November 2018 Edition
Welcome to the Hunterdon County Economic Development E-Newsletter
A Note from the Economic Development Director

Hunterdon County is uniquely positioned for long term prosperity by virtue of its proximity to major markets, the quality and skill of its workforce, the strength of its diverse business base, and the natural beauty of its environment. The County Freeholders have firmly committed to work with county partners to create and sustain programs and relationships that will keep Hunterdon vibrant for generations to come…and this economic development effort is one of their main tools to do just that.

Whether it’s partnering with the private sector to grow the economy, with our communities to lend tools to enable them to continue to flourish, or with our schools to develop career pathways for our students…and so much more…the Economic Development Division will always seek to continue to raise expectations for what all of our citizens can expect out of the quality of life in Hunterdon County! Please contact us at any time, for any reason and give us a chance to help grow your opportunity here!
County Economic Development in the News
Wonderful to Welcome UNICOM Global to the Hunterdon Community!
Hunterdon County and Readington Township were both excited and honored to welcome UNICOM Global to the community in November. The presence of an IT giant of UNICOM’s stature will serve to cement Hunterdon’s distinction as a technology and innovation hub, along with the recent expansion of ExxonMobil’s R & D facility in Clinton Township and the county’s growing Innovation Initiative. Most importantly, UNICOM Global’s commitment to community and entrepreneurialism bodes well for the future of the county. Click below to learn more about the welcoming event and this exceptional company :
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County Launches Economic Development Grant Program
The county Freeholders have taken another step toward promoting economic development in Hunterdon.

Under a plan approved by the Freeholders last week, Hunterdon municipalities can now apply for economic development grants.

“Establishing a grant program, where the county can provide our municipalities with resources needed to partner in achieving our joint economic development goals, has always been anticipated as a key step on the road to economic growth,” said Freeholder Board Director Matt Holt in a press release."

All Eyes on the I-78 Corridor in Hunterdon
National site selectors recently toured available office space across I-78 in Hunterdon as increased interest in the corridor continues to attract investment.

Recent expansions along the corridor by global companies along with new collaborative economic development efforts by adjacent communities only continues to attract interest.
Contact the Hunterdon County Office of Economic Development at 908-782-7115 to learn more, or email . Find out what opportunity awaits in Hunterdon County, NJ!

Innovation Initiative Updates

HackHunterdon Tech Meetup

Do you want to prepare for the next Hackathon? Learn about a new topic? Or just meet some really cool people? Come to a Hack Hunterdon Meetup. The group meets once a month at the Lone Eagle Brewery in Flemington. Great speakers, cool workshops, fantastic networking…all in one of Hunterdon’s coolest spots. Hope to see you there!

News Spotlight
ArtYard to invest $10M on Frenchtown Expansion
Work on ArtYard’s new $10 million theater and gallery in downtown Frenchtown will begin in late November.  Click below to learn more about how ArtYard continues to enrich the cultural scene in Hunterdon County.

Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development Welcome new Business Action Center Leadership
Hunterdon and local small business was fortunate to have Melanie Willoughby, new director of the New Jersey Business Action Center, visit recently and provide an update on the direction of the state’s main business retention and expansion arm. Ms. Willoughby emphasized that the center will act as a ‘one-stop shop’ for companies and that the organization would work in partnership with county and local economic development offices.

State News
Jersey Wants to Invest in Your Start-Up
 As part of his plan to reshape the economy of New Jersey, Gov. Philip D. Murphy wants the state to play the role of venture capitalist to lure start-up companies to the state.

EDA making money available (up to $50K) for redevelopment of struggling suburban office parks
 The New Jersey Economic Development Authority is making money available to help one of the biggest development issues in the state: revitalizing abandoned or struggling suburban office parks...“Empty corporate campuses, underutilized malls and shopping centers, and vacant office buildings left behind by the 1980-1990s building boom have become a drain on many New Jersey communities.”

Here’s the state’s plan to jump-start an innovation
“New Jersey was Silicon Valley before there was a Silicon Valley. We’ve lost a little bit of that leadership position, but we still have great, tremendous assets,” said Tim Sullivan, CEO of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

“We think we have room to grow. We need to recapture our leadership position. We’ve fallen off in venture capital investment to New Jersey companies, and we think its really important to recapture our leadership position there,” said Sullivan.
Sullivan laid out a plan to a room full of business innovators at NJIT. It includes bringing $625 million in venture capital to the state by 2025, along with five other specific goals which include..
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