

    Ten years on, we are aware that maintenance will become a larger part of our project list. We are thus focusing our efforts on growing our already established Maintenance Fund, from which we can draw when and as the need arises.

    We were contacted a few days ago by Cindy Perman, author of the 2008 book, NY Curiosities, asking for updated information on Tannersville's Paint Project for the new edition of her book which is due out by mid-year. Not having been aware that we had been featured in her first edition, we are thrilled with this bit of information.

    In order to continue our successful campaign to attract visitors to our Mountain-top - thus helping our local businesses - we ask that you give generously to the Hunter Foundation. If you choose to donate to the Maintenance Fund, please note that on your check. Your contributions are not only tax deductible, but will also be managed thoughtfully and prudently.

    With your help, we will be able to ensure continued visits from the curious!  

    With sincere gratitude for your generous support,


Elena Patterson
(Co-Chair, The Hunter Foundation)

We're Celebrating 15 YEARS!

Since our scant beginnings in 1997, through a variety of projects and programs, we've accomplished many things, including:

  • Provided work or contract services to more than 96 local contractors, firms and individuals - more than 90% of which have 2 or more employees;
  • Provided direct financial assistance to 9 existing businesses and the creation of 11 new businesses in the Town of hunter;
  • Further assisted 99 buildings in the Town of Hunter with repairs, renovations and/or painting.
  • Administered 35 grants and approximately $2,400,000.00 in grant funds.

We are always grateful for the opportunity to assist our neighbors to such a great extent through so many projects and programs. We look forward to continuing on this path by investing even more in our local economy, thereby improving the quality of life for all our residents.oldest main street

old main street 2old main streetmain street nowchurch window

visitor centerparkparking sign 

How can YOU help?

Your donations are needed now more than ever before. We are facing enormous challenges and rely on your generosity not only to continue our worthy programs but also to offer assistance to our flood ravaged neighbors. We thank you for your generous contributions and remind you that your donations to the Hunter Foundation are fully tax deductible.

Make a Donation
Issue #3  
In This Issue
Home Buyers Program
Home Rehab Program
Prattsville Update
The Painted Village
News From the Paint Project
Celebrating 15 Years!
How can YOU help?
Contractors Breakfast
Featured Local Business
What are people saying?
Contractors Breakfast

Over 40 local contractors turned out recently for a delicious Contractors Breakfast catered by Chris Cade at the Astor House Bakery/Café. The breakfast was meant to introduce new contractors to Foundation staff and familiarize them with our many programs.  


Join Our Mailing List

    The "Creekwalk" concept was first introduced in 2008. It is an exciting addition to Main Street that will benefit everyone living in or visiting the Village of Tannersville. Located between 6041 (former "Aspens") and 6045 (former "Slopes") Main Street, Creekwalk is a attractive, well-lit series of steps, seating and landings
created to allow safe, easy access from the Orpheum, Main Street shops and restaurants to public parking below. And, when completed, Creekwalk will include a nicely landscaped, family friendly picnic area with walkway along the creek.

   The location of Creekwalk was once a poorly constructed structure built to allow easy passage from one Night Club to another. It was unsafe and unsightly. It was the feeling of the Hunter Foundation that it would make sense to remove this ugly structure and to replace it with safe public passage. Then, with the help of Greene County Soil and Water, the concept of Creekwalk became much more than just steps. We expect Creekwalk to be completed in 2012.

Board of Directors:

Elena Patterson, Co-Chair Matthew Leach, Co-Chair Jane Lucas, Secretary
Peter Finn
Catherine Legg-Rubinger Loring (Skip) Pratt
Deborah Royce
 Elizabeth Showers-Mann Catherine Wade


Featured Local Bussiness


Please join us at our International Cuisine Restaurant. Award winning Chef Edward Lanzinger has been creating delicious dishes on the Mountaintop for over 20 years. Located in the heart of Tannersville, The Village Bistro is open year round bringing you flavors from around the globe close to home.

6033 Main Street * Tannersville, NY * 518.589.5855


What people are saying about the Hunter Foundation...

"Thank you for all the work you guys have brought me. Probably would not have survived without it."  


"The Hunter Foundation has literally given me not only my new roof (and other repairs), but has also given me the ability to enjoy, without worry or distraction, the experience of living in this beautiful and special part of the country, and the invaluable experience of being a recipient of a communities's great generosity to a relative-newcomer (but CONFIRMED LOVER) of the mountaintop. I hope that, someday, I MAY GIVE BACK..."  


"Many thanks sent to you from all of us for all your help and interest in the restoration of our home. Very much appreciated"  


"... at the completion of work on my home through a grant from the Mountaintop Communities Rehabilitation Program, I want to thank you for the opportunity you gave me."


"Thank you for all you are doing for me. When you showed up, it got WARM already."  


"...we are so grateful to the Hunter Foundation for providing us this opportunity to become first time homeowners!"  


"On behalf of the Hotel Mountain Brook, I would like to thank the Hunter Foundation for its unending commitment to restoring tourism on the Mountain Top and the prospects it provides for our community. I am proud to be a significant part of the transformation."  


"I thank you for your help in getting a boiler room built for my furnace... It was a matter of life or death from mold contamination. Thank you."

Hunter Foundation, Inc. * Post Office Box 563 * Tannersville, NY 12485 * 518.589.5050