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Hunter's Creek Middle School

21st Century Digital Learners

Florida 'A' Rated School

13400 Town Loop Blvd.

Orlando, FL 32837

(407) 858-4620

On Friday, January 17th, OCPS hosted the Stellar Awards to celebrate schools’ Teacher and Support Person of the Year. This year, Ms. McNealy was chosen as Teacher of the Year and Ms. LaRouche was chosen as Support Person of the Year at HCMS. This was announced in September and last night was the celebration for these amazing women!

Hunter's Creek Middle School Community Brief Monday, January 27, 2025

We are very excited to announce to you that this year’s HCMS author’s visit will be with author George O’Connor, and will take place on February 27th. Our students and staff are reading his books vigorously and can’t wait for the visit!

ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) students will start taking the ACCESS test on Thursday, January 30th. This test is an annually required assessment for all English Language Learners. We will continue testing our students through the month of February.

Our basketball season has started and HCMS will be hosting the first home game against South Creek Middle School Wednesday, January 29th, at 5:30 pm in the gymnasium. Below is a reminder for the students who would like to attend the basketball home games.

We continue to celebrate and highlight the successes and accomplishments of our students. Thank you for reading our January Eagles’ View edition and for supporting Hunter’s Creek Middle School.

Joumana Moukaddam


Hunter's Creek Middle School

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Useful Links:

OCPS 2024-2025 Calendar

HCMS Website

Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook

Launchpad LogIn for Parents

OCPS Skyward for Families

Food and Nutrition Services


Upcoming Events

Monday, January 27th to Friday, January 31st: Celebrate Literacy Week! (See Below for HCMS’s Schedule!)

Monday, January 27th: Stop for Literacy (All students read and log in Beanstack during their Literacy classes)

Basketball at Meadow Woods, Away, 5:30pm

Tuesday, January 28th: ACCESS Testing for ELL Students (Listening & Reading)

Wednesday, January 29th: Readers Represent OR House Spirit Day! 🧡🤍💚💜💙💛❤️

Basketball vs. South Creek, HOME, 5:00pm

Thursday, January 30th: ACCESS Testing for ELL Students (Writing)

Friday, January 31st: Breakfast Book Swap 8:30-9:25am, Library

Door Decorating Contest Judging

Monday, February 3rd to Friday, February 7th: National School Counselor Week!

Monday, February 3rd: Basketball at Innovation, Away, 5:30pm

Wednesday, February 5th: House Spirit Day! 🧡🤍💚💜💙💛❤️

Basketball at Lake Nona, Away, 5:00pm

Thursday, February 6th: Incoming 6th Grade Information Night 5:30-7pm, Cafeteria

Monday, February 10th: Community SAC Meeting 5:50pm, Freedom High School Library (School Advisory Council)

Basketball vs. Walker, HOME, 5:30pm

Tuesday, February 11th: Resiliency Day (Modified Schedule)

Wednesday, February 12th: House Spirit Day! 🧡🤍💚💜💙💛❤️

Basketball at Luminary, Away, 5:00pm

Thursday, February 13th: Jazz Band MPA (Music Performance Assessment)

Friday, February 14th: School Crossing Guard Day

Saturday, February 15th: Band Solo & Ensemble

Monday, February 17th: Presidents Day (No School)

Deadline for OCPS 2025-2026 Magnet Applications

Wednesday, February 19th: Future Problem Solvers Regional Competition

Orchestra Pre-MPA

House Spirit Day! 🧡🤍💚💜💙💛❤️

Basketball vs. Freedom, HOME, 5:00pm

Friday, February 21st: House Meeting (Staff vs. Student Basketball)

Tuesday, February 25th: Olympians Community Night 5-7pm

Wednesday, February 26th: House Spirit Day! 🧡🤍💚💜💙💛❤️

PTSA Dance 3pm, Cafeteria

Thursday, February 27th: GEORGE O’CONNOR VISIT!

Students of the Week

7th Grade Students of the Week (announced 1/17)

Congratulations to our 7th Grade Students of the Week!

Edie Mize for Excellence: I want to celebrate Edie for her endless enthusiasm, creativity, and helpfulness. Not only is she an active participant in book club, but she frequently volunteers to help out in the library in the morning. She and her amazing attitude are such a gift to the library! -Ms. H

Annarita Abraham for Excellence: Annarita is one of the most mature, kind, and hardworking students I have ever had the pleasure of teaching! She is an avid reader, an excellent student, and is always striving for improvement. She is already incredible, but continues to push herself to reach new heights. She deserves this award, and I am proud to be able to nominate her. -Mr. O

Antonella Jaramillo for Excellence: Antonella is nominated for student of the week for academic excellence! She has shown growth in Algebra and has really made great gains throughout semester 1. I am proud of her hard work, work ethic, and perseverance! Keep up the great work, Antonella! -Mrs. Lebron

Natalia Alayon for Giving Respect: Natalia is a wonderful student who works hard and is always friendly and polite! I love having her in my classroom, she always brightens my day each morning. Keep being positive and your bright shining self! -Ms. DeLuca  

Scarlet-Gray Soto for Exemplifying Perseverance: Scarlet-Gray has taken such ownership of her George O'Connor project, even when there was a speed bump. It is so awesome seeing her take it all in stride and truly succeed! -Ms. Moye

Keep up the amazing work!

6th Grade Students of the Week (announced 1/10)

Congratulations to our 6th Grade Students of the Week!

Juan Toyo Parra for Excellence: Juan is always doing everything it takes to do well in science. His excellence in academics should be rewarded. -Mr. Putchinski

Giuliana Quintero Perdomo for Excellence: Giuliana is wonderful student. She is polite and on-time to class. She pays attention and turns in all of her work. She has truly shown excellence in her first year of middle school. Way to go! -Ms. Drake

Lucas Williams for Excellence: I cannot say enough on how proud I am of Lucas. He is such a pleasure to have in class. He pays attention, participates, and has fun. He consistently turns in all of his homework and prepares for his test. His test score average for the second quarter was above a 90%. I am so very proud of his accomplishments this year. -Ms. Drake

Mason Fernandez for Leadership: Mason is a model student. He demonstrates his leadership qualities in class daily. He is respectful and always willing to help. Thank you for being awesome, Mason! -Ms. Rodriguez

Joseph Alaimo for Academic Integrity: Joseph is an excellent student with strong work ethics and leadership skills that help him succeed in Life Science Advanced. I really enjoy his willingness to actively participate in class. Way to go Joseph, keep up the great work! -Ms. Frontanez

Ysabely Colucci Almeida for Giving Respect: Ysabely is respectful, kind, gracious, and always willing to help. She has been nothing but respectful to me as her classroom teacher with a pleasant smile, courteous greetings, and follow through with classroom directions. Also, she is a great participant in our classroom activities with answering questions and helping her peers. -Ms. Roberts

Ella Duran for Excellence: Ella is nominated for Excellence because she is such a smart and vivacious student who does her best in her academic endeavors. -Ms. Roberts

Keep up the amazing work!

Literacy Week begins this Monday!

Hunter’s Creek Middle School Presents: Literacy Week 2025

January 27th to January 31st is Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!

Monday, January 27th

· Stop for Literacy!

To promote the Eagle Super Reader program, all students will read in their Language Arts & Reading classes all day, and any students who need to visit the library to receive prizes can.

· Stop by the library to take part in the daily game!

Earn a HERO point for taking part & a piece of candy if you succeed at the game!

Tuesday, January 28th

· Continue taking part in the daily and ongoing activities!

  • Library closed during the day -- ACCESS testing in the Library.

Wednesday, January 29th

· Readers Represent!

Wear a book, character, manga/anime, or other reading related shirt today!

Earn a HERO point for taking part!

· Stop by the library to take part in the daily game!

Earn a HERO point for taking part & a piece of candy if you succeed at the game!

Thursday, January 30th

· Continue taking part in the daily and ongoing activities!

  • Library closed during the day -- ACCESS testing in the Library.

Friday, January 31st

· Breakfast Book Swap!

From 8:30am to 9:25am, students, faculty, and staff members will be invited to participate in a book swap in the HCMS Library. Bring a gently used book to swap for a new-to-you book. Breakfast treats will be provided!

(Library closed in the morning unless taking part in the book swap.)

· Stop by the library to take part in the daily game!

Earn a HERO point for taking part & a piece of candy if you succeed at the game!

Every Day

· 2022-23 Favorite Book Voting

Via the Canvas Inbox, all students will receive forms daily to vote for their favorite books until we narrow it down to what book will be added to the HCMS Favorite Book Hall of Fame!

· Favorite Bookmark Voting in the Library

Students can vote for their favorite student-created bookmark in the library or on the Canvas Dashboard.

Throughout the Week

· Door Decorating Contest

Students (of a teacher’s choosing) can decorate their teacher’s classroom door to represent a celebration of literacy. Judging of the doors will take place Friday afternoon. The doors will be judged on their creativity, neatness/appearance, literacy components, and that they are student- created. The winning class/group of students will be given a donut party to celebrate!

· Beanstack Logging

 Don’t forget to log your reading in Beanstack (this week and every week!)

 This is the last week for our READING BATTLE so make sure your Beanstack is all up to date!

· Word & Reading Games in the Library

 Stop by the library to do our word search, crossword, or other reading games!

What book will be added to our HCMS Book Hall of Fame?!?!?

HCMS School Spelling Bee

Congratulations to all qualifiers for our school spelling bee--all students should be proud of their accomplishments!

This very tough competition led to the following results: 

~ Ishani Majumdar, 7th grade, scored a perfect 20/20 and will be moving on to the OCPS Qualifier. 

~ Maddie Moist, 7th grade, and Ryder Woods, 6th grade, were both a close 2nd (tied) scoring 18/20. 

County Spanish Spelling Bee

Our Spanish Spelling Bee champions took part in the OCPS Spanish Spelling Bee, and we are so proud of their accomplishments!

Alejandra Rodriguez Echenique, our alternate, watched the competition as Nicolás Guzmán made it to round three while Arianna Becerra Mora made it to the 4th round, which meant she was in the top 5 (out of 80)! Congratulations!

Thank you Deputy Martin!

Thursday, January 9th was Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, so we celebrated our amazing School Resource Officer, Deputy Martin! Thank you, Deputy Martin, for all you do to keep us safe!

Art News

Certificates and Award Ribbons have finally arrived for our HCMS Participants and Honorable Mention winners of The Global Peace Film Festival Art Contest.

Below are pics of our students who competed and our Honorable Mentions:

(L to R) Miah Beltran 8th (Honorable Mention), Julia Ferrera 8th (Certificate of Recognition), Angelica Dorta 8th (Honorable Mention)

Melanie Luzardo, 7th (Certificate of Recognition)

Samanta Ferre, 7th (Certificate of Recognition)

L- Miah Beltran

L- Angelica Dorta

Golden Spoon Award

 Earlier this month, OCPS honored educators that were nominated by others with a Golden Spoon Award which is an award given to individuals who provide meaningful support and feedback to teachers.

Two HCMS faculty members were honored with this award: 

Athena Occhipinti, nominated by Tatiana Cozzo

Kellee Moye, nominated by Angela DeLuca

Congratulations to both employees for your support of others at HCMS!

Library Updates

Beanstack Challenges Update

In December, 487 students read at least an hour for the Beanstack Reading Wrap Up, with 123 students reading over 300 minutes and 47 students logging over 600 minutes! Visit HERE to view the list of 300+ & 600+ readers. Keep up the amazing reading, Eagles!

Reading Battle

Our reading battle through Beanstack against Southwest Middle School is a NAIL BITER! 

We can’t let them beat us–they never have before!

The reading battle goes through the end of January. Whichever school loses, the principal has to wear the shirt from the other school, so let’s make Mr. Rosado rock an Eagle shirt!

Let’s Read OCPS! 

We are excited to announce that we are participating in the district-wide reading challenge, Let’s Read, OCPS! This challenge will run from January 27 to April 30, 2025, and will encourage students to read for enjoyment and develop a lifelong love of reading by contributing to the district-wide goal of reading 20 million minutes! All reading is encouraged and celebrated! We believe that giving students the freedom to choose what they read is the key to igniting their passion for literacy. All reading counts!

How it Works:

Each student's goal is to log at least 500 minutes of reading or 10 minutes daily into Beanstack. Beanstack is a free and easy-to-use app that can be found in the Library Research Tools folder on LaunchPad. Beanstack allows students to log their reading minutes, set reading goals, and earn virtual badges and rewards. If you have an Orange County Library System card, you can create your own Beanstack account and track your reading alongside your student.

How to Participate:

Log in through Launchpad: Open Beanstack in the Library Research Tools folder on Launchpad to track your students’ reading daily and even set a timer while they read! 

Download the mobile app: Visit the App Store or Google Play Store and download the Beanstack app to your mobile device. Search for “OCPS [School Name]” and find your school to join the challenge.

  • Username: Student ID Number
  • Password: student last name, lowercase

Start Reading and Logging: Encourage your child to read books, magazines, or articles and log all of their reading time on Beanstack, daily.

Join in on the Conversation: Discuss with your child what they are reading and who their favorite characters are. Explore new genres or authors together, and be a reading role model to them! Use the hashtag #OCPSReads on social media and post what you’re reading or how you’re participating!

By participating in this challenge, your child will improve their reading skills and have the opportunity to win exciting prizes. Let's work together to make this reading challenge a success!

More information about the reading challenge can be found at

10,000th Check Out!

Travis Tayler checked out Artemis by George O’Connor as our 10,000th check out. 

TWDL Magnet Program Info for Incoming 6th Graders

Attention 5th grade families: If you are interested in our Two-Way Dual Language Magnet Program for your incoming 6th grader (2025-2026), be sure to submit your application with OCPS School Choice Services at by midnight on February 17, 2025. Students will be selected via lottery. If you have any questions or need assistance with the application, you may contact the OCPS School Choice Magnet Team at

HCMS Vocabulary Initiative Update!

Our HCMS Vocabulary Initiative is focusing on word parts to work towards being able to break apart words to determine their meaning. Research shows that learning word parts is the most effective way to grow vocabulary in the secondary setting because one word part can help with determining the meaning of many words. 

To view all HCMS Word Parts, visit the HCMS Word Parts Quizlet.

Here are the word parts shared since December 20th: 

Graduating Eagles Yard Signs!

Alright parents! It’s that time! 

Class of 2025 yard signs are now available for preorder on our PTSA MemberHub store! 

Preorders will be taken through 4/1 for pick up on or around 4/22. 

Visit to order yours today!🦅🦅


Superintendent's Weekly Message:

Jan. 13, 2025

Ever wondered what makes some kids bounce back from challenges like champs? On this week's Mondays with Maria presented by Addition Financial, Dr. Vazquez talks to some amazing students from Evans High School and their SAFE Coordinator Jennifer Bohn about the key characteristics of resiliency!

Be sure to catch the extended interview with Evans High on the Mondays with Maria Podcast for more resiliency tips. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. 

OCPS - Magnet Program Application Deadlines Coming Soon

OCPS offers several dynamic and innovative Magnet Programs across our district for students to participate in. Families with students as young as Kindergarten can apply to participate in one of 41 programs offered at the elementary, middle and high school level.

You can see all the Magnet offerings at:

To participate in one of these Magnet Programs families must apply. The application must be submitted electronically before the deadline of February 17, 2025, for consideration in the first lottery. Students must meet the eligibility requirements of the magnet(s) for which they are applying.

Families may apply here:

If you would like to see additional information on our Magnet Programs, please visit the OCPS Magnet Office on social media at:


Enjoy Literacy Week!

Mrs. Moukaddam, Principal

Hunter's Creek Middle School

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Hunter's Creek Middle School Leadership Team

Principal: Joumana Moukaddam

Assistant Principal of Instruction: Jane Mabra

Assistant Principal: Debra Vereen

6th Grade Dean: Dominic Golia

7th Grade Dean: Shatoya Coogle

8th Grade Dean: Joquetta Carter

6th Grade & 7th Grade M-Z Counselor: Annikki Merritt

8th Grade & 7th Grade A-L Counselor: Kelly Armstrong

ESOL Compliance & Dual Language Coordinator: Joley Dominguez

Staffing Specialist: Alejandra Camacho

Social Worker: Suzette Fonseca

Testing Coordinator: Allison Nicosia

MTSS Coordinator & Boys and Girls Club Coordinator: Karen Godwin 

Attendance Clerk: Mary Thomas

Librarian: Kellee Moye

This communication may contain information that is legally privileged, confidential or exempt from disclosure, and intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please note that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Anyone who receives this message in error should notify the sender immediately by telephone or by return e-mail, and delete the message from their computer and any printout thereof. Please note that OCPS utilizes spam and junk e-mail filtration applications in its e-mail systems. That filtering process may prevent or delay delivery of certain e-mail communications. If you do not receive a timely response to an e-mail communication, please contact the intended recipient by phone.

OCPS EEO Non-Discrimination Statement
The School Board of Orange County, Florida, does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities, on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by law. The following individuals at the Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center, 445 West Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, attend to compliance matters: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer & Title IX Coordinator: Keshara Cowans; ADA Coordinator; ADA Coordinator: Jay Cardinali; Section 504 Coordinator: Tajuana Lee-Wenze. (407.317.3200)
Copyright Notice
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Hunter's Creek Middle School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Hunter's Creek Middle School. Please contact Mrs. Joumana Moukaddam (Principal) at with any questions related to the program.
Hunter's Creek Middle | Mrs. Moukaddam, Principal | 407.858.4620 | HCMS Website
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